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Xaela: Help me find you

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So, I have this Xaela character.  Her name is Dayuuqi Himaa (and yes, she has a played twin), and I'm not sure where to find other other Xaela roleplayers besides the two of us.  


Well, yes, okay, I know you can technically find Au Ra just about everywhere, but I was thinking more along the lines of Xaela-specific RP, not just randomly finding a Xaela in a tavern.   It can be a tribe setup, or not.  It does not have to be a particularly organized group at all, or an LS or FC, though that could be good too.  I am more thinking, hey, when I am on Dayuuqi, where should I go if I want to hang out and have super special Xaela times?


Dayuuqi and her sister are fairly young adults, sent over to Eorzea a few years ago to keep them safe in case their tribe met a bad end with the Garlean encroachment.  Dayuuqi understands Eorzean but her speech is broken or simplistic at times when using it to communicate, being only really fluent in the language of the steppes.  She is particularly interested in music and art and dance, finding Eorzea delightfully exotic, and is generally a nice enough person.  She can be a little bit ignorant (or even "benign" racist) at times, though, as she tends to look at things from her own foreign perspective instead of adopting a more Eorzean lens for perceiving the world.


Anyway, if you got ideas of where and whom I should throw Dayuuqi, shout 'em out.  Thanks!

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For the most part, I know that a lot of Xaela tend to hang out in front of the Quicksand in Ul'dah as a meeting place, near the gate to Central Thanalan. I think there's also a weekly gathering of Qalli (though I believe generally all Xaela are welcome) on Sundays. http://clansarant.enjin.com/


And, of course, I'll go ahead and plug my own character as somebody who's (usually) always willing to talk with another Xaela wherever and whenever. So go ahead and shoot me a whisper if you're ever interested, and we can work something out!

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My xaela has somehow ended up with a bunch of xaela friends (Avagnar, Bairon, Himaa, Kagon, Qestir, and a raen Malaguld) despite actually being pretty flighty around most xaela.


We don't really do a lot of xaela-specific RP, especially not in structured places or times - more xaela-flavoured RP in other settings and times? I assume that sort of thing will take off in Stormblood - but right now, for a lot of our characters, it kind of makes sense to be scattered refugees and migrants, only finding each other by chance...


Anyway, feel free to hit me up if you see me at an event (I'm planning to hit Stellazio Pizzaria tonight - my Bairon friend is wait-staff there, and there's a Dotharl NPC too - and Grindstone on Saturday), though I apologise in advance if my lizard ends up scared and either mouthes off at yours or tries to escape. xD My IGN is Aghurlal Qar-akimusun.

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