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Long-term RPer, New to FFXIV; help?

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Hello! I've been roleplaying for a long time, but I'm new to FFXIV, so I'm more than a little lost at how to proceed, ahaha. I did my research, but Balmung seems like it's a little hard to join and may be a bit overcrowded for me.


Does anyone have any advice on what other NA server has a decent roleplay community? Is Balmung the only full-time realtime server available?


I have so many characters I want to play, appearances all saved and ready to be thrown into whatever server seems best. I don't mind joining a linkshell or a small RP group if it comes down to that, but I would prefer something with a little more scale. 


Thank you in advance, and it's nice to meet you!

I plan to stick around.

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Hm, I see. The only reason I was hesitant was because a transfer costs money and I am but a poor college student. If a few more people agree that Balmung's the way to go, I guess that's what I'll end up doing.


Thank you!

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If you are willing to restart you might be able to sneak into Balmung with a new character right before server downtime. Of all the people who got into Balmung (That I know of) without paying, that is how they did it. Otherwise, a server transfer might do you well.


If you happen to use the transfer option, I'd make sure to make seven or so characters so you can transfer them all at once during one transfer. You could also look up character names that already exist on Balmung and name your characters as those. You can get a free name change that way (You'll need to use it before logging into that character). But hey, free name change and a free fantasia (Loyalty bonus) and you pretty much have a new character slot.


Good luck!

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If you are willing to restart you might be able to sneak into Balmung with a new character right before server downtime. Of all the people who got into Balmung (That I know of) without paying, that is how they did it. Otherwise, a server transfer might do you well.


If you happen to use the transfer option, I'd make sure to make seven or so characters so you can transfer them all at once during one transfer. You could also look up character names that already exist on Balmung and name your characters as those. You can get a free name change that way (You'll need to use it before logging into that character). But hey, free name change and a free fantasia (Loyalty bonus) and you pretty much have a new character slot.


Good luck!


Thank you very much, especially for the advice about the transfer!


I think for now I'll aim to get in right before server downtime, since there's maintenance coming up soon. I guess now the only issue is deciding which character I want to roleplay as.


Does anyone have any advice about roleplaying on FFXIV specifically? I've roleplayed before, but I'm more familiar with play-by-post and my game experience is primarily Ragnarok Online from way back when and the occasional TERA Online.

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I'll echo the others and suggest Balmung as well. Rumors abound about pockets of RP on other servers, but only those who are doing RP on those servers could confirm the pockets are thriving, and we don't seem to hear a lot about it around here...


If you go the transfer route (for instance, if trying to slip a new character in as soon as the servers come up after maintenance) ends up being your way, bear in mind that a single transfer fee covers up to a full server load of eligible characters. So if you think you'll ever want to play more than one character, make the others in advance and transfer them all at once.


It'll be best to plan that you'll end up transferring, and if you do make it in the little window of time when the servers come up, then it's just a bonus. I know a lot of people who've tried that approach and found the server locked up again within mere minutes of going up, though, so just... you know, don't feel badly if you try and don't make it that way. Hardly the first time! :)

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I'll echo the others and suggest Balmung as well. Rumors abound about pockets of RP on other servers, but only those who are doing RP on those servers could confirm the pockets are thriving, and we don't seem to hear a lot about it around here...


If you go the transfer route (for instance, if trying to slip a new character in as soon as the servers come up after maintenance) ends up being your way, bear in mind that a single transfer fee covers up to a full server load of eligible characters. So if you think you'll ever want to play more than one character, make the others in advance and transfer them all at once.


It'll be best to plan that you'll end up transferring, and if you do make it in the little window of time when the servers come up, then it's just a bonus. I know a lot of people who've tried that approach and found the server locked up again within mere minutes of going up, though, so just... you know, don't feel badly if you try and don't make it that way. Hardly the first time! :)


Thank you for your input! I'll try to slip a character in before the servers go down, but if that doesn't work, I guess I'll shell out for a subscription and just load in a full set of characters. All the same, I'm excited to see what the server's like!

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Hey there, and welcome aboard the RPC and FFXIV! :thumbsup:


Here's hoping you had some luck getting into Balmung this morning. If not, you can transfer up to 8 characters all at once for the single transfer fee, once they're 3 days old from creation. As others have said, getting onto Balmung is really the only choice if your foremost interest is in RP.

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Hey there, and welcome aboard the RPC and FFXIV! :thumbsup:


Here's hoping you had some luck getting into Balmung this morning. If not, you can transfer up to 8 characters all at once for the single transfer fee, once they're 3 days old from creation. As others have said, getting onto Balmung is really the only choice if your foremost interest is in RP.


Ahaha, no luck with a free ticket to Balmung. Looks like I'll be transferring in, but to make it feel worth the money, that means I'm going to need to transfer in a full set of characters. Guess it's back to character planning for me.


Thank you, everyone, for your help!

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