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Looking for RP ~ Customers, contacts and more!

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Hi everyone, 

My character, Y'rhenasi, with the help of her big boss, has gone into business for herself. 

Now she needs customers!


Here's the ad; The Spa


As it says, the Spa setting is by appointment only.  That means if you want to RP your character coming to the spa, let's set up a time to RP. If you want to meet up for random RP, drop by anytime!


I'd love for Rhen to have lots of customers but friends would be even better. I can be reached here through PMs or in-game on Y'rhenasi.  Feel free to hit me up for RP or questions. I'm usually around 6pm EST most nights.


Mischief's Coven runs a tavern that is pretty active regardless the time of day so there's always someone about to bump into. 


Looking forward to meeting new people!

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