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Treasure Hunting / Exploration / Black Market RP FC

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Hi, all! A small group of us have gotten together and formed an idea we love with a whole lists of ways to make it viable for a RP FC. Problem is, we don't have the numbers to follow through with it and trying to garner interest from those around while RPing doesn't seem to be working so I thought I'd throw it up here to get a wider audience and see if this is really something that is viable.



Expedition Unknown is a RP FC (though we are happy to recruit RP friendly non RPers as we have a couple just straight PVEers). The idea surrounding it is we're a group of skilled (or willing to learn) individuals (field medics, treasure hunters, black market specialists, ect) for hire who explore ruins, caves and other locals for treasure, creatures and specially requested items. We're also in the business of "losing" whatever it is a client wants never to be found again. Currently, we have NPC made contracts but we'd love to have PC contracts and the ability to interact in short or long standing RPs with other people and FCs. 



We'd like to be able to do RP dungeon runs, PotD and treasure maps. The dungeon runs and PotD are easy enough with just four people but the treasure maps (especially with the potential for Aquapolis) need more. We'd love to be able to run these kinds of things with a large enough group to really make it an 'event' for our FC members and contacts. Scavenger hunts could be a lot of fun as well if we could get the numbers. Our target event schedule would be weekly.


Note: We all like just running these things too. Currently, we just throw it out in FC chat when we want to but in the future we'll also have times set aside for just straight runs, PotD and maps as well. 



We're looking for friendly people who want to hang out, run things and RP. If you're not an RPer, that's ok. We just ask that you're RP friendly and respectful to those who do RP. We're not on 24/7 and don't expect y'all to be. We all have jobs, school, families, ect. so don't feel that if you can't be on all the time or miss an event anyone is going to freak out on you. 



At present we do not have an FC house but would like to be able to obtain one at a future date.


Voice Chat:

We have a Discord channel that we use daily. Discord is not mandatory.



We do have a functional website: www.expeditionunknown.enjin.com Please be aware, while mostly finished, it's still a work in progress.


LS: We do have an IC LS and could easily make an OOC one as well for those parties who are already in an FC (or not looking to join one) but would still like to be able to do things with others!



So after that brief little introduction, what do you guys think? Is this something any of y'all would be interested in?


Feel free to comment here or send me a PM. We're open to suggestions and meeting new people!

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To me, it sounds like your RP concept is plenty viable. If you're struggling with membership numbers, that may be due to a couple of other unfortunate factors.


It can be difficult to get FCs off the ground. There are so many FCs out there, but only so many RPers on Balmung to occupy them. Since every RPer can only join one FC (per character), it means that they must find your FC more attractive than every other FC on Balmung. On top of this, the server is very hard to get into, requiring anyone new to pay $18 for a transfer. The result is that many RPers are already in a FC that suits them, and Balmung's overpopulation prevents new members from joining the fold.


Don't be discouraged, however! Have you considered having a complimentary Linkshell for your FC that interested parties can join? This would completely circumvent the issues listed above, and allow people who are really interested in your concept to join in, even if they already belong to a FC. Based on my own experience (of someone who has run a FC and LS like this for 2+ years), LS-only members may even end up enjoying your community so much that they join the FC anyway.


Also, you could consider running some public events, like an IC scavenger hunt. Posting about it on the RPC forums, adding it to the RPC calendar, adding it to the Balmung iCal, and also posting it on Tumblr would help get the word out that you're running an event that's open to all. (Apologies if you've already tried this, but it can be a good way to meet people!)


You don't have to take these suggestions, of course. Just trying to help based on what I've learned from my own experiences. Best of luck!

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I love suggestions so thank you for them! 


We do have a LS which I completely forgot to mention so thank you for reminding me! I edited the original post to mention that and would be happy to add people to it and make an OOC one as well for the same purposes. 


As far as public events go, eventually we'd like to do that. As of right now there just aren't enough of us to be able to successfully complete such a thing. Someday, though!


Sorry for the short reply, on my phone but I wanted to make that edit and say thank you for the response. :D

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Sure thing! As a fellow guild leader, I'm happy to help.


Another suggestion might be to keep your eye out for individuals who are also posting in this forum. You can leave a comment on their posts (or send them a PM) to mention that they would be welcome to join your LS or FC to expand their RP connections. There may be many people in the Making Connections forum who are looking for the exact same thing you are: more people to RP with. It's just a matter of connecting Person A with Opportunity B!

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I was *this* close to making something similar to this. A small group, maybe, but.. seems I wouldn't have to!

I've been losing my drive with FFXIV recently, so this sounds like a way I might be able to inspire myself to keep socking up that sub.


Sadly I'm in a lovely little OOC FC, but ICly I'm sure my catteboy would love to sign up.

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It sounds like a very promising concept, and I really like the inclusion of non-roleplayers who are still RP friendly. I tend to play with a small group of friends where 3 of us are roleplayers and one is not, and sometimes, finding a place that works for us can be hard, so definitely my applause on that!


Treasure Hunting and exploration is always a solid theme to me, and while I'm still kind of checking things out, I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on you guys! If you do set up a Linkshell that people can join to get to know you better, I'd be very interested in joining that for a start!

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Hey there, I'm that troublesome non-roleplayer Rosehip is talking about up above. :D I haven't roleplayed in a few years, but I'd classify myself as RP-friendly, and would do my part to support the guild's activities even if I never get involved in the RP myself.


So my friends and I are considering your guild, and we'd love a chance to get to know some of the members to see if our personalities mesh. Your original post mentions an OOC linkshell. Is that still a possibility? Otherwise, is there a time we could meet and chat in-game? Thanks!

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Yes, we do have both an IC and OOC LS! We would love to have y'all join them both. We're always open to new friends and are looking forward to meeting you guys!


We will try to look for you guys in game but feel free to catch one of us: U'assa Sinbre, U'neassa Sinbre or Talon Morrigan. We'll get y'all added as soon as possible!

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Expedition Unknown is a RP FC (though we are happy to recruit RP friendly non RPers as we have a couple just straight PVEers). The idea surrounding it is we're a group of skilled (or willing to learn) individuals (field medics, treasure hunters, black market specialists, ect) for hire who explore ruins, caves and other locals for treasure, creatures and specially requested items. We're also in the business of "losing" whatever it is a client wants never to be found again. Currently, we have NPC made contracts but we'd love to have PC contracts and the ability to interact in short or long standing RPs with other people and FCs. 



We'd like to be able to do RP dungeon runs, PotD and treasure maps. The dungeon runs and PotD are easy enough with just four people but the treasure maps (especially with the potential for Aquapolis) need more. We'd love to be able to run these kinds of things with a large enough group to really make it an 'event' for our FC members and contacts. Scavenger hunts could be a lot of fun as well if we could get the numbers. Our target event schedule would be weekly.



Advertising is the best way to get your name out there. Shout a succinct ad (no spamming) in each city and in the lowbie zones. Post to the PF regularly during prime time. Post to tumblr and any other social media you know to be used by rpers.


Being present at events is a good way to quietly advertise as well. It gets your name out there. Everyone is looking at everyone else's search info and FC info. Put a tinyurl of some sort in there so people can see more about you guys if they want.


Helping other groups with their events is a bonus. You get the enjoyment of helping to run an event while helping someone else ensure it goes smoothly. I usually think of merchant or fighting events for stuff like this. Reach out to other small FCs too who may be in a similar situation (like mine, lol); this way you can have the numbers to run a more complex event. A simple event like a tavern can be a one man show though (I'm doing that myself now with the Pizzeria), so you don't need a ton of people for those and it still gets your name out there. (Hell, come help with the next RP Levelers LS's Pop up RP event, I'll be happy to have the assistance. xD )


IC dungeon runs have been something often requested on my LS, but sadly I don't have anyone willing to actually run the dang things. Having been in plots before that took us into dungeons, I can tell you that it really isn't fun to be one of the players in the plot who wasn't able to go along due to the limit of 4 people in the dungeon. Unless you have another DM running scenes for those left out, I would suggest you limit participants to 3 besides yourself. Doable even in the tiniest (but not solo) FCs. :)


Feel free to reach out to me in game or here for any ooc help with stuff! It's fun!


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Hey there, just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm still interested in joining your OOC linkshell, I've just had rotten luck being online at the same time as the characters you've listed (U'assa Sinbre, U'neassa Sinbre or Talon Morrigan). I'll keep trying!

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Sounds interesting and almost up my chars ally. For the moment, I would like to join the ooc shell (I got two shell slots open) and maybe the FC later if it works out. The current FC is sort of an in between one anyway and I warned the leader it might be such, as my old fc was dead and I just needed a more active fc that might have some rp going on.


I also have a personal house that can be used as a base for the fc to use as well until a proper house found.


Names Zazanther in the game.

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