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A Guide for First Time Travelers to Kugane

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Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this. Thought I might try to type up a guide of sorts for those who are RPing their foreign character's first time in Kugane given the various hiccups I've seen in the past two weeks of RPing as a Sekiseigumi. It's not a comprehensive guide though, so I apologise for that. Things may be added or removed as needed pending future information.



So it's your character's first time setting foot in Kugane, but what's this? You've elected to disembark at the Short Pier or Pier #1. Sorry to tell you this, but that's an illegal entry. If the Sekiseigumi caught you, you'd be facing arrest or execution. At least, that's how the NPC Sekiseigumi would probably react. PCs are probably going to opt for a more moderate response to avoid stepping on anyone's toes. Without exception, all foreign vessels must dock at Pier #2, the dock where the Scions of the Seventh Dawn first arrived.


Tenzan: As all foreign trade is focused here, we customs officers are kept constantly busy, but we cannot afford to be remiss. Without exception, all foreign vessels are required to undergo inspection here, at pier number two.


Tenzan: Though ours is an open port, it does not mean one can bring in whatsoever one desires. If you wish to conduct business here, you must do so within the bounds of our laws.


Tenzan: Those who attempt to import goods deemed a threat to our nation's security will be placed in Sekiseigumi custody and dealt with severely. If you wish to see your own shores again, consider yourself warned.


So that's the ship and cargo covered, but what about the passengers? The Scions aren't shown to go through any sort of documentation, but I believe that can be ascribed to SE not going into the minutiae of entry to Kugane. It is likely that there's some form of documentation of foreigners within Kugane upon entry.



Right, so you've finally got through customs. What next? Well, if you aren't drained from the months long boat ride over from (presumably) Eorzea, you might consider taking in the sights. That tower with the green roofing in front of you is the Shiokaze Hostelry, the "first and final stop for a great many people from a great many places". Contrary to the definition of the word "hostelry", the place is not an inn, but a tavern, Kugane's "premier purveyor of intoxicating beverages" as a matter of fact. It offers an "unmatched selection of junmaishu, a rice wine that is very pure and rich in flavor". It is also likely that they serve foreign spirits and other such alcohol.


Other than intoxicating beverages, it also serves a variety of Hingan cuisine. Among the items are popular staples such as sushi, miso soup, rice, tsukemono, tempura and grilled fish. The items used in sushi appear to be shrimp, salmon, tuna, whitefish, and salmon roe.



Done filling your belly? You might consider attuning to the aetheryte in Tenkonto if you're so inclined, or maybe even peruse the market stalls in Kogane Dori just to the south, across the bridge. Goods from both near and far can be found in colorful avenue. 'Tis even home to the Mujikoza, Kugane's theatre. Further south, one can find the Ijin District, home to the Thavnairian and Garlean consulates, as well as the local offices of the East Aldenard Trading Company. West of the Ijin District is Pier #1, lined with storehouses and home to Kokajiya, a famous forge that frequently receives various commissions from both local and foreign customers.


Pier #1 and the Short Pier likely service local vessels, hence why foreign ones must dock at Pier #2.



And now to the north. The Rakuza District. Aside from yet more vendor stalls, here you'll find the Bokairo Inn and the Bokaisen Hot Springs, as well as the flower district, Sanjo Hanamachi, if you seek more carnal pleasures.


The Bokairo Inn is the first choice for accommodations for the countless merchants and dignitaries who pass through the port of Kugane. Guests are free to make use of the adjacent hot springs, and many often find it to be quite the experience.


The Bokaisen Hot Springs is famed for its purported healing properties as well as its sweeping ocean view. While the public baths are largely mixed gender in Hingashi and Hingan custom dictates that one bathes naked, in Kugane, a melting pot of myriad cultures and creeds, one is expected to don not one's nameday but a bathing suit.



East of the Rakuza District lies the home of the stalwart protectors of Kugane. The Sekiseigumi. Foreign and local lawbreakers are oft dealt with severely. Arrest is the least one could expect, and it is not uncommon for troublesome recalcitrants to be cut down where they stand. Indeed, not even the mighty Garleans have extraterritorial privileges. All must abide by Hingan law while in Kugane. There are no exceptions. Save for those who know the right people and have sufficient coin. Aside from roaming patrols, the Sekiseigumi also maintain a number of watchtowers dotting the skyline of Kugane.


Of the various laws governing Kugane, of paramount importance to foreign visitors is the law barring violence within the city. This law includes self-defense, so if accosted, it is paramount that you do not engage your attackers and flee as best you can. As the Sekiseigumi maintain watchtowers and patrols at all hours, it is unlikely that your attackers will pursue you if you move into open areas frequented by the public.



Further east, and sequestered from the city proper by grand gates, lies Kugane Castle, home of the lord bugyo. From here, he administers Kugane, a no doubt difficult and involved task due to its status as the sole open port of Hingashi. There isn't much more information available in the current patch about Hingan government, unfortunately.



Again, thank you for taking the time to read through this post. Hopefully it will be of aid to you. See you in Kugane.

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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

I agree.


The guide is nice but you are expecting everyone to follow it. The issue then becomes when you are interrupting someone's roleplay to push the 'law' on someone who did not wish to partake in the first place. I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it.


You are free to RP how you wish but to anyone who reads this and wishes to Roleplay as a law enforcement, Be kind and ask before approaching. Some people may be in the middle of a plot with limited time or they may be open for it!


There is one simple rule when trying to roleplay as any type of law enforcement:


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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

I agree.


The guide is nice but you are expecting everyone to follow it. The issue then becomes when you are interrupting someone's roleplay to push the 'law' on someone who did not wish to partake in the first place. I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it.


That's silly. If you're roleplaying in the world, you should expect the average person to abide by the rules of that world. If I encountered someone who was very obviously breaking some sort of law, my character wouldn't act like it was normal. He would at least be confused and note that something was wrong. The guide is for people to understand how things are supposed to go in this place that not many people have had time to get familiar with. There's nothing wrong with giving people information about how things are supposed to work in the world they're playing in.

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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

I agree.


The guide is nice but you are expecting everyone to follow it. The issue then becomes when you are interrupting someone's roleplay to push the 'law' on someone who did not wish to partake in the first place. I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it.




You are free to RP how you wish but to anyone who reads this and wishes to Roleplay as a law enforcement, Be kind and ask before approaching. Some people may be in the middle of a plot with limited time or they may be open for it!


There is one simple rule when trying to roleplay as any type of law enforcement:



"I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it."


I take exception to this statement. I don't know who you are, I don't believe I've ever interacted with you and I don't know who you seem to think I am. I have a tumblr that I have only ever reblogged things on. My last post on that that wasn't reblogged from someone else was a pair of screenshots of a bunch of people running around in Garlean uniforms prior to the last maintenance.




To address the wider issue that my wording has apparently spawned. My intent was to simply to share information since those "hiccups" I mentioned were born from what I presume to be a lack of knowledge. If my OP reads as something to be taken as gospel then I apologise. I thought the word "guide" would have been indicative enough, but apparently not. Readers are free to do what they will with the information presented.

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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

I agree.


The guide is nice but you are expecting everyone to follow it. The issue then becomes when you are interrupting someone's roleplay to push the 'law' on someone who did not wish to partake in the first place. I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it.


That's silly. If you're roleplaying in the world, you should expect the average person to abide by the rules of that world. If I encountered someone who was very obviously breaking some sort of law, my character wouldn't act like it was normal. He would at least be confused and note that something was wrong. The guide is for people to understand how things are supposed to go in this place that not many people have had time to get familiar with. There's nothing wrong with giving people information about how things are supposed to work in the world they're playing in.

The problem is you are speaking of Murdering or a straight up attack in the public eye. That? I expect Law enforcement to step in. What started this post was nothing even close to that. Just two people Roleplaying about traveling and then being called illegal and attempted to be arrested.


I still stand by that this is a fine guide for people interested in Law Enforcement in Kugane, but it doesn't matter if it is open world or not; No everyone wants to RP inside a house all day and there isn't private zones. JUST ASK before engaging! It is just a courtesy.

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I'm going to post and I never post.  Hence the zero posts (now one).  I went back and double checked with the customs npc.  No where does he say that any and all vessels need to submit to an inspection.  Only those wishing to import goods into Kugane.

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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

I agree.


The guide is nice but you are expecting everyone to follow it. The issue then becomes when you are interrupting someone's roleplay to push the 'law' on someone who did not wish to partake in the first place. I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it.


That's silly. If you're roleplaying in the world, you should expect the average person to abide by the rules of that world. If I encountered someone who was very obviously breaking some sort of law, my character wouldn't act like it was normal. He would at least be confused and note that something was wrong. The guide is for people to understand how things are supposed to go in this place that not many people have had time to get familiar with. There's nothing wrong with giving people information about how things are supposed to work in the world they're playing in.

The problem is you are speaking of Murdering or a straight up attack in the public eye. That? I expect Law enforcement to step in. What started this post was nothing even close to that. Just two people Roleplaying about traveling and then being called illegal and attempted to be arrested.


I still stand by that this is a fine guide for people interested in Law Enforcement in Kugane, but it doesn't matter if it is open world or not; No everyone wants to RP inside a house all day and there isn't private zones. JUST ASK before engaging! It is just a courtesy.

Howdy there! As one of the two individuals who were involved in a recent situation involving the 'law' in Kugane, I did want to come forward with my own comment as well. As Rowena had said, asking is a sure-fire way to make sure certain RP is okay with folk when approaching!


For example, if two folk are outweighing the pros and cons between taking someone in alive, or collecting a bounty on their head, that's not quite a proper reason to take someone into custody, etc.

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There are lots of great points in this thread, even the original point can be considered a good resource for anyone curious.


What isn't great is the situation that some are referring to.


All it takes is a simple whisper, asking if it's alright to approach two people that are very clearly in a scene together- especially if you have intentions to straight up halt that scene.

Not a whisper after they've politely removed themselves from the situation because they didn't want to participate in your flavor RP stating that they've been blacklisted.

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While I do very much appreciate this guide and the time spent on it, I do kind of side eye the way you mentioned 'hiccups' in regards to the lore. Not everyone is going to be lore compliant. It's a simple fact of life and while this guide was probably made in good faith, not everyone is going to necessarily want to abide by it nor care. I personally will be roleplaying as much as I can within the bounds of lore, but some people are just going to want to go hog wild and that's equally valid.

I agree.


The guide is nice but you are expecting everyone to follow it. The issue then becomes when you are interrupting someone's roleplay to push the 'law' on someone who did not wish to partake in the first place. I know why you made this post and anyone on Tumblr can find it.


That's silly. If you're roleplaying in the world, you should expect the average person to abide by the rules of that world. If I encountered someone who was very obviously breaking some sort of law, my character wouldn't act like it was normal. He would at least be confused and note that something was wrong. The guide is for people to understand how things are supposed to go in this place that not many people have had time to get familiar with. There's nothing wrong with giving people information about how things are supposed to work in the world they're playing in.

The problem is you are speaking of Murdering or a straight up attack in the public eye. That? I expect Law enforcement to step in. What started this post was nothing even close to that. Just two people Roleplaying about traveling and then being called illegal and attempted to be arrested.


I still stand by that this is a fine guide for people interested in Law Enforcement in Kugane, but it doesn't matter if it is open world or not; No everyone wants to RP inside a house all day and there isn't private zones. JUST ASK before engaging! It is just a courtesy.

Howdy there! As one of the two individuals who were involved in a recent situation involving the 'law' in Kugane, I did want to come forward with my own comment as well. As Rowena had said, asking is a sure-fire way to make sure certain RP is okay with folk when approaching!


For example, if two folk are outweighing the pros and cons between taking someone in alive, or collecting a bounty on their head, that's not quite a proper reason to take someone into custody, etc.


Hello sir or madam,


I would like to correct you in that my character did not approach in regards to whatever you and your friend may have been discussing at the time. My character approached because she saw two presumed foreigners, amid a string of incidents wherein other foreigners had mistakenly docked at the wrong pier, loitering about at Pier #1. She gave a light reaction to the end part of your continued post wherein you mentioned something about killing a person but made no further comment on it. So she approached, asked for a reason as to why you and your friend's character were there, and when it was made known that your two characters were foreigners, asked for documentation of their legal entry into the city. Your character then proceeded to state that they had no documentation on their person, save for your friend who flashed a letter of some sort, but then stated that the documentation was available with the customs officials. My character then asked both of your characters to accompany her to the pier to confirm the legitimacy of your character's statement. My reasoning behind such was that it would not do to have two potential illegal aliens wandering about the city to go engage in a potentially time consuming process, particularly since this isn't the modern age and one can't simply type in a name into a database and see all the relevant information. But I digress. You and your friend's characters refused to go with my character, citing more pressing matters to attend to, at which point my character turned it into an order. After your characters' refusal to comply, she performed an action to summon reinforcements to thereby attempt to take both of your characters into custody until such time as your status could be confirmed, at which point your friend godmodded a departure which lead to my blacklisting of you and your friend. I will admit that my own actions can be interpreted as godmodding as well and will admit fault there.


I would like to point out that at no point was it made clear to me OOCly that you two were RPing a private scene.


I will accept fault in not asking for permission to engage in the scene prior to initiating as well. I was unaware of such a custom in public open world RP, and will thereby be making efforts to alter my behavior to accommodate such should I again choose to engage in RP.


I would also like to point out that there was a steady escalation in my character's response to your characters' actions. The steady evasion and refusal to comply only compounded my character's suspicion which led to her attempt to arrest. She did not simply jump in and attempt to arrest some random people. She jumped in, made inquiries, had said inquiries deflected, and then proceeded an attempt to arrest due to there being enough reason to reasonably doubt their alibi.


Regardless, I've undoubtedly irreparably damaged what little credibility I'd established within the community. I'll leave the OP up in the event that others wish to use it and refrain from commenting further, in addition to withdrawing my character from the RP community. Further communication directed to me may be taken to private messages.


To the moderators, locking this thread is your decision. I'd simply prefer not to see it apparently blow up any more than it already has.

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And trying to take their characters into custody without their consent wasn't godmodding to begin with? They had all the right to just leave that roleplay. That wasn't godmodding, that was simply leaving the scene because they were not okay with what you were doing in the first place.

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We're all members in a wonderful community here, and it's nice to think that we can all try to be grand to one another, and that's why asking before doing things makes it all the better, and easier to make sure roleplay goes smoothly!


However, when you approach a RP between two individuals unannounced, proceed to heckle them ICly for 'papers', and then try to arrest them all in the span of what wasn't even ten minutes? It just doesn't work out well for either party!


Especially when the characters decide to leave that situation, and one of the two receives a tell saying their RP partner and themselves included are going to be Blacklisted of all things? For what, not wanting their characters to be arrested by someone who came to their RP unannounced? 


It's why communication is so important. It just takes a few seconds.

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