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Looking for Roleplay

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Looking for possible partner and or group to RP with in-game and hopefully build a lasting friendship/partnership. Open to ideas for RP, more or so looking for other people not a specific genre of RP.


Quick details on my character (Planning on creating more in-detail background depending on what genre of RP)


Race: Miqo'te

Gender: Male

Age: 24

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Miqo'te master race. *cough*




Hey there! 


So, for starters, you're certainly welcome to run into Kasi. Her character sheet is linked below, and you're certainly welcome to give that a look over and let me know if anything tickles! Otherwise, you may want to browse through the FC listings here and see if anything sticks out to you as a particular niche you'd like to dabble into. There's a whole lot out there and the community is fairly large, so there's plenty of room to explore! At the end of the day, what matters most is you having fun where you land.

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