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Hello everyone,

Australian here. Been playing FFXIV for a little over a month, kept waiting to try and make a character on Balmung before eventually giving in to despair and paying for a transfer. 

Long time RPer (something like 10 years now), just curious to see what the community here is like. 


I'm familiar-ish with the game side of things after having levelled a Roegadyn Warrior to 60 on Faerie server and doing some endgame content. I was mostly in it for the story and lore though, to further my understanding of the setting and better my RP. Now I'm playing a Miqo'te Conjurer on Balmung. Patiently going through the levelling process again. If anyone is interested in keeping me company while I do that, it'd be welcome. I'll probably be doing a lot of PotD to level.


Looking forward to joining you all!

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Hi there!


Don't think of it as despair, think opportunity!  And the best part is you don't have to move just

one character.  You can move up to 8 at one time for the price of one transfer.


Plus, you won't regret moving either because you'll be too busy rping!


Welcome to the RPC. :moogle:

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Hello everyone,

Australian here. Been playing FFXIV for a little over a month, kept waiting to try and make a character on Balmung before eventually giving in to despair and paying for a transfer. 

Long time RPer (something like 10 years now), just curious to see what the community here is like. 


I'm familiar-ish with the game side of things after having levelled a Roegadyn Warrior to 60 on Faerie server and doing some endgame content. I was mostly in it for the story and lore though, to further my understanding of the setting and better my RP. Now I'm playing a Miqo'te Conjurer on Balmung. Patiently going through the levelling process again. If anyone is interested in keeping me company while I do that, it'd be welcome. I'll probably be doing a lot of PotD to level.


Looking forward to joining you all!

PoTD is a great way to speed level and get a few levels over the MSQ Grind. In fact one of the members I play with frequently is often grinding away at PoTD as he is intent on getting on the classes to 60 (Combat). I think you'll find plenty of people using this way to get to 60 plus you'll find some people like my dear friend who jumps at the chance to partake in PotD whenever possible. Also Balmung's a great choice in RP, plenty of European Players and American so you should find RP around the clock on top of it. Anyroad, Welcome!

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Look me up! I would be down for Potd. I am maxing my second character and still have one class left on my other. And starting to be bleeeh about dungeons. Plus as a dps, way shorter wait. Chidori Farcloud. (I am EST time, but on between noon est - 10ish pm)

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Hey there and welcome aboard the RPC and to Balmung! :thumbsup:


Yeah, as Rhen said... you'll be up to your eyeballs in RP before long. If you want to get a running start, toss up a post on the Making Connections forum and you can go from there!


Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely do that.





Look me up! I would be down for Potd. I am maxing my second character and still have one class left on my other. And starting to be bleeeh about dungeons. Plus as a dps, way shorter wait. Chidori Farcloud. (I am EST time, but on between noon est - 10ish pm)


That'd be great, I'll add you to friends and see if we can't overcome the tyranny of timezones.




Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone. c:

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Hello and welcome to the RPC and Balmung! I think you will find the community quite to your liking as I certainly have. If you are looking for company while you are leveling your new character you may want to check out the RP levelers LS. Other than that it sounds like you are well on your way. Otherwise if you felt like throwing together a wiki page so others could get a sense of your character or doing a making connections post to reach out for some RP connections would be my next step.


Hope to see you around for some RP!

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