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Red Mages

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Hey all,

I'm looking to establish some contacts with others who are currently or who plan on becoming red mages when Stormblood comes out. Would it make sense for red mages to just suddenly pop up out of nowhere, or would they have been there all along. I'm new to Final Fantasy lore, so I'm not sure what would make sense. Would red mages start out in the far east (since that is where the expansion is opening up)? Trying to plan out my characters background and future plans, so any information would be appreciated! Thanks!


ps. Are mages sort of frowned upon? They seem to not be very trusted from what I've gathered from some rp'ing. Also, is it true that black mages pretty much keep their powers a secret? Why is this? (Sorry for so many questions!)

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ps. Are mages sort of frowned upon? They seem to not be very trusted from what I've gathered from some rp'ing. Also, is it true that black mages pretty much keep their powers a secret? Why is this? (Sorry for so many questions!)


Black magic is both rare and illegal, due to the damage it can do both to the person and to their surroundings (other people, and the fabric of the very world itself). It requires a special artefact (a soul crystal) in order to be safe to the caster. And that still doesn't guarantee that the caster will use it without significantly damaging their environment. So, illegal; so, secret.


(White magic is in a similar state - illegal for the general populace to use - with the added conundrum that the soul crystals for it are heavily regulated and guarded by the government of Gridania.)


However, "class" spellcasters - conjurers, thaumaturges, and arcanists - are quite respected in their respective societies (Gridania for conjurers, Ul'dah for thaumaturges, Limsa Lominsa for arcanists). Their guilds usually hold positions of authority in their society, and said guilds can influence law enforcement and policy-making. Their magic is generally safe to use, safe to teach, doesn't require any special rare artefacts (just a spell focus), and is an accepted part of life in Eorzea.


I hope that explains a little!

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In addition to what Kilieit mentioned:


Black Magic can literally kill you to use without the Soul Crystal. This is seen in the BLM quest line several times over.


White Magic can only be used by those who have been granted the ability by the Elements; otherwise it's completely blocked off.


Summoning is only possible if you are able to fight and defeat a primal without being tempered, thus requiring the Echo which only select MSQ characters (and you) have. The ancient Allagans created the art, though, so it's possible there are ways around that restriction.


Scholarly magic is probably the only one of the 'job' level magic that could be usable by the laymen. Even then, you'd have to find a very rare Nymian fairy to technically accomplish it.


Overall, specific magic that isn't a part the base classes can't really exist for commoners according to the in-game lore. That said, it's kinda boring to play that way, so do what you will. People typically are suspicious of claims of black/white/summoners because of the lore behind them though.


As for Red Mage, it's all going to depend on how it's put out there. Is it like the Paladin, where anyone with the Soul Crystal can be taught? Or is it like Summoning where it can only be you? No one knows yet.

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Summoning is only possible if you are able to fight and defeat a primal without being tempered' date=' thus requiring the Echo which only select MSQ characters (and you) have. The ancient Allagans created the art, though, so it's possible there are ways around that restriction.[/quote']


You don't require the Echo to Summon; if I recall correctly, Tristan (your 30-50 rival) doesn't have it. And remember, neither do the Company of Heroes - they lost many of their own men to tempering while defeating Titan. But the survivors would still be eligible to summon Titan-Egi if they wanted to learn.


The only pre-requisite is that you were present at the defeat of (normal or hard mode) Ifrit, Titan, or Garuda. If the Primal didn't attempt to temper you for some reason (it takes special concentration for them to attempt this), then you don't need the Echo to have survived it.


It's still rare, but not because it requires the Echo - more because it's rare to both have encountered the right Primal at a low enough strength, and to have had the personal prowess (or luck) to survive that encounter. Not becoming Tempered is an extra level of chance on top of that, but it's not wholly dependent on having the Echo.


(...if you want to get really technical, then technically any arcanist who was on Eorzea at the time of the Calamity, and is of sufficient skill, could seek out a crystal and train to enter Dreadwyrm Trance, becoming a Summoner that way. But it's the "sufficient skill" part there that's the issue.)


The Echo isn't that rare. (Being a Chosen of Hydaelyn is, but that's a separate thing.) A majority of the random NPCs you see in the Waking Sands - including bandits and novice adventurers - during the early 2.0 MSQ have it. In 1.0, Minfilia described the stack of reports about new Echo users as "a veritable mountain". There are likely hundreds, maybe thousands (especially when you consider that perhaps people beyond Eorzea also gained it) - definitely room for an RP character to be one of them.


What the Echo is is its own unique phenomenon, separate from any school of spellcasting, that deserves its own consideration and development; that's why I'd encourage new RPers to think carefully over whether their character has it or not, not because it's rare.


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Hey all,

I'm looking to establish some contacts with others who are currently or who plan on becoming red mages when Stormblood comes out. Would it make sense for red mages to just suddenly pop up out of nowhere, or would they have been there all along. I'm new to Final Fantasy lore, so I'm not sure what would make sense. Would red mages start out in the far east (since that is where the expansion is opening up)? Trying to plan out my characters background and future plans, so any information would be appreciated! Thanks!


Afaik there is just nothing concrete or official yet regarding Red Mage origin lore. :(


There's a lot of SAM hype right now and I think we'll get a dose of that with the MSQ pt 2 but we'll probably have to wait for someone to either straight ask the question in an interview or play the RDM class quest in June to find out.


Most folk are assuming that it's going to be Sharlayan related since the one NPC we have that might be a RDM is Sharlayan so if lore is a primary concern of yours it could be worth taking that into account and planning accordingly.


Could peek around this thread if it interests you.



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Thanks for the replies and information! Seems like I have a bit more reading/researching to do then before I make a determination on what path I'll choose for the future of Asuna. It's one of those things that opens a door, only to discover that there are half a dozen other doors that you have to open and figure out whats behind each one. :dazed:

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Yeah, I'm not exceedingly pleased with the lack of RDM info. I can only hope we'll get more info or one of these websites or magazines that are landing interviews with Yoshi will hit on the topic. I certainly don't wanna wait till June.


As far as chargen suggestions, what I'm doing is just focusing on every other aspect of the character possible and fleshing it out. I'll have to change some things depending on origin and lore but I'm trying to make her as transplantable as possible but her general personality, attitude and themes should remain intact. Hope that's helpful. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, I'm not exceedingly pleased with the lack of RDM info. I can only hope we'll get more info or one of these websites or magazines that are landing interviews with Yoshi will hit on the topic. I certainly don't wanna wait till June.


As far as chargen suggestions, what I'm doing is just focusing on every other aspect of the character possible and fleshing it out. I'll have to change some things depending on origin and lore but I'm trying to make her as transplantable as possible but her general personality, attitude and themes should remain intact. Hope that's helpful. :thumbsup:


Sounds good, thanks! At some point soon I'll have more information on my RPC. It's all in my mind I just have to write it out. Hopefully if you read that you might be able to get a better idea of what would make sense for her to suddenly start studying magic. I appreciate the help!

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Yeah, I'm not exceedingly pleased with the lack of RDM info. I can only hope we'll get more info or one of these websites or magazines that are landing interviews with Yoshi will hit on the topic. I certainly don't wanna wait till June.


As far as chargen suggestions, what I'm doing is just focusing on every other aspect of the character possible and fleshing it out. I'll have to change some things depending on origin and lore but I'm trying to make her as transplantable as possible but her general personality, attitude and themes should remain intact. Hope that's helpful. :thumbsup:

I agree with the bolded. It's a little frustrating trying to come up with a canon compliant reason for a character to become a red mage without any information what so ever.

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Hello hello!


I'm currently rping a character trying to learn what she calls 'sword magic' aka proto red mage things. It's basically combining basic thamaturgy with her training as a gladiator! 


I have a basic system I've been rping with it so far, kinda using what I saw from the trailer as a base guide to get to. I'm also rping it as a trial and error system. At first she was just setting her sword on fire with magic, now she's slowly incorporating a smell scepter in her off hand to 'spark' the magic for her sword. Eventually I'll get to the detchable sword/ore thing combo. Also with her attack and endurance I'm slowly working up.


But if you want to talk about it more, feel free to PM me, or hit me up on discord Amanda#7359 ! Can't wait to talk!

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