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RP Auction Event Idea

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Okay, so I have an idea in my head that will not only be fun, incourage open RP with all walks of life RPers, and help put some Gil in the FC coffers to help out with getting a house in the housing district of their choice.



Man and Woman Auction.


Basically you would volenteer to participate and you would be auctioning yourself off to whoever the highest bidder would be. The highest bidder could take you out on a date, have you help them on a quest, dungeon, or basically anything that you would be okay with. People would be paying with their actual Gil and will give it to the auctioneer. Once the auction is over the Gil would then be split up evenly between all the FC's that partipated. You do not have to be in a FC to participate and could just join for fun or even help out the other FC's. What do you guys think?

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I've seen many date auctions done before;


A story auction would be really cool. As in; Participant A would like to do and needs 2-3 people to run the rp session.


I think it sounds like you are trying to do both. Though I am unsure if people would pay money to become a part of someone else's story ( though they may pay to recruit people to their own story) it sounds like its worth a shot. Could be fun!

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I think it be better without using ingame currency that may throw people off the idea especially if they was saving for somthing like a home. Most people would be fine with just emoteing giving the money.


Also in my oppinion it gives off the vibe Pay to Roleplay when using ingame currency which will possibly turn away newer roleplayers.

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The problem with using pretend money is the fact that the bidding could go on forever and I mean forever if two parties want the same person really really badly. I am not saying the people would be expensive unless the bidding gets that high. Another thing is that you don't have to be a bidder or someone being auctioned off to RP at the event, it's more of a social event idea mixed with possibly helping out all the RP FC's. We did this exact event in Aion and we had around 30+ people involved, not all bidders and everyone had ana amazing time doing it. We even had some people interested in RP come up and try to learn how.

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We've done this exact event in XIV before, and the bidding didn't go on forever. No one used real gil, and everyone basically had a hard limit ahead of time, and didn't go over their limit. It would make sense if everyone went ahead and picked a hard limit before the event, and then registered it with the event people. Then, they can't overbid, it won't take too long, and no one has to feel that they're forking over real gil. It's win/win.


But yes, this is a fun event, and I would be all for doing it again.

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Hey, I know I'm brand new here so it might be a bit early to stick my nose in to this one, but, I was pretty closely involved with the Aion rendition of the Bachelor and Bachelorette Auctions. The real Kinah spending was, in my opinion, a wonderful idea.


Basically, we would ask RP legions to sign up as beneficiaries before the event. It was easier if there was a cut off, like no later than 24 hours before the event. We also later had rules that the legions had to have been... not totally brand new. Say that 7 legions signed up before the cut off. Those 7 legions would all get an equal cut of the profits made at the auction.


RP legions often put the money to good use. I only once heard about a legion leader pocketing the money. The rest of us put it towards future events that involved things like contests, raffles, and other sorts of prize-oriented activities. We gave out real prizes without cutting too far in to our own pockets.


So, my two cents on the matter--Real in-game currency bidding can be a good thing. (And I'm not saying that doing it with implied Gil is a bad thing at all. Just that real Gil wouldn't do any harm either.) It goes right back in to the community, usually, and in my opinion, makes things a little more interesting. There was one bachelorette auction that I spent several days simply grinding for kinah to be able to pull probably the most amusing stunt I've ever pulled in Aion before.


My alt, Lahatiel (who was a giant twat, for the record), was bidding on behalf of his extremely wealthy patron. He bid on the lover of the Brigade General of probably one of the larger legions in attendance that night. There were so many avatars crowded around my alt, looking all threatening, that I actually felt uncomfortable in real life. Giddy that I got the results I wanted... but uncomfortable nonetheless! I can't say it would have had as much of an impact without the use of tangible currency, because any yahoo at that point could then claim to be the richest person in all of Eorzea, while people who really wanted that reputation would have to seriously buckle down and work for it.

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Look at it this way, though. You don't want this to become a popularity contest, which is what it could become if you used real gil. If you don't use real gil, no one's' feelings get hurt because no one is using real gil anyway.


I think the event went off great the last time we did it with no real gil.

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Yo! So, actually~ real money WAS used last time we did this. People's real money amount was their cap, but no money was exchanged. When someone won a bid, they just opened a trade window and put up the amount they bid to prove they had it. Was pretty simple, but that's just one idea. Here's the old thread if you'd like some inspiration:



Ahh! That's a very sound compromise. I like it.


I could see it going either way, really. Literally my only experience with this sort of event has been in Aion, but I was at least pretty closely involved with the planning and execution of later auctions. I suppose in the end, it's largely up to the people running and hosting the event.


Either way, I'd be down to participate. :3

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Of course the event wouldn't be hosted right at the start of when ARR is released so more and more people can be involved in it and not just ones that already have characters with Gil. Another thing is, this event would not only be for socializing and finding new friends to RP with or even finding the right FC to join ICly, it would be to help out the FC's in being able to afford housing. Another idea is to put all the money made together, give it to someone in the community trustowrthy to hold onto and after that people can make donations when ever they want and we, the RPC, can buy one of the large houses shown in the live letter and make it a RP hotspot.

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This sounds like a really interesting idea, but since you guys all have gil from your previous gameplay, and I will just be starting, poor as heck, with A realm reborn... I would never win an auction lol. But I wouldnt mind watching it all.

Don't forget, you could also participate by being up for auction. ;)

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I would love to join in on this, and I personally really like the idea of a real gil auction. For a new player like myself, auctioning myself off to help others would not only be an amazing way to get me involved in other storylines, but would also help me get that much closer to a house of my very own. I'm sure there are other newcomers who could use the monetary and social boost an auction like this would provide.

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Hey, I know I'm brand new here so it might be a bit early to stick my nose in to this one, but, I was pretty closely involved with the Aion rendition of the Bachelor and Bachelorette Auctions. The real Kinah spending was, in my opinion, a wonderful idea.



Who was your main, mine was Vexcily from Crimson Ground.

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I felt bad I missed this when it was held in 1.0 due to a RL scheduling conflict. I would love to participate somehow in ARR if something like this comes together~

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This sounds like a really interesting idea, but since you guys all have gil from your previous gameplay, and I will just be starting, poor as heck, with A realm reborn... I would never win an auction lol. But I wouldnt mind watching it all.

Don't forget, you could also participate by being up for auction. ;)


that IS true. At the very least it would help Tim'a get to know other characters.

Not saying he'd be very enthusiastic about it though.. more like glowering angrily the whole time...

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