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RP Communities

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Anyone know of other games out there with strong RP communities? I'm looking for a game to tide me over till ARR's release.


A friend suggested Rift, but it doesn't seem to have much of an RP focus. Neverwinter was also recommended to me, but the graphics seem a little bland...

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I just started playing Neverwinter and it seems like the only RP is in the tavern. I have heard it has good RPers but haven't found any. Maybe I am just not high enough lvl to be where the RP is. I will say to avoid Tera. The community there is horrible from what I found.


I heard Rift was good as well and it goes f2p in July.

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I just started playing Neverwinter and it seems like the only RP is in the tavern. I have heard it has good RPers but haven't found any. Maybe I am just not high enough lvl to be where the RP is. I will say to avoid Tera. The community there is horrible from what I found.


I heard Rift was good as well and it goes f2p in July.


This... gives me hope.


I'm a Tera transplant, see. I left because I kept scratching my head, saying; is this all that RP is and can be? I thought it could be so much more, but it seemed to be little more than show and tell;'look how messed up and jaded my character is! They are the most tragic, downtrodden character EVERRRR!!!'


That, and it was a complete hookup culture. If you are saying RP can be more, than... that gives me hope.

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Rift used to have a very strong RP community, and even had a site kind of like the RCP to gather the RPs out of game, however that all died off as more and more quality games went free to play and other games released; I know a huge chunk of people who went over to SW:TOR only to be disappointed later, and by the time we all went back, it just wasn't the same and there were not as many RPers.


With the little spare time I have, I've primarily been playing Neverwinter. There's an RP community site for the game, but a lot of the RP seems to be tavern/town based or Foundry based right now. People are moving into the overland taverns (like I ran into some RPers in the Old Dirty Dwarf in Helm's Hold), but I've not seen much overland RP yet.


GW2 still has a fairly active RP community, to a degree; it's pretty human-centric, or guild-centric. I still log into GW2 for RP events with my guild there, although I'm burned out on the game itself. There's really no end game progression, and while there have been content updates, the content has been really easy to get through so far.


Otherwise, I'm sort of just looking ahead to FFXIV: ARR, ESO, and maybe WildStar.

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GW2 is the only game I feel comfortable to suggest. Like Darkfae mentioned the RP community over there is still pretty much alive and kicking. Although it's either city/tavern roleplay or guild events that are usually posted on the main page by day.

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LOTRO has a very good RP community. I love taking my Hobbit to the Green Dragon on Fridays for ale, pipeweed, and stories. At any given time, you can find lots of folks in Bree to RP with at the Prancing Pony. I also love that they have an /rp on feature to flag your character name from yellow to white, so people know you RP. The game is F2P, and has the best F2P model I've seen. Might hold you over til the next phase.

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LOTRO has a very good RP community. I love taking my Hobbit to the Green Dragon on Fridays for ale, pipeweed, and stories. At any given time, you can find lots of folks in Bree to RP with at the Prancing Pony. I also love that they have an /rp on feature to flag your character name from yellow to white, so people know you RP. The game is F2P, and has the best F2P model I've seen. Might hold you over til the next phase.


Can not stress this enough. I had a great time RPing a dwarf in an all-dwarf guild. We'd hang out in the residential areas and have giant banquets in our guild hall. While we weren't out troll-hunting, we would sit in the Prancing Pony smoking pipe-weed, drinking ale, and weaving stories about great dwarf heroes from other times in Middle Earth's history. It really got me into Tolkien's universe.


I've even been trying to come up with ways to bring that vibe to my character(s) in FFXIV. I loved it.

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Even though my suggestions have all been mentioned, I'll just add in agreement. GW2 and LOTRO are pretty much where it's at for RP while I'm waiting for FF14 to relaunch, though I think LOTRO tends to have more public RPs, and GW2 likes to keep within groups of people who know each other/ are in the same linkshell. Either way, good stuff all around.

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I think LOTRO tends to have more public RPs, and GW2 likes to keep within groups of people who know each other/ are in the same linkshell.

GW2 has a weird RP scene, to me at least. There's one type of RP that's super public and popular (human nobility RP - it's all over DR on Tarnished Coast), and then everything else is very guild-centric. At least that's how it seems from my perspective.

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I think LOTRO tends to have more public RPs, and GW2 likes to keep within groups of people who know each other/ are in the same linkshell.

GW2 has a weird RP scene, to me at least. There's one type of RP that's super public and popular (human nobility RP - it's all over DR on Tarnished Coast), and then everything else is very guild-centric. At least that's how it seems from my perspective.


Nah, you're right. The human nobility rp was everywhere at DR, even on Piken Square. It was that or bar roleplays.

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I am surprised no one has mentioned Neverwinter Nights 2 yet.



I'm not exactly a Dark Fantasy kind of guy, but NWN2 has the most deticated, hardcore section of RP'ers I've ever seen in any game. It's not exactly a MMO, but it's... I don't know, it's weird, but very unique and a step forward in video game RP. Entire RP communities create servers that could hold 50 or so people, build it from scratch, and have it be 100% RP. You could even LEVEL by roleplaying.


Had some amazing times on the Daleland Servers back in the day. I don't play it anymore though. I'm just not so into Forgotten Realms like most people there. But if you're really looking for some solid RP, that's a good place.

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To update on the Rift RP community. From what I have seen on Faeblight, some random RP happens sparingly in the major cities but the population in general seems lacking. Many people have made public RP dimensions (in essence their own tavern that they really own.) though and seem to be pretty popular if you are into that kind of RP.


Everyone seems to be RP friendly to me when I am out in the world RPing. However, most seem to rely on someone else starting it up.


To be fair I haven't really looked for an RP guild since I am leaving to play ARR but there are a lot of them so maybe the RP happens with in a guild.

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