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Mafia Guild looking for connections.

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Hey there!


The Mischief’s Coven is looking for more connections and can fulfill a variety of roles for other groups and individuals too! Regardless of the role though, we’re committed to making sure everyone has fun OOC at the end of the day, and strive to collaborate OOC ahead of time to ensure that. Above all else, player comfort zones will be respected. Here are some of the potential ideas we’re looking for right now:



  • Employment - The Coven offers per-person contract work with non-FC individuals who don’t shy away from shady work from a Thieves Guild. These folks basically have a foot in the door to participate in planned, coordinated events. These jobs can range from thievery to muscle. 


  • Allies - The Coven is looking for potential allies, whether they be organized crime, freelance thieves or even a corrupt law enforcement officer who takes bribes!

  • Indentured Servants (may later become full family member)- Maybe your character isn't evil. Maybe they have found themselves in a tough spot so must serve and work for the mob inorder to pay off a debt? Or maybe you want your good character to become corrupted and turn evil! We cater to this! We'll put you through your paces, treat you poorly for you to one day rise up new, and possibly evil!!


  • Enemies - Of course, with every Thieves Guild, there are those who wish to root out the shadows too- and though they may often try and progress toward such a goal, the shadows are plenty elusive!

If you’re interested, either reply here, send me a PM, or message either “Liliro Liro” or “Kasi Nebuko” in-game to discuss the specifics! Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Heya! I have a character that works with another Mafia-type organization that would likely be interested in getting involved! I have a few others that may need the connections of said Mafia-esque people to get information and supplies. If you're interested, hit me up on here or in game sometime :)!

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Hi! A Shroud-centric Organized Crime gang? Sounds intriguing!


You should try to get in touch with the Black Coeurl!


Aya's not a criminal, as such, but has more ties to the underworld than generally known.  I'd be happy to try to make some sort of a connection.

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Hi! A Shroud-centric Organized Crime gang? Sounds intriguing!


You should try to get in touch with the Black Coeurl!


Aya's not a criminal, as such, but has more ties to the underworld than generally known.  I'd be happy to try to make some sort of a connection.


That sounds good! i'll be poking you in game! :D connections connections connections! omnom.

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If you would like to arrange some sort of fun between our two groups, I'd welcome such. Our group is more or less fighting to preserve the sanctum of purity within Eorzea by performing deed's that aid the greater good rather then the selective few. If your Free Company is in directly harming others we could potentially weave something together on how we cross paths and perhaps even try to 'apprehend' a few of your members to be 'rescued' or something at a later time. After all we are a 'Knight' themed free Company but we utilize the Term 'Knight' in noble indignation rather then in actuality. Let me know, I would love to pass idea's off between one and another to see if this is even plausible.


Ryslo Suramlo.

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If you would like to arrange some sort of fun between our two groups, I'd welcome such. Our group is more or less fighting to preserve the sanctum of purity within Eorzea by performing deed's that aid the greater good rather then the selective few. If your Free Company is in directly harming others we could potentially weave something together on how we cross paths and perhaps even try to 'apprehend' a few of your members to be 'rescued' or something at a later time. After all we are a 'Knight' themed free Company but we utilize the Term 'Knight' in noble indignation rather then in actuality. Let me know, I would love to pass idea's off between one and another to see if this is even plausible.


Ryslo Suramlo.


Hey there Ryslo! 


Yeah, we're definitely looking for some more IC conflict / OOC collaboration with other groups such as your own! I've actually been working a bit with Deahfel and her group too, whom I believe you've already done some events with. In short, the Coven is involved with nefarious deeds such as kidnapping, ransoms, extortion, bribery, break-ins, drugs, thievery, spying, and all manner of other similar themes. Suffice it to say, we definitely do harm unto others. That being said, we are also a subversive organization and favor trickery over direct confrontations (mostly so we can keep our home base out of any fire fights), but such confrontations aren't out of the question either. We're certainly willing to pit organizations against one another, even capturing thieves only for government officials to be bribed into releasing them (corruption runs deep, after all), or for Knights to end up ransomed. 


If this sounds interesting to you, where's the best place to get in touch to discuss particulars? Are you on Discord? If you'd prefer, just drop me a note! I work very heavily with Liliro so you can consider either of us as being the same voice for the Coven, ultimately.

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I'm always online during Fridays and Saturdays in game under the name Ryslo Suramlo. If you get online during those days (any specific times?) that I would love to open dialogue and begin the process of at least opening up dialogue. Some in character tensions are always a pleasure to have, in fact they are welcomed. If those days work great! Lets see about getting something at least discussed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If you're looking for a sheisty and rich benefactor to hit up some scenes with on occassion - Stroud Forscythe is your man! I'd also push you towards Hotaru Gin - she comes highly recommended - if you're looking for the joint shady business. 


Can't speak for her, but ol' Stroud could always use a few hired hands to keep his interests moving along. Look me up sometime in-game and send a tell!

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Zozomaru Roromaru (me!) and his FC run a black market relic/information/etc trading business on the extreme down low. Please feel free to hit us up if you need something like that! Likely that your Coven may have heard of the Razortalons (my FC) or that Zozomaru is known for being able to procure... harder to find things; though the exact nature of either is generally unknown.

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If you're looking for a sheisty and rich benefactor to hit up some scenes with on occassion - Stroud Forscythe is your man! I'd also push you towards Hotaru Gin - she comes highly recommended - if you're looking for the joint shady business. 


Can't speak for her, but ol' Stroud could always use a few hired hands to keep his interests moving along. Look me up sometime in-game and send a tell!


I shall add you to my hit list! You are, of course, welcome to come by the Coven Tavern sometime and order a bloody mary. This'll get Stroud a back-room meeting with the Coven's operators to arrange for a potential business deal- can hit it off there pretty easily, I figure! Always glad to expand the web of contacts. If nothing else though, Kasi can probably hunt him down sometime too, who knows! 


Zozomaru Roromaru (me!) and his FC run a black market relic/information/etc trading business on the extreme down low. Please feel free to hit us up if you need something like that! Likely that your Coven may have heard of the Razortalons (my FC) or that Zozomaru is known for being able to procure... harder to find things; though the exact nature of either is generally unknown.


Interesting! I'll add you to my hit list as well and see about setting something up. The Coven could certainly use more suppliers- we have a pretty broad spectrum of 'employees' ranging from thugs, drug alchemists, drug dealers, assassins and just about everything in between. We can also fence goods as well. I could see us offload black market relics or using the Razortalons as an additional source of information too. We'll see what we can work out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Assuming you're not already swamped with interest by this point, I'd like to express mine with some of the possibilities offered by the Coven.


As a generally heroic adventurer with ties to a generally morally upstanding FC, Talan would probably mostly be an enemy and would-be thwarter of plans to the Coven.


That said, some cooperation may still be possible given the right circumstances or plot. Having that happen after said antagonistic interactions could be...interesting too.


Anyway, I'll be happy to try and discuss the details if you all have the time and inclination. :)

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Hi! I'm pretty new to the server but I'm RPing a Ul'dan investigator. My connections post SHOULD still be relatively new.


Anyway, I've heard nothing but great things about your FC and was hoping to maybe talk to you or one of your Officers about some possible RPs scenario's and such! Leave me a message here, or when I'm in game next which should be in the afternoon tomorrow!

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Assuming you're not already swamped with interest by this point, I'd like to express mine with some of the possibilities offered by the Coven.


As a generally heroic adventurer with ties to a generally morally upstanding FC, Talan would probably mostly be an enemy and would-be thwarter of plans to the Coven.


That said, some cooperation may still be possible given the right circumstances or plot. Having that happen after said antagonistic interactions could be...interesting too.


Anyway, I'll be happy to try and discuss the details if you all have the time and inclination. :)


Hey there! We are currently looking for long-term conflict roleplay! So this could definitely be a lot of fun, especially since we've stolen from the Academy USH before, so a lot of options ^^ Give me a poke in game or on discord Liliro#6860 and we shall talk further ^^



Posted by Thibault - Today 05:21 AM

Hi! I'm pretty new to the server but I'm RPing a Ul'dan investigator. My connections post SHOULD still be relatively new.


Anyway, I've heard nothing but great things about your FC and was hoping to maybe talk to you or one of your Officers about some possible RPs scenario's and such! Leave me a message here, or when I'm in game next which should be in the afternoon tomorrow!




Hiya! WE LOVE SCENARIOS! I'll give you a poke when I next see you or poke me when you next see me! Or on discord too Liliro#6860

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I was asked to just leave this post here for convenience. ^_^


I've done some brainstorming on potential ways for Talan to butt heads with the Coven and think I have a core of an idea to gauge interest in. Some previous RP I've done involved a stock of potent but sealed Mhachi items being messed with in Amdapor Keep, and it's likely both the Gridanians and Talan would be interested in insuring that does not happen again.


While he is being hired to help secure and escort said cache, would it be possible for the Coven to be contracted to try and steal what is essentially a thaumaturgic artillery piece? I'm still fleshing out the details, but I'm leaning toward the client being a very successful and antagonistic pirate crew with some interesting ideas on how to use something like that.

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