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Help? Seeker raised by Wildwood

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I'm attempting to make a character so that I might wade my way into Roleplay. I'm already got a basic idea on who she's going to be. My main problems are figuring out what areas got the worst of the Calamity, how long ago did the Calamity happen from our view point, and figuring out what surname I can use.


And any helpful tips or information about anything you might think could help me out, would be lovely~ :3


Basic Outline of Alette, the Wildwood of the Sun

{Will flush out more at a later date}

She was left outside the Carline Canopy with a note to Mother Miounne to find her a safe home. Miounne thought is was Hydaelyn's grace that brought this infant to her on the very day her friends, an older Wildwood couple who couldn't bare their own children, would be coming to Gridania. Her adopted mother was an Arcanist/Botanist/Weaver; while her adopted father was a Fisher/Marauder/Culinarian and both of them loved to traveled.


She becomes an Arcanist like her mother and when her father dies with uncompleted dream of catching every fish on Hydaelyn, she takes it as her own.

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My main problems are figuring out what areas got the worst of the Calamity, how long ago did the Calamity happen from our view point, and figuring out what surname I can use.


And any helpful tips or information about anything you might think could help me out, would be lovely~ :3


Hey there Alette! I think I can give a few short-hand answers to some of your questions, but I'm also going to go ahead and link you to a bunch of lore stuff if you're wanting to read up more on everything! ^^


1] What areas got the worst of the Calamity?

Basically anywhere you see large fragments of Dalamud. West Shroud, northern Thanalan, Mor Dhona, lower La Noscea near Moraby.


-Settlements In Eorzea Then and Now



2] How long ago was the Calamity?

Officially, the Calamity occurred 5 years ago. However, time passage is kinda strange to figure out, so I'll give you these links. One explains time passage, the other gives a rough timeline of pertinent events that lead up to the Calamity.


-Time Passage in FFXIV

-A Timeline of the Garlean Invasion



3] Surnames?

This is pretty much completely up to you. If you want an Elezen surname due to adoption/raising or if you don't, both are fine. If you need help with race lore or the naming conventions, this page should help.


-The Five Races Lore




Hope this helps! ^^ Lemme know if you have more questions!

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The timeline is a bit tricky. I think the above links are about as clear as you can get it. Also kind of a topic I've noticed most skit over even though almost all of the player characters would have been well old enough to have lived through it or at least heard of it.


Names are what you want to make of them, even more so with adoption. If you really feel creative maybe have her real name documented somewhere for later use. Could be a good plot line, even for a mini one, to dig up her original home and past someday. 


My husband usually is a lalafell that has a Hyur name, though he doesn't rp much I usually played it off that the lalafell was adopted if anyone ever asks about the odd name. Most don't seem to question a name at all though. For a year my own character ran around with a male toned name and no one thought to question it in the slightest. So all in all just figure out a name you like and run with it. There are certain ways each race goes about naming their own but you can always have that oddball family who goes off the spectrum and comes up with an original name. ^^

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