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Rendezvous Zone LS/FC (NA Time)


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[align=center]▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫ Rendezvous Zone (Linkshell/Free Company▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫▫▪▪▫


[align=center]We are recruiting server-wide for ßeta and launch. If you are looking for a social and end-game content group then you might want to check us out.




Rendezvous Zone is an established linkshell (from Excalibur server) with veteran and new players plus more to come. It started with a few people willing to help each other out and in this way experience the game to the fullest. We ended up growing through the years and became a family. As a family we make sure no one is left behind and guide the new ones not only to be good players but also to find the most effective way to have fun while accomplishing their goals. Our events and active time are based on North America time zones. We are always looking for people wanting to be part of a group and not just to feel as player in a group. Since we don't have an official recruitment video just yet, you can go ahead and check our gallery of videos and images to learn a little bit about us as a group. RZ Gallery



Very important: We don't have a server where we'll be relocating to. Most of us come from Excalibur but due to the lack of information at this moment about how the servers will be distributed we will have to wait for a final decision on our new home. Now what we do know is that since most of us are Legacy members , we will not be able to choose a new server but new players can choose a server that Legacy people will be allowed to go to. Also it is very important to point out that this group consist of people with a life outside the game and we will respect it. The LS division will be for very casual or not interested in FC  players and the FC which will be more for mid-core players or close to it. 



[align=center]We hope to hear from you soon!



[align=center]To apply or for more info you can find us at our site Rendezvous Zone or Rendezvous-Zone.enjin.com

Any questions feel free to PM me or post here. [/align]







[align=center]iEUknbNUkAM [/align]

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I read your website. Errr, it didn't say anything about roleplaying. Like, at all.



If you guys are recruiting as a non-roleplay social and endgame linkshell, you might be on the wrong forums.


This is the Roleplayer's Coalition... basically this board is for recruitment for roleplaying linkshells from Balmung server.


I'd recommend lodestone for advertising this sort of LS.

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I read your website. Errr, it didn't say anything about roleplaying. Like, at all.



If you guys are recruiting as a non-roleplay social and endgame linkshell, you might be on the wrong forums.


This is the Roleplayer's Coalition... basically this board is for recruitment for roleplaying linkshells from Balmung server.


I'd recommend lodestone for advertising this sort of LS.


Yes I believe you are right and now I feel like I want to hide in the corner. I'm sorry. Now I didn't see was from Balmung only server though. Weill delete post in a few to give you time to see my reply. Don't want to look rude ^^

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Yeah, this is for RP linkshells only ^^;. I'll go ahead and lock this thread and move/delete it a bit later. But good luck with your shell and hope all works out well for it!


PS: Love your logo design~

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