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Couple Seeking FC

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Hey folks! I'm one half of a married couple in search of a roleplay FC. We're relatively new to FFXIV, but not to online RP.


He plays a dragoon with intentions on becoming a machinist. He's a soldier and a tactician.


I play a paladin, also specced in white mage, and I have a problem deciding on classes. :lol: Dark knight looks awesome, and so does red mage. She's a knight with a background in the healing arts.


We are serious/hardcore roleplayers, and while we do futz around sometimes, we are looking for like-minded people to play with and take our RP seriously. 


You can find me in-game as Sola Fide. I look forward to hearing from you!

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I would give the FC listings a good once over and see if there is anything there that catches your eye. You mentioned what classes/archetypes you play but not really what you are looking for story-wise. Are you looking to be adventurers and mercenaries? Are your characters good hearted people or more of an evil alignment? That would help narrow down the choices significantly.

If you are looking to stick with paladin and your SO is ok being a knight you could check out Knights of Eorzea run by Ryslo. I have RP'ed with them and they have a pretty good storyline that I would say fits your serious RP style. Along that vein if you want something FC agnostic you can check out our LS for Hydaelyn Protectors we have some pretty good plots going currently.


Hope that helps!

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Hey there! Welcome to Final Fantasy 14! My FC's not all that large yet, but we're recruiting and hoping to grow. If the two of you want to come and enjoy some RP with us to check us out you'd be welcome to do so. We also have Discord which we keep open to the public for guests to chat with us and coordinate RP - the link for it is on our FC's page here at the RPC, which you can get to easily via my signature. :D

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Hello! The Mythril Wings is nearly always on the lookout for serious RPers. We're a relatively small company, but we're very active. Lore is important to use and we try not to break it, but little bit of creative bending is okay. We nearly always have at least one story arc in progress, and we also encourage members to run their own character arcs, so there's usually a lot going on RP-wise. Please hit me up if you want more info!


Our RPC FC Page

Our Website

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I think you two would fit into our concept easily. Right now our group is pretty small so it's a good time to get involved. We have a clearly defined goal and consider ourselves to be somewhere between medium and heavy RP. Plausibility and immersion are important to us. We're a pretty mature group too!


You can read more about our concept here: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18356


Our discord link is there, feel free to hop in sometime if you have any questions or you can contact me ingame as Ivik Black.

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