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Ala Mihgan Healers

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Hi all!


I am currently trying to piece together a backstory for my Ala Mihgan character. I love the healing classes and healing in game so I would like to try and incorporate that into his story. My question is, what healer class makes the most sense for an Ala Mihgan or an Ala Mihgan refugee?

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There's Ala Mhigan shamans, conjurers and surgeon-esque Ala Mhigan NPCs to be found. Shamans were CNJ in 1.0, and in a ARR in the Monk questline they still appear to be conjurers.


Shamans have little lore about them. But most roleplayer I've known have been pretty creative with it. The whole two of them. :^)


However, there's nothing stopping you from being any of the ingame classes ultimately, provided you come up with a how and why for your character!

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Conjury is described as being extremely easy to pick up, even for people who otherwise have no grasp on magic.


And yes, as far as I can tell, the "Shamans" are just a fancy name for Conjurer, but you can of course add flair to that.


I'm not sure the other healing schools have made their way to Gyr Abania, beyond White Magic, but that was supposedly suppressed after the War of the Magi.

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And yes, as far as I can tell, the "Shamans" are just a fancy name for Conjurer, but you can of course add flair to that.

Actually about that...


I'm not completely sure?


One of the two aforementioned Shaman roleplayers asked Koji at Fanfest if we would see Ala Mhigan shamans come Stormblood, he said yes. He might have implied that the few Conjurer NPCs we have are the Shamans my friend asked about, but I somehow doubt that? Of course I don't have any proof of that, beyond just having to take my word for granted.


Not to mention they scrapped the whole Oracle deal for the Ala Mhigan class.


So who knows they might meant to be the Oracle class before it got shafted in favour for Red Mage. What makes me really sad because man, I love spellcasters, but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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And yes, as far as I can tell, the "Shamans" are just a fancy name for Conjurer, but you can of course add flair to that.

Actually about that...


I'm not completely sure?


One of the two aforementioned Shaman roleplayers asked Koji at Fanfest if we would see Ala Mhigan shamans come Stormblood, he said yes. He might have implied that the few Conjurer NPCs we have are the Shamans my friend asked about, but I somehow doubt that? Of course I don't have any proof of that, beyond just having to take my word for granted.


Not to mention they scrapped the whole Oracle deal for the Ala Mhigan class.


So who knows they might meant to be the Oracle class before it got shafted in favour for Red Mage. What makes me really sad because man, I love spellcasters, but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I didn't put that well. What I really meant was, all the Shamans we see in-game appear to be Conjurers? So my thought was, maybe that's just how Ala Mhigans view Conjurers. I mean, the border between the Shroud and Gyr Abania was pretty fluid until Baelsar's Wall. So it seems to me that people could have migrated to Gyr Abania after learning Conjury. And what is Conjury? Communing with the elements or the "spirits". And what do Shamans do? They commune with the elements or the "spirits."


Seems to me like a cultural flavor of Conjurer. But I could totally be wrong! If only they would tell us what is really going on, it would be so much easier. xD

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