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NA Adventurers! Looking for RP? New to RP? Welcome to Mateus!

So, you down to give Mateus a shot?  

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  1. 1. So, you down to give Mateus a shot?

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[align=center]                       Welcome Adventurers!                       [/align]



[align=center]So. You joined FFXIV looking for RP, Maybe was hoping to join Balmung but learned the server was locked down. Maybe you want a fresh start, want somewhere to go to start a new life of RP and just get a chance to be a part of a smaller community again. Maybe you're new to RP and looking to get into it.[/align]


[align=center]Well, look no further.[/align]



[align=center]Mateus is a low-populated server in the Aether data center, the active community housing about 2500 members (i.e. data census site) Plenty of housing open, friendly small community that is rapidly expanding, and there IS that lovely free transfer bonus...[/align]



[align=center]                                                                        [/align]




Question: Well the sound of a new RP community is nice and all, but I have seen RP communities try this before and fail. Why should I give this a shot?



A: Well, as I tell everyone, the reason why RP communities die in other servers, is because 

there isn't enough of a community to sustain it. With Mateus, and with the growing need to construct a new RP community for players, we can utilize the urgency to establish a new community by giving RPers a designated place for new and old players alike to go to! Consider it the Plymouth Rock of servers. As long as we have the demand for RP, the more people will come to Mateus!



Question: But I already have my established friends/FC! What about them?!



A: There are a couple of fun things about this. Since transfers will be free come Friday, you can have your friends come with you to make this fresh start a reality, and if they don't come? you can still chat and play with them via cross-party platforming. You'll never truly lose your friends, except not being able to stare at their avatar. FCs get an especially nice bonus, considering you can keep the money for your estate and the money you used to furnish it if you transfer over. (per what square deems refundable in terms of furnishing) So bring your friends! Bring your FC! Bring your goldfish and your chocobo too! 



Question: Well what about my house! My gil! I spent a good amount of time and money on those things I'll have you know!



A: As mentioned in the previous question, FC estates are reimbursed if you move. That being said, this also applies to anyone who owns an estate or apartment in the game. From what Square has stated, you will get reimbursed the full amount for both furnishings and the estate itself so you can buy another one come your transfer. As far as Mateus goes, the housing still has plots open so you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting a new plot! Large housing is the only housing not really available, but once stormblood housing is released, GO GET IT. Also, gil transfer is at 99,999,999 sooo you won't be losing ANY money for transferring!



Question: What's the MB like there? The people?



A: I am a new transfer over here myself, and I can tell you a good majority I have encountered here are friendly and willing to help you out if need be. I haven't seen anything that promotes negativity, everyone is nice and friendly, and YOU CAN MAKE MONEY HERE. The MB here is actually do-able for making gil, so have at it! 



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[align=center]Still not convinced? [/align]



[align=center]Go make an alt, see the world for yourself! I joined an LS that was made only a day ago and already has 60+ people in it for RP connects. Without you and your support, we can't make Mateus a reality. It's already gaining a ton of footing, and I can already see this dream becoming a reality. [/align]


[align=center]So please...[/align]



[align=center]Give Mateus the RP love it deserves!~[/align]

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[align=center]I can honestly tell you the community here is WAY BETTER than Balmung. [/align]



As fresh Mateus native I personally appreciate any effort to promote the server because more RP for everyone means more RP for me, but this is not the attitude we should be presenting, much less on forums that are so heavily tilted in Balmung's favor at present. Many people who have been helping us here are from Balmung, or are Balmung people rolling alts, or they've moved / will move entirely but still understandably have a soft spot for their original server.


Really, people, stop saying things like this. While I've never played on Balmung, I have seen a lot of it due to the person who got me into this game being from there. Mateus is neither better (let alone "WAY BETTER") nor worse. It is different. 


Let's stop this ridiculous server rivalry trend. Balmung needs Mateus or when it opens again people will flood their server and they'll be right back to the issues they're having now. Mateus needs Balmung if it has any hope of ever having plentiful, varied events and FCs -- though I understand some people would prefer to be an oh-so-exclusively sandbox, but well, I'm not talking to those sorts. I'm afraid you'll just have to learn to share.


The focus should be "Welcome to Mateus!" not "lol Balmung suxorz amirite?" 


To anyone reading this from Balmung who is now concerned about joining us, this is not the prevailing attitude at all. I and many others welcome all of you and have nothing but respect for your server.

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[align=center]I can honestly tell you the community here is WAY BETTER than Balmung. [/align]



As fresh Mateus native I personally appreciate any effort to promote the server because more RP for everyone means more RP for me, but this is not the attitude we should be presenting, much less on forums that are so heavily tilted in Balmung's favor at present. Many people who have been helping us here are from Balmung, or are Balmung people rolling alts, or they've moved / will move entirely but still understandably have a soft spot for their original server.


Really, people, stop saying things like this. While I've never played on Balmung, I have seen a lot of it due to the person who got me into this game being from there. Mateus is neither better (let alone "WAY BETTER") nor worse. It is different. 


Let's stop this ridiculous server rivalry trend. Balmung needs Mateus or when it opens again people will flood their server and they'll be right back to the issues they're having now. Mateus needs Balmung if it has any hope of ever having plentiful, varied events and FCs -- though I understand some people would prefer to be an oh-so-exclusively sandbox, but well, I'm not talking to those sorts. I'm afraid you'll just have to learn to share.


The focus should be "Welcome to Mateus!" not "lol Balmung suxorz amirite?" 


To anyone reading this from Balmung who is now concerned about joining us, this is not the prevailing attitude at all. I and many others welcome all of you and have nothing but respect for your server.


I just want to state that my intention isn't to say Balmung is a horrid server: In fact I really enjoyed it. But I also want to say that I have had my fair share of bad experiences as well on there. On Mateus I haven't had a bad experience. I'll edit accordingly to not make it sound condescending because that isn't my intention. I wanted to stress the fact that the RP here seems to be a bit more centralized around serious themes versus ERP.


That being said, I am here to make RP flourish in any server on FFXIV. I like RP, I support RP. I have no reason to make people think RP is a bad thing on any server. But I do know there is a group of people whom want to get away from the Balmung community because of how toxic some of the groups can be. Not saying everyone on Balmung is horrid obviously, just trying to encourage people who feel like Balmung is their only option to come and try out something that could be a potentially better experience for them.

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[align=center]I can honestly tell you the community here is WAY BETTER than Balmung. [/align]



As fresh Mateus native I personally appreciate any effort to promote the server because more RP for everyone means more RP for me, but this is not the attitude we should be presenting, much less on forums that are so heavily tilted in Balmung's favor at present. Many people who have been helping us here are from Balmung, or are Balmung people rolling alts, or they've moved / will move entirely but still understandably have a soft spot for their original server.


Really, people, stop saying things like this. While I've never played on Balmung, I have seen a lot of it due to the person who got me into this game being from there. Mateus is neither better (let alone "WAY BETTER") nor worse. It is different. 


Let's stop this ridiculous server rivalry trend. Balmung needs Mateus or when it opens again people will flood their server and they'll be right back to the issues they're having now. Mateus needs Balmung if it has any hope of ever having plentiful, varied events and FCs -- though I understand some people would prefer to be an oh-so-exclusively sandbox, but well, I'm not talking to those sorts. I'm afraid you'll just have to learn to share.


The focus should be "Welcome to Mateus!" not "lol Balmung suxorz amirite?" 


To anyone reading this from Balmung who is now concerned about joining us, this is not the prevailing attitude at all. I and many others welcome all of you and have nothing but respect for your server.


I agree. This is very, very derisive. This sort of talk needs to stop. It causes issues in every game; WRAxMG issue is one of the worst I've ever seen it. And people on the RPC are trying very hard to quash this sort of mentality. Because it does no one -any- good. It causes arguments constantly. Everyone who I know who is on Mateus is trying very hard to stop this sort of "we're better than Balmung", "Balmung is a terrible place". This only creates divide in a game that really does not need it's RP community severed... Again.


I have friends who I really cherish who are on Mateus; but they've shifted because of reasons or they're PVERs. Some were Balmung individuals themselves who worked very hard to help Mateus be where it is today. I'm not going to lie; seeing things like this does bother me and it does hurt. I'm someone who was on Balmung since 1.0 as it was Besaid. I have IRL friends who are PVERs I don't want to leave; I have long term friends on Balmung who are RPers. And being villain-ized or treated as "Icky Balmungers" is really... REALLY tiresome. As for ERPers; so what? That's their business as long as they're doing it privately.


And saying "I've had a bad time on Balmung therefore it's generally bad" does not help either. Do you honestly think that everything on Mateus will be devoid of the issues you're talking about? It will have these same issues; every community has these issues no matter which game or which sever you go to.

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[align=center]I can honestly tell you the community here is WAY BETTER than Balmung. [/align]



As fresh Mateus native I personally appreciate any effort to promote the server because more RP for everyone means more RP for me, but this is not the attitude we should be presenting, much less on forums that are so heavily tilted in Balmung's favor at present. Many people who have been helping us here are from Balmung, or are Balmung people rolling alts, or they've moved / will move entirely but still understandably have a soft spot for their original server.


Really, people, stop saying things like this. While I've never played on Balmung, I have seen a lot of it due to the person who got me into this game being from there. Mateus is neither better (let alone "WAY BETTER") nor worse. It is different. 


Let's stop this ridiculous server rivalry trend. Balmung needs Mateus or when it opens again people will flood their server and they'll be right back to the issues they're having now. Mateus needs Balmung if it has any hope of ever having plentiful, varied events and FCs -- though I understand some people would prefer to be an oh-so-exclusively sandbox, but well, I'm not talking to those sorts. I'm afraid you'll just have to learn to share.


The focus should be "Welcome to Mateus!" not "lol Balmung suxorz amirite?" 


To anyone reading this from Balmung who is now concerned about joining us, this is not the prevailing attitude at all. I and many others welcome all of you and have nothing but respect for your server.


I agree. There will always be people you might not like, parts of the community will always feel cliqueish, ERPers are there whether you like it or not (and still, really, what's the big deal?), and we shouldn't be taking shots at Balmung. Lots of good people there, who have helped found even this community here for us to use. People who even, in some cases, are reaching out to help, promoting us here, and even in some cases joining us. Let Mateus stand on it's own, and let's not get into the whole "comparing contrasting" game that keeps ripping these discussions apart, and potentially deterring people from joining us who may find it petty.

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 "I am a new transfer over here myself, and I can honestly tell you the community here is WAY BETTER than Balmung. I haven't seen an erper, everyone is nice and friendly"

Oh yes, Alienate people who might ERP, no matter your stance on it, I will say that some of the most imaginative rp'ers i've played with, also dabbled in the ERPZ..


I'll just mirror the former poster and say that an attitude like this will sooner scare people away than lure them to you.



Also, I do have an alt on Mateus and the first thing that happened was me seeing shoutchat echoing with RP hate.. granted that will happen anywhere ~~

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 "I am a new transfer over here myself, and I can honestly tell you the community here is WAY BETTER than Balmung. I haven't seen an erper, everyone is nice and friendly"

Oh yes, Alienate people who might ERP, no matter your stance on it, I will say that some of the most imaginative rp'ers i've played with, also dabbled in the ERPZ..


I'll just mirror the former poster and say that an attitude like this will sooner scare people away than lure them to you.



Also, I do have an alt on Mateus and the first thing that happened was me seeing shoutchat echoing with RP hate.. granted that will happen anywhere ~~


Again, I didn't mean to make it seem like I am against Balmung in any fashion. I would honestly STAY on Balmung if it wasn't so packed! I sincerely apologize if the way I voiced this sounded like I was turning my nose up at Balmung. ERP is fine, I utilize ERP in RP but I don't strictly make it my thing or make it a public display as well. I'm not bashing ERP, I am just stating it's nice to have a more tasteful approach to ERP in RP. 


Again, last thing I was trying to do with this is create discord between groups. This is supposed to help encourage others to transfer and try something a bit more different. Apologies once more if I came across in a very rude manner, which it seems I did. *bows*

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Before this turns into iterations of the other threads -- I just wanna say that regardless of how much time I spend on Mateus or any other server (waitin' on those sweet, sweet rewards): I hope you continue to see positive growth on Mateus.


The more the word gets out, the more people there are spreading it, the better off everyone will be about all the server choices!


Good on you for being proactive.


My best to Mateus. <3 Here's a bump for new players needing a home!


edit - also maybe edit that out in the main post so you stop getting immediate reactions about it, just to help keep things positive. :)

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Oh yes, Alienate people who might ERP, no matter your stance on it, I will say that some of the most imaginative rp'ers i've played with, also dabbled in the ERPZ..


Right? If anyone from the Moral Guardian crowd thinks everyone's characters on Mateus are celibate asexuals, whether compared to Balmung or not, boy do I have bad news for you. If you think that's the case I invite you to have so much as a fleeting glance at the Discord NSFW chat.


I'm not directing this at Yara, but speaking generally, because I've seen three people say similar things in the last two days.


Since apologies have been had I have nothing else to add, but I will repeat what I've said here on any thread I see like this because hurting the community hurts mine and my friends' RP, and it's the entire reason I joined this MMO and not one of several alternatives. I don't want to have to go to Balmung to get regular RP outside of a group of the same few dozen people.

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One thing besides everything else.  Get used to the undercutting on the market board. 


It's a competitive market.  Seeing as you can't compete on quality in a fixed-product market like this, there are two avenues. Quantity and price.  Quantity on some things is gated by a fixed supply stream of other product.


Prices are high on Mataes right now due to a lack of suppliers.  More suppliers coming in will drive down prices and narrow profit margins.


Welcome to market pvp.

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Question: Well what about my house! My gil! I spent a good amount of time and money on those things I'll have you know!



A: As mentioned in the previous question, FC estates are transferred over if you move. That being said, this also applies to anyone who owns an estate or apartment in the game. 



This is, as of today's post by SE, absolutely wrong.


FC's do not currently transfer at all.  There is no current FC transfer method. FC houses are not reimbursed.  Estates do not currently transfer at all. Personal estates are reimbursed.  


This is something on SE's wish list but, ye gods, fact check your stuff.




Ref: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/5e1a319accdb6ec98b54ef82e35d22338cf55ce7

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Yeah pardon if I came across as a bit harsh after apologies had been made, I started writing the post and got sidelined by dinner before I finished it. Should have re-read the thread before posting :)



And good luck! Might visit in a bit... after I've inhaled the whole Stormblood :3

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Question: Well what about my house! My gil! I spent a good amount of time and money on those things I'll have you know!



A: As mentioned in the previous question, FC estates are transferred over if you move. That being said, this also applies to anyone who owns an estate or apartment in the game. 



This is, as of today's post by SE, absolutely wrong.


FC's do not currently transfer at all.  There is no current FC transfer method. FC houses are not reimbursed.  Estates do not currently transfer at all. Personal estates are reimbursed.  


This is something on SE's wish list but, ye gods, fact check your stuff.




I already changed it to where It was you getting reimbursed for your estate. If you read the entire answer, I messed up the first part but later go in to say you get reimbursed for your estate. I forgot to edit the first part when changed that from the statement posted by Square. Again, apologies.

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Yeah pardon if I came across as a bit harsh after apologies had been made, I started writing the post and got sidelined by dinner before I finished it. Should have re-read the thread before posting :)


Nah, mate, that last part wasn't directed toward you or any one specific person. All good. :thumbsup:

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Yeah pardon if I came across as a bit harsh after apologies had been made, I started writing the post and got sidelined by dinner before I finished it. Should have re-read the thread before posting :)



And good luck! Might visit in a bit... after I've inhaled the whole Stormblood :3


You're all good! Again apologies for seeming like I was trying to burn down Balmung or something. xDD I more than anything just want to see FFXIV become a bigger place for RP, and have some of the community spread out and share the love through smaller servers is all. I would have never left Balmung if I didn't think Mateus had as much potential as it does, because there are plenty of great rpers and great fcs. 


Hope you visit sometime ^^ More than happy to have people come check it out and see if they like it!

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Question: Well what about my house! My gil! I spent a good amount of time and money on those things I'll have you know!



A: As mentioned in the previous question, FC estates are transferred over if you move. That being said, this also applies to anyone who owns an estate or apartment in the game. 



This is, as of today's post by SE, absolutely wrong.


FC's do not currently transfer at all.  There is no current FC transfer method. FC houses are not reimbursed.  Estates do not currently transfer at all. Personal estates are reimbursed.  


This is something on SE's wish list but, ye gods, fact check your stuff.




I already changed it to where It was you getting reimbursed for your estate. If you read the entire answer, I messed up the first part but later go in to say you get reimbursed for your estate. I forgot to edit the first part when changed that from the statement posted by Square. Again, apologies.


It's still a bit wrong.  


You don't get reimbursed for an FC estate currently at all.  Best way to handle it is to probably sell the estate (or the FC in total) have the FC lead transfer with the gil and start the FC on the new server again.


It sucks, but currently you lose all airship progress and the FC needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.  (read: grind to rank 6 to buy a new FC house)

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Question: Well what about my house! My gil! I spent a good amount of time and money on those things I'll have you know!



A: As mentioned in the previous question, FC estates are transferred over if you move. That being said, this also applies to anyone who owns an estate or apartment in the game. 



This is, as of today's post by SE, absolutely wrong.


FC's do not currently transfer at all.  There is no current FC transfer method. FC houses are not reimbursed.  Estates do not currently transfer at all. Personal estates are reimbursed.  


This is something on SE's wish list but, ye gods, fact check your stuff.




I already changed it to where It was you getting reimbursed for your estate. If you read the entire answer, I messed up the first part but later go in to say you get reimbursed for your estate. I forgot to edit the first part when changed that from the statement posted by Square. Again, apologies.


It's still a bit wrong.  


You don't get reimbursed for an FC estate currently at all.  Best way to handle it is to probably sell the estate (or the FC in total) have the FC lead transfer with the gil and start the FC on the new server again.


It sucks, but currently you lose all airship progress and the FC needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.  (read: grind to rank 6 to buy a new FC house)


I just want to quote something verbatim from the SE site (http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/54b16fc0f43a225bb4d72b9e28f136e7c4fe2596) stating this so correct me if i'm wrong but:



Bonuses for owners of personal housing/apartments

  • Personal housing
    Reimbursement for the full price of the estate, plus compensation of 3,000,000 gil for non-recoverable furnishings
    Please apply for a World transfer after removing your estate hall and furnishings, but DO NOT relinquish the land. If you have relinquished the deed to your plot, you will not be eligible to receive the bonuses outlined above.

  • Apartments
    Reimbursement of the 500,000 gil price, and compensation of 500,000 gil for non-recoverable furnishings
    Please apply for a World transfer after removing your furnishings, but DO NOT vacate the apartment. If you have relinquished the rights to your property, you will not be eligible to receive the bonuses outlined above.

Now at the end it does list this: 



"We plan to continue introducing new incentives and updates following the release of 4.0, including bonuses to accommodate the transfer of entire free companies and free company housing."


so for now yes, FCs are getting a bit shafted, but they ARE reimbursing individual houses and apts with the intention of said quote above. Hopefully airships and ranks can be salvaged once they figure that part out.

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Bonuses for owners of personal housing/apartments


Yeah, personal houses are covered fine.  (I linked the same post in an edit to my original reply earlier) FC estates just don't get to play by those rules yet since you can't actually transfer an FC at this time.


One day, SE will probably change this and it'll be all good.  No idea when yet though.

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Bonuses for owners of personal housing/apartments


Yeah, personal houses are covered fine.  (I linked the same post in an edit to my original reply earlier) FC estates just don't get to play by those rules yet since you can't actually transfer an FC at this time.


One day, SE will probably change this and it'll be all good.  No idea when yet though.


From what it sounds like they wish to do this sooner than later. I really hope that is the case so that others whom wish to try a new server but do not wish to uproot everything they know can do so without any repercussions. It's hard to uproot a solid foundation, especially when you've been there for a long time, have close friends, etc. I totally get that. So here is to hoping Yoshi-P makes it simple and easy for FCs to transfer if they so desire to do so.

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Before we go down another dark, deep road of finger pointing and nay-saying, lets remember that we are a Roleplay community no matter what server we choose or where we are. Yes, there are going to be individuals who don't like this and there will always be individuals who don't like the "roleplay" crowd, but in the end, we are-- no matter what server we are on-- a community.


That is what these forums were originally designed for and really the segregation, while human nature at times, doesn't need to be brought within a form of entertainment. We are all here to have fun.


Given I am someone who started the RPM and started the push to Mateus- including been dealing with naysayers for nearly-- what feels like a month now. I do have to silently wonder how much longer will folks continue to beat this dead horse.


There is nothing wrong with growth. I am glad to see this guy post this thread, because it shows that the growth is moving outside of the RPM. This whole thing on Mateus has shown, with a strong, friendly, willing community, other smaller servers can step up.


And we all, in the end, need to remember what we are here to do, as a community. Tell stories and have fun. Not throw stones and sticks at one another. I mean, hey, if that is what you want to do in the end-- No one can tell you no, but... yeah.


Thanks all for being positive support on this subject thus far. Those of you who are. You are amazing. :love:


That also said, yes, the RPM has 128 members on 1 LS, we have 108 members on the 2nd, around 50 alts on the alt ls, and we have nearly 90+ members listed in the hub (which is not the RPM, but still part of the friendly rp arm of the community)


Now let us eat cake and cheese, cause Stormblood is near!

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That also said, yes, the RPM has 128 members on 1 LS, we have 108 members on the 2nd, around 50 alts on the alt ls, and we have nearly 90+ members listed in the hub (which is not the RPM, but still part of the friendly rp arm of the community)


Now let us eat cake and cheese, cause Stormblood is near!


Man, soon as I see Mateus on that designated list, I hope to add myself and my RP buddy into that hub!




(well, whenever is doable -- with SB goin' on I know adding people will get crazy, haha.)

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I have a character idea I'm workshopping on this very forum that I plan to bring over to Mateus should it be on the list! And with all those bonuses, it might not take long at all to get him all leveled up and set to play! Kinda getting stoked about it.

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What everyone needs to remember is that we are all role players and we are all simply indulging in what we love and enjoy- story, characters and interaction.  


Mateus. Balmung. Omega.  They're all just different streets in the same neighborhood with people who have the same goals and desires. Yes, it is important to focus on our own street to keep it clean, friendly and fun. However, it does not change the fact that we are all part of the same neighborhood and supporting each other helps such a community and in turn, our own individual streets.  


Just because you RP on Balmung, does not mean you cannot create an alt and dance over on Mateus and have some fun there. Sure, there might be a slightly different feel because all people are different and no two crowds are the same. That is part of the fun though, no? Of course, Balmung is closed at the moment but that does not prevent a future Omega RPer from striking up a fun RP on the forums here with people from Mateus or Balmung or indulging in some Discord shenanigans.  


In the end... we all want the same thing. Entertaining and satisfying RP that caters to our tastes and fulfills our fun meter.  



SO! With that corpse of a horse being continuously beaten, please keep in mind to refrain comparing yourselves by servers and instead focus on the core values and positives. You will gain far more attention, pleasantness and love if you refrain from unnecessary negative points or language that places such things on a scale. That doesn't mean don't be practical, but just keep it in mind. 


Mateus seems like a fantastic server and I plan on rolling a character with a friend over there to frolic around and have some fun. The best part about multiple places with RP is that I view it as having many, many playgrounds and outlets to enjoy if I need to get away or try something different once and while! I am just so happy that there are new RPers showing up and the whole role playing community is bolstering with new possibilities in the face of changes to Balmung's creation.   It doesn't matter if you're only RPing a little bit here or there, if you've been at a place forever or if you're just getting your feet wet- as long as people continue to role play, create wonderful characters and stories... then it's a win for all of us. 


Just remember to stay vigilant, stay positive and supporting your fellows in return supports yourself.

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If I can just add a short response here (without touching on anything else that's been said already), Mateus has been my first RP experience on FF. As someone who was not only new to the server, but new to the game entirely, I've had nothing but good to say so far about the patience, friendliness, and overall welcoming vibe of the community so far.


Not much to add, just thought a lurking newbie might be happy to know a fellow newbie came to Mateus and got along fine. Cheers mates.

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