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RP? Anyone?

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So Serenity has been in a dry spell for a while when it comes to character development, exploration… And just about anything not romance-driven. I’m wondering if any others are in a similar spot. I’m trying to have my main grow and evolve, but her shyness has been getting in the way during walk-up.


Some hooks if you’re interested 

- Serenity is still studying summoning, and wants to learn from someone

- Serenity goes on excavation runs from time to time in search of old relics or old summoner apparel.

- Serenity loves reading and would love to meet another bibliophile

- Serenity has recently made friends with an avian partner, and is on the lookout for anyone who knows how to tend to birds and pets in general.


Please message me if any of this interests you. I’m hoping to make two or three solid and consistent RP friends but I’m not opposed to one-offs.Thank you for reading.

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Hey there! Moodboard girl here, and I can relate. The only RP my main has gotten lately has been at public events where my character was performing or doing something for it, with her SO, or a combination of both at the same time, and I'd like to do a little more than that.


While Zhara can't exactly teach summoning, she is on the border of being an arcanist and a summoner. She inherited a soulstone from her dead brother, but she does not know how to summon an egi, and for good reason, because apparently that's an incredibly hard skill to learn. It's easy for the WoL because well... he's the WoL and can pwn dem primals good.


So it might be cool if Zhara and Serenity met somewhere one day and started doing research on summoning and learning more about it together. Just a thought.

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So Serenity has been in a dry spell for a while when it comes to character development, exploration… And just about anything not romance-driven. I’m wondering if any others are in a similar spot. I’m trying to have my main grow and evolve, but her shyness has been getting in the way during walk-up.


Some hooks if you’re interested 

- Serenity is still studying summoning, and wants to learn from someone

- Serenity goes on excavation runs from time to time in search of old relics or old summoner apparel.

- Serenity loves reading and would love to meet another bibliophile

- Serenity has recently made friends with an avian partner, and is on the lookout for anyone who knows how to tend to birds and pets in general.


Please message me if any of this interests you. I’m hoping to make two or three solid and consistent RP friends but I’m not opposed to one-offs.Thank you for reading.


One of my characters is a bibliophile mage and the other could easily bump into you during an excavation run! Hit me up if you wanna organize something.

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"Feel free to drop by for a spot of tea~"


Perhaps that may just be the thing! We'll have to work something out! 




One of my characters is a bibliophile mage and the other could easily bump into you during an excavation run! Hit me up if you wanna organize something.

I'd love to take you up on this! Please get in touch with me the next time you're itching for some digging!

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Hey Serenity,


Deah would certainly be interested in escorting you on one of your excavation runs. If you get a good lead on location of a relic or some other item of interest and needed some protection for the dig or exploration of the area I think that could work well. We could keep that just us two or we could get others involved depending on what the danger level is.


Shoot me a message on discord and we can discuss it further if you would like!

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Celyaena would love to meet your character. She loves exploring ruins, reading tomes of all kinds and should you ever require a bodyguard or someone to tag along in your next ruin Celyaena is there.


She can normally be found out and about in various taverns throughout Eorzea.



Send me a pm in game Celyaena Surin

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