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Airship Speed

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I have had no luck finding a post regarding it if there already is one available, but what would one generally consider the speed of Eorzean airships to be? Generally it gets bounced back and forth to fit whatever is necessary to make the narrative work, but I don't recall seeing anything definitively stating something like how long the airship from Gridania to Limsa Lominsa, or from LL to Ul'Dah would be as a starting point. I've been treating it as if it would take at least hours, if not more than a day, but I hardly have any basis for that.

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I don't recall any particular text covering this, so not 100 percent sure. However, when looking at the cutscenes, both for intercity airships and the free company ones you send out on missions, they seem to move at a pretty good pace... certainly faster than a chocobo.


So, if you wish to go by that, I would say it's far more likely that it's in the hours category rather than days. But I didn't science or math any of it, so not sure. It also depends a bit on how large you consider the world to be ( how much land is between zones) since I'm sure those distances aren't represented accurately either.


Even still, I'd say hours... not days.

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Not exactly scientific here, but somewhere in-game is an unnamed NPC that when approached says something to the effect of "Gridania to Ul'dah in one day's ride, I'll never do that again!" while rubbing his backside next to his chocobo. (I believe he's a merchant somewhere in Thanalan)


So if Ul'dah to Gridania is a long days chocobo ride, I'd say that by airship it's maybe half a day.

By ship, probably somewhere in the middle of the two.

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Yeah, the actual in game distances really are the big sticking point. If a chocobo can make the journey in a day, particularly since it wouldn't be as straight a shot as an airship, then that certainly would stand to reason that it could take 1/4 to 1/2 the time to fly if they do travel at that 85-100mph clip. That really does shrink down the world a bit considering the distance between Gridania and Ul'dah on the world map - I had thought it was a bigger continent!

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With big engines real life airships can exceed 80mph, do the 80-100mph seems possible.


With sailing ships being up to 25mph.


With magic and stuff you could go beyond mundane physics in my view.

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Yeah, the actual in game distances really are the big sticking point. If a chocobo can make the journey in a day, particularly since it wouldn't be as straight a shot as an airship, then that certainly would stand to reason that it could take 1/4 to 1/2 the time to fly if they do travel at that 85-100mph clip. That really does shrink down the world a bit considering the distance between Gridania and Ul'dah on the world map - I had thought it was a bigger continent!


Well, you also have to keep in mind that the in-game time goes WAY faster than our own. Just during the Grindstone, if we went by the in-game day/night cycle, three/four hours for us was "technically" a good couple days in Eorzean-time. Not that we stick to that, of course, or we wouldn't have time for anything!


But yeah, if you just watch how fast time ticks by switching to Eorzean Time... it might take a day for a Chocobo to say, run from Ul'dah to Horizon. The math probably doesn't perfectly check out (I doubt that much thought was put into it), but it does mean Eorzea's probably a lot bigger than you're giving it credit for.

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