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New to mmo roleplay


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Hey there! I'm a pretty big fan of both mmos and rp, and I've recently started playing ffxiv on the gilgamesh server. (Though I do plan on likely doing a world transfer over to balmung at some point.) I've been rping off and on for a while, mostly on forums and pms, or things such as skype, but I'm admittedly a bit new to rping in an mmo. It seems fun so far, and I'm looking forward to meeting more people and doing more rp! :D

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Hey there! I'm a pretty big fan of both mmos and rp, and I've recently started playing ffxiv on the gilgamesh server. (Though I do plan on likely doing a world transfer over to balmung at some point.) I've been rping off and on for a while, mostly on forums and pms, or things such as skype, but I'm admittedly a bit new to rping in an mmo. It seems fun so far, and I'm looking forward to meeting more people and doing more rp! :D


Once you transfer to Balmung, I'd love to RP with you!

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Oddly enough there is and there isn't much difference between role playing via the forums and via in game. The only difference is you can be a little less descriptive about your environment and your engaging in real time rather then the alternative. There may be some minor social differences too but you'll pick them up as you go.

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Yeah, the nicest thing about it is that the whole game world is persistent. Character plots and development are moving forward 24/7, whether you're online or off. It's a much more lively, breathing world!


Welcome aboard to the RPC, and welcome aboard on your impending move to Balmung! :thumbsup:

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Look forward to seeing you on Balmung! A big welcome to all of us here, if you have any questions or would like to RP sometime give me a message either on here or in-game! :D The Balmung RP community is ever-evolving and lively, new plots, stories, adventures everyday as well as every type of Roleplay you could wish for! Hope you have a fun time ^.^

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