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Xaela: Looking for friends

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Hello everyone!

I've recently returned to FF14 and have been looking to get into the RP scene. I've RPed in other games, but I wanted to give FF14 a go. Right now, I'm just looking to make friends, have fun, and get more comfortable with FF14 RP.


Character is a WIP, but here's a quick rundown of her:



Narumi is a Xaela from the Ejinn tribe. Due to an incident that happened during her childhood, she was separated from her tribe for a year or so before being taken in by a Doma village. The only thing that she can remember from the few years that she spent with her tribe is that she enjoys swimming. Over the years, she was trained as a ninja before fleeing to Eorzea alongside her master and many others. As of now, she resides in Limsa Lominsa with her master.


Current Occupation/Skills:

- Works as a fisherman/hunter.

- Good with daggers so she can go adventuring.



Narumi isn't a very sociable person, preferring to listen and observe most of the time.


Additional notes:

- In-game Name: Narumi Ejinn

- Since I haven't played for more than half a year, I have forgotten what most of the buttons are and what they do minus my hotbar keybindings so there may be times where I may ask you something game specific. ^^;

- New to FF14 Lore so I'll have questions as time goes on.

- As for my availability, it depends on the day, but I'll usually hop on past 4 PM PST on most days.


Anyways, I look forward to making friends and having fun! If you're interested, feel free to PM me or message me in-game.

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As of now, she resides in Limsa Lominsa with her master.


Current Occupation/Skills:

- Works as a fisherman/hunter.

- Good with daggers so she can go adventuring.


Sounds like our lizards have a lot in common - actually to the extent that I think it would be perfectly acceptable to say that yours had seen mine around before, possibly even knowing his name, if that makes breaking the ice any easier.


Aghurlal regularly spectates Lominsan Fight Club on both Mondays and Thursdays, but if you want to send me a tell in-game outside of those times then I'm free most days from about 9pm UK time onwards!

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