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Returning (Again) Player. Now from Japan!


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This'd probably be the third time I've post a thread in this section. Each time has a few more years in between. The first, was in 1.0, a few weeks before the first release when I was a listless individual looking for something to do in life. The 2nd time was around 3 years ago, around when ARR came out and I was in University. 


Now I'm back again. Posting here as a returning player, now from the home of FF, Japan, acting as an Assistant English Teacher.


IRL Information Over!


I'm Tagyr. My main toon is a Hellsguard who went by the name of Thagyr Rhaldgrid, though with RP having gone on for a few years I might change his name to get a fresh start (as well as conform to Hellsguard naming conventions). If you remember me, that's awesome! I'm glad I left some impression with his gruff attitude and apparently shiny eyes.


I've played and RPed across a number of MMOs including WoW and Aion. But my RP started when I was 14 playing a text based MUD called Achaea, which taught me a fair bit about how to describe a world and it's people in pure words.


Looking to get into RP again. It's an itch that hasn't been scratched by gaming's modern trends, and I remember my time in FFXIV fondly. Though. The game is probably a different beast more now than ever. So I'll be the big red Roe getting lost and fumbling with new concepts till he gets his feet wet, while probably filling the vast deficiency in Roegadyn population that I assume is still present. Looking forward to meeting you all either as fresh faces or old ones.


ADD: Might have to update my signature and profile. TIS OLD

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Oh my god,  I know that signature! (And name for that matter)


This is Seraj, if you remember me back from the BF days, it's been a while :D


The character I'm playing right now is actually technically the same one I played back then, though I recently gave her a race change (to Highlander). If you want to add me in game, her name is Raine Silvertongue, would love to catch up.


Both me and Dal recently returned as well, it's super fun to see more people from back then!

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Oh my god,  I know that signature! (And name for that matter)


This is Seraj, if you remember me back from the BF days, it's been a while :D


The character I'm playing right now is actually technically the same one I played back then, though I recently gave her a race change (to Highlander). If you want to add me in game, her name is Raine Silvertongue, would love to catch up.


Both me and Dal recently returned as well, it's super fun to see more people from back then!


was that directed to me? :o

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Oh my god,  I know that signature! (And name for that matter)


This is Seraj, if you remember me back from the BF days, it's been a while :D


The character I'm playing right now is actually technically the same one I played back then, though I recently gave her a race change (to Highlander). If you want to add me in game, her name is Raine Silvertongue, would love to catch up.


Both me and Dal recently returned as well, it's super fun to see more people from back then!


was that directed to me? :o


Nope, was directed at OP :) Baltazar's Favor was a FC (or something) I used to co-run back when the game first launched.

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Oh my god,  I know that signature! (And name for that matter)


This is Seraj, if you remember me back from the BF days, it's been a while :D


The character I'm playing right now is actually technically the same one I played back then, though I recently gave her a race change (to Highlander). If you want to add me in game, her name is Raine Silvertongue, would love to catch up.


Both me and Dal recently returned as well, it's super fun to see more people from back then!


Well there's some names I haven't seen in awhile! Good to know you are still about. Will definitely add you in game.

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