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looking for RP friends and adventures

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**Small Heavensward MSQ spoiler in the background**





Garinn Draz has fought for Ishgard as long as he can remember.  As a highlander, he was seen as somewhat of an outsider at a young age, but through battle quickly earned their camaraderie and admiration.  He took up the lance and has loved it ever since.  Eating, drinking, fighting, and winning: it was a straightforward life, but one that Garinn enjoyed and excelled at.


With the end of the war and the opening of the gates, Garinn has decided to explore the rest of Eorzia.  He is amazed at the different races, places, and all it has to offer.  He plans on enjoying as much of it as possible.  Recently, he has enjoyed taking up fishing and cooking said fish.


Looking for: 


Garinn has joined a trading company, and is thoroughly enjoying this new group of friends.  However, he is most eager to expand his group of friends to go on adventures with, or to just sit around and share stories over a barrel of Ale.  Since he is also learning the ways of trading, he is also interested in meeting merchants or other businesses looking to expand their network and opportunities.



So!  If you are interested in having a loud highlander join your friends or ranks or are in need of a bodyguard or muscle, be sure to send me a tell in game or post here!!


((I have been told my roleplaying reminds people of Reinhardt from Overwatch or Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.  Ripping off of shirt and flexing may happen during roleplaying.))


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I'd love to get in contact with your character ^^ My character hails from Ishgard as well. I can't really offer much as far as adventure goes as I don't advertise my character to be a master in combat in the slightest.. (enough to keep bandits at bay and breath in her lungs). But I can offer a drinking buddy at the worse. 


But I did see mention of trade.. my character is a smith by craft so maybe we can work out quite a few ideas. ^^

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Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.  Ripping off of shirt and flexing may happen during roleplaying.))

Sheeeeet, you had me right here.  Are sparkles included?


Edit: Doh! Just noticed you're on Mateus :( oh well, good luck all the same!

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