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Trying to Find Some RP!

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Hey again, RPC! My internet is being finicky right now, and for other technical reasons, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to get on for a while. Anyways, I figured I might see if I can get some connections together on Siren while I try to get this fixed! I’ll try to be more brief with this than I usually am- brevity is not a strong point of mine. :P


A few things about me and RP:

- I can adjust to either paragraph styled RP or shorter sentences. I have a habit of using emotes quite often, so expect a few to show up from time to time.


- My week tends to be held down with work, so my weekday times aren’t as long as I would like them to be and I can’t afford to be on all the time. I’m on Eastern Standard Time, (GMT-5, I think) and I tend to be on in the later afternoons.


- I’m not exactly a lore whiz in this game, but I make an effort to stay within it.


- I tend to sway from medium to heavy RP, depending on the situation. I'm perfectly fine with romance, but don't expect it to be exactly a simple or fast thing with my characters.


…I’m still not doing a great job at this whole being brief thing.


So, who exactly are my characters?

Well, I only have one for RP as of the moment and she's a bit of a handful to explain.


"Cotton" Fe'lanah (No known surname)-

Race: Miqo'te

Nicknames: Fay, Fee, or "Cotton" to some.

Clan: Keeper of the Moon, ethnically, but appears similar to a Seeker of the Sun.

Age: Somewhere in late adolescence.

Nationality: Unsure.

Citizenship: None as far as she's aware.

Profession/Occupation: Basic survival, maybe?


Bio: (Just think of her as kind of a hippie.)


Cotton simply has no idea how she ever got to Eorzea, or exactly what some of the things are that she sees here. Suffering from amnesia of a rare kind, she cannot remember a single thing about who she used to be, or even some general things about the world. Her only memories are her waking up alone somewhere in the Thanalan deserts and what little she has experienced in the last few days. She formed her name out of whatever sounded nice for her to say and with little knowledge about clan naming. Affiliated only with herself and equipped with nothing but a few beaten tools she had found nearby, she has simply been aimlessly wandering the world and living off the land.


Personality wise, Cotton tends to be quite relaxed and carefree aside from occasionally having a bad habit for getting jealous of others. Painful emotions surface when she thinks too much about her amnesia and it often causes her to be depressed when the topic is mentioned too often. On the other side of her personality, she adamantly refuses anything she did not make or earn herself. As a result of the latter, she dislikes money and carries nary even a single piece of gil on her person.


I won't be able to be on for a while in-game still, but leave a message if you're at all interested or of you think there is something I might need to change!

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I got a few ideas here for you, if anything tickles!


First of, Cotton can always run into Kasi as she is often on the road, traveling as she takes on jobs here and there and trades goods along the way. She's very wilderness-heavy herself. She's also a bit of a Miqo'te nationalist and considers all Miqo'te (at least initially) to be kin, so she's usually more willing to go out of her way for them. The short of it is that Kasi is a freelance mercenary, trader, and an avid cook specializing in meat. She hunts regularly out in the Shroud as well.


Second, there's also the ShroudLife linkshell (in my signature for details). It's essentially a roaming RP linkshell for all over the world- no longer just the Shroud alone. It caters pretty strongly to people who are out in the wilderness a lot and avoid cities. You can go ahead and join the Discord for the time being before you get in-game, too! 


Hope this is of some help!


OP is on Siren server ^^;

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OP is on Siren server ^^;

Redacted. Thanks dude. Too early in the morning for me.


Funny, this kind of thing tends to happen to me late in the afternoon. :P


I've been considering making a general LS to help out with the search here. I have yet to receive a response from the one that is listed on the LS Hall.

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OP is on Siren server ^^;

Redacted. Thanks dude. Too early in the morning for me.


Funny, this kind of thing tends to happen to me late in the afternoon. :P


I've been considering making a general LS to help out with the search here. I have yet to receive a response from the one that is listed on the LS Hall.


Just a cursory glance at the account that is admin for that linkshell reveals that it hasn't been active since 8-12-2016. The account hasn't even logged into the site since then. Probably a safe bet it's dead, sadly. 


To be totally and brutally honest, if you're looking for RP as a key facet of your time in FFXIV, then your best bet is Balmung. I know from your welcome post you don't have excess money to toss around, but consider this: the hours of time you will spend trying to find RP on Siren have a monetary cost to you, vs. the $18 transfer fee to get onto Balmung for immediate RP. In my opinion, you save yourself both money and time by just pushing to move to Balmung. It's a pain though, no doubt about that. :(

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I had a feeling it was, but I was giving it a chance and seeing if it had perhaps been some other reason. It seems that every once in a while, someone had come by and asked if it was still active as well, so maybe there is still enough of a RP population at least looking to start on Siren.


Before I even came back to the game, I was scanning these and other forums to get a handle on what my choice of a server should be and I mean, it's pretty easy to tell by that Balmung's roleplay population is quite large. In fact, it sounds significantly like my original home, but being here on Siren has been quite nice and I've made a friend here that that I've become quite close to; I can't imagine leaving yet even aside from my monetary issues.


Nevertheless, I'll be hanging around the RPC and doing some writing prompts, maybe see if I can start up a new LS for Siren. Who knows, it might grow some, or it might not. Even if I end up on Balmung, I'll work to keep it active- it may help to let someone else start it up then.

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I had a feeling it was, but I was giving it a chance and seeing if it had perhaps been some other reason. It seems that every once in a while, someone had come by and asked if it was still active as well, so maybe there is still enough of a RP population at least looking to start on Siren.


Before I even came back to the game, I was scanning these and other forums to get a handle on what my choice of a server should be and I mean, it's pretty easy to tell by that Balmung's roleplay population is quite large. In fact, it sounds significantly like my original home, but being here on Siren has been quite nice and I've made a friend here that that I've become quite close to; I can't imagine leaving yet even aside from my monetary issues.


Nevertheless, I'll be hanging around the RPC and doing some writing prompts,  maybe see if I can start up a new LS for Siren.  Who knows, it might grow some, or it might not. Even if I end up on Balmung, I'll work to keep it active- it may help to let someone else start it up then. :D


I wish you best of luck on your endeavors on Siren, though my offer also still stands should you find it difficult to do so or if you like to take a peak over on Mateus. Last thing we are worried about is lack of space. xD (we still have housing space available)

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Another Update:

I've got a temporary fix I'll have running by late tonight, so I should be able to be on! If I'm not on Fe'lanah, I'll may be on my other character, Ruth Lismore, so send me a message and we can talk actively!


I should have a permanent solution in a few days, but until then, I hope to see somebody around on Siren!

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I duno about siren (didn't check there when I was seeking out servers) but I know janova also has a rp population. Also the server Mateus. While they might not be the overwhelming numbers of rp'ers like Balmung both groups I talked to had their charm and ideas for growth of the server.

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I duno about siren (didn't check there when I was seeking out servers) but I know janova also has a rp population. Also the server Mateus. While they might not be the overwhelming numbers of rp'ers like Balmung both groups I talked to had their charm and ideas for growth of the server.


Mateus seems to have a pretty close community in it, though I don't know much about Jenova. Siren has one in here somewhere, it's not exactly as active as it once was, but I'm sure it's here somewhere. Judging by the comments on the supposedly inactive Siren RP LS, some people have considered coming here, so even if there is few active roleplayers left, it may not be terribly difficult to revive it perhaps. Regardless, the overall community around here is quite nice!

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