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Hey!  If you're interested- we just opened up a hookah lounge and have some cool things going on in our FC- Orchid 317.  We have a house in the Mists and FC perks.  We're looking for more people to join the family!   We do performance nights, and some other more 'shady' work to make some extra gil, but not all characters are required to participate in both, you can do what you are comfortable with :)


I'm IG as Eshea Tende, or poke me on here if you'd like to chat and learn some more!


Our RPC Page

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Hey Kiri,


You may want to check out Azemya's Oath as I think that might be a good fit for your style of RP. At least the couple of times I have interacted with you in game. Hikari is the head of that and I am sure she will be by to chime in, but the player quality inside is top notch and they are very lore compliant. Let me know if you have any questions.



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Yeah, I'll second Deahfel there- Azeyma's Oath is a pretty good outfit that you could get involved with. Their general thing is ruins explorers and treasure seekers for more of a research aspect to understand the world around them. They do a fair number of social events as well (not to mention they're next door to a few other RP free companies too).


If you're looking for something smaller than the Oath, there's also Guiding Light which is a fairly new startup. Their general thing is knowledge hunters- book thumpers, and the like. C'io is the one managing that outfit. 


Best of luck, regardless of where you choose to go!

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Hello! If your interested in a more private investigation/monster hunting and treasure hunting FC, then let me introduce to the Outriders! I'm a bit bias because I'm the leader, but we're a small group of fun loving free company members, that host a lot of events both within the company and we're working on becoming more active with the community at large. You can contact me here, in game as N'aomi Kett or in discord as Amanda#7359.


Hope to speak to you soon!

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You have a lot of good responses here, but I wouldn't mind having a scene or two with you to see how well Wayfarer's would fit you. We are relatively small, but very active in the community. From holding tavern nights, attending community functions, to our own weekly adventures that span from protecting outlying villages to collecting herbs to cure a deadly poison. As a theme we mostly focus on the bond that strengthens between members through the trials of life and having something to hold on to as they face what is yet to come. While some could consider it merc work, the Wayfarers never put gil above the good of the people.


We actually have one player who is Doman and very active in the same scenarios as Kiri that you might mesh with, but regardless, I'd welcome you on a few events and a get-together or two to see how you like the members before joining. More information can be found here on our page including rules and the like.


If you have any more questions our would like to get together for RP please don't hesitate to PM me. :3


Have a great day!

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Don't want anyone to think I haven't been checking in here and visiting websites so here is an update post!


I am checking everyone's website both of those who have messaged me ingame as well as left a message here, and tumblr. I am going to be super picky because I want to find a place where I know I will be comfortable and fit in. I've been burned one too many times in the past and I am taking extra steps of caution upon this decision.


My main concerns are:


Member count - I am not looking for a large FC. I don't want to just be some number. I also don't want to be in a group of only three people starting.


Will Kiri fit in? - She is a spy and that is what she does. Bar and taverns even if they have events that would fit around her just won't work for her, sorry.


The current active members - I need a break from having to walk on eggshells so any FC I have found interest in I am looking at their members. I want to log in, chat, joke, have fun. I don't want to deal with people who make me feel like I have to not only censor myself but change who I am to try and make sure they are comfortable. I understand this is the internet. I understand you will always run in to these people but I have the choice not to and if they were in the FC before me then they can stay there and I can stay out of it. It is nothing against the FC mind you, I just need a break from this.

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Hey there! I see Deahfel and Kasi gave my FC kudos (<3 them) and I wanted to chime in finally and address some concerns of yours.


My main concerns are:


Member count - I am not looking for a large FC. I don't want to just be some number. I also don't want to be in a group of only three people starting.


We're actually not horribly big, though people might think so I guess? I dunno maybe I measure big FC's in how many mains there are. Currently we have 14 main characters all with different times they can log in (we have 2 EU players.). At night we usually range from 4-6 people with the others perusing outside RP.

Will Kiri fit in? - She is a spy and that is what she does. Bar and taverns even if they have events that would fit around her just won't work for her, sorry.


We don't have a tavern at all, I feel it's very overdone and wanted to be at least somewhat unique. We do have booze because if we didn't Hikari would be lynched I'm sure. *laughs* We do have room for a spy as it was mentioned above we are a relic hunter's FC but Hikari is/was a Doman noble and could use Shinobi for FC plots. So yes she can! We can work out better details in pm's if you'd like.


The current active members - I need a break from having to walk on eggshells so any FC I have found interest in I am looking at their members. I want to log in, chat, joke, have fun. I don't want to deal with people who make me feel like I have to not only censor myself but change who I am to try and make sure they are comfortable. I understand this is the internet. I understand you will always run in to these people but I have the choice not to and if they were in the FC before me then they can stay there and I can stay out of it. It is nothing against the FC mind you, I just need a break from this.


As up above we have about 14 mains members. A lot of our communication happens on discord and you are more than welcome to join us for a while there to get a feeling for us and us you! Personally I feel everyone is laid back, friendly and funny. (I'm not funny, I wish I was but we have a discord channel called #themarketboardneverchanges where people make funny jokes involving a marketboard scarred retainer.).


Any other questions? Check my signature for our RPC page, PM me here or on discord (we have a discord link on the rpc page.) Good luck on finding a FC!

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I have not a whole lot of helpful things to add to this thread, other than I very much grok your problems, OP!  I have dueling mains at the moment (they both get about equal, multiple-times-a-week playtime); the one that fits tavern culture well has an FC and is quite happy, and the one that doesn't, well, doesn't!  It's tough going finding the "right" FC, both for character fit and OOC fit, and I wish you luck.


(I'm not funny, I wish I was but we have a discord channel called #themarketboardneverchanges where people make funny jokes involving a marketboard scarred retainer.)


Also this is pretty hilarious.

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I have not a whole lot of helpful things to add to this thread, other than I very much grok your problems, OP!  I have dueling mains at the moment (they both get about equal, multiple-times-a-week playtime); the one that fits tavern culture well has an FC and is quite happy, and the one that doesn't, well, doesn't!  It's tough going finding the "right" FC, both for character fit and OOC fit, and I wish you luck.


(I'm not funny, I wish I was but we have a discord channel called #themarketboardneverchanges where people make funny jokes involving a marketboard scarred retainer.)


Also this is pretty hilarious.



Seriously! xD I was making new retainers and I decided to try some new combos. I found a Miqo'te male who says the following:


Coming: It's a war out there, miss. You have no idea.

Going: The markets may be a bleedin' battlefield, but I'm a godsdamned soldier. You can count on me, madam.


We laughed our collective butts off and made a channel to say quotes that might come from him at certain times of the day. It's was a real hoot.

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