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Doman Refugee LF a job!

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Hey guys! I'm posting this again, because it has been a few months and I have relocated my character to Mateus. Looking for a new start!


Rae is looking for a job. Not a criminal job, or some mercenaries contracts. Just an honest job, hard labour or service.


She's a fresh off the boat Doman refugee. She's capable and independent, a little bit boisterous. She is skilled in combat, but after travelling for so long, she just wants to settle down while she gets her bearings in Eorzea. She doesn't have a strong grasp of Eorzean language, however, so that may be an issue in certain jobs. She would prefer to stay in Thanalan, but will move to another city if necessary.


I'm looking for some light-medium, social RP while I get my bearings and develop Rae Oryx as a full character. Hoping to have her work in some sort of cafe or tavern for a little while. We can RP her coming to ask for the job, and the interview process, which I think would be a lot of fun.

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Hey guys! I'm posting this again, because it has been a few months and I have relocated my character to Mateus. Looking for a new start!


Rae is looking for a job. Not a criminal job, or some mercenaries contracts. Just an honest job, hard labour or service.


She's a fresh off the boat Doman refugee. She's capable and independent, a little bit boisterous. She is skilled in combat, but after travelling for so long, she just wants to settle down while she gets her bearings in Eorzea. She doesn't have a strong grasp of Eorzean language, however, so that may be an issue in certain jobs. She would prefer to stay in Thanalan, but will move to another city if necessary.


I'm looking for some light-medium, social RP while I get my bearings and develop Rae Oryx as a full character. Hoping to have her work in some sort of cafe or tavern for a little while. We can RP her coming to ask for the job, and the interview process, which I think would be a lot of fun.



You may want to look into Midnight's Envoy. They don't have a listing here (sadly), but they help smuggling people out of Othard and also act as a sanctuary to folks who need shelter.


You can find their house in-- I believe-- Ward 11? Maybe Ward 9?? In the Goblet under <>. I have a few characters in there and one of them is a Raen "Priestess". So, she may be able to help yours get a grasp on the Eorzean language. ^^

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Kind of hijacking this a little, but that Envoy group might be a good fit for my little refugee Raen toymaker too!


That said, Moku could potentially bump into and interact with Rae (to keep things on topic!). If not during the escape, then while they were being shuffled around as the Eorzeans tried to figure out what to do with them. I personally plan on having Moku's "base of operations" be up at Revenant's Toll, since that's where a majority of the refugees ended up, but he's currently in Thanalan while I get him up to speed... so things could still work out?


... Also, it should be noted that the Garleans have occupied Doma for a good twenty years now, and the MSQ as far as I can tell doesn't show any issue with the Domans communicating with their Eorzean visitors. Just a warning in case people bring that up.

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Kind of hijacking this a little, but that Envoy group might be a good fit for my little refugee Raen toymaker too!


That said, Moku could potentially bump into and interact with Rae (to keep things on topic!). If not during the escape, then while they were being shuffled around as the Eorzeans tried to figure out what to do with them. I personally plan on having Moku's "base of operations" be up at Revenant's Toll, since that's where a majority of the refugees ended up, but he's currently in Thanalan while I get him up to speed... so things could still work out?


... Also, it should be noted that the Garleans have occupied Doma for a good twenty years now, and the MSQ as far as I can tell doesn't show any issue with the Domans communicating with their Eorzean visitors. Just a warning in case people bring that up.


*goes to prod the leader of the FC to see if he even has a Hydaelyn account and will sit on him if he doesn't with her 3 characters*

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Good morning! I would be more than happy to welcome you two aboard and do IC interviews. The envoy is a sanctuary for refugees and for defectors. We also specialize in helping people escape from Garlean controlled areas. My name in game is Sid Malaguld in game. I'll be on and off today, but feel free to dm me or send me a /tell. Also we have a discord! https://discord.gg/5eYEfzW there is a 5 minute verification period when joining, but I am always on the server even during offline periods.to add in we are always looking to fulfill our ranks with couriers and support around the hq.

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