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[ Mateus ] Sandwich food truck pulls in!

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Hi! Am Sammich. Long time Squeenix/FF fan and RPer. Veteran of eight years. Excited about just having gotten FFXIV's complete edition after reading/writing about it for months! Can't wait for RP time!


 Though, I'll probably use the forum to establish long-term RP relations...I do plan on transferring all six of my little dudes to Balmung, with four being on Mateus, one on Adamantoise, and one on Zalera. My first three characters, I made while playing the free trial, lol. Their Wiki profiles will come out soon when I've finished polishing them off! They are;


 Eylili Eyli [Mateus] - Plainsfolk Gridanian farmer returning to her ancestors home of La Noscea with hopes of achieving her dream of being a renowned baker. Intensely scelerophobic, but also intensely compassionate.


 Yanlin Chow [Adamantoise] - Half Doman Midlander, half Ishgardian Wildwood dragoon. Studies Dravanian history and draconic cultures. Rule-abiding, but will always break it for friends in need.


 Nanahiqi Sosohiqi [Zalera] - Dunesfolk seamster from a long line of tailors, of whom served the Ul dynasty as Masters of the Robes since the fourth generation. A buttface.


 Ilakha Moks (Noykin) [Mateus] - Born of an unknown tribe but adopted by a Moks family residing as Noykin. When the Buduga took her foster parents' lives and her older brother for his healing prowess, she becomes intent on finding him, as well as her original family along the way. Even if it means leaving the Azim Steppe. Only a babby (seen fifteen summers), wants to be veterinarian someday. Typically soft-spoken, but determined.


 C'ayizme Nunh [Mateus] - From a coalition within the coeurl tribe of Sunseekers. His uncle was a bad dude. He killed C'ayizme's twin brother, but he could do little about it. Supplies run low in the desert. Coalition starving, but bad uncle won't budge. Too xenophobic, afraid of other tribes/males wanting to fight him. Too bad. C'ayizme kill him. Now head of the pride, he immediately divorces his aunts for new batch of females. Soon, however, his fav mate die. Him sad. He now research pathology in Ul'dah to help his pride. Buff fluffy lion. Acts like your (cool) uncle.


 Alta(ntsetseg) Torgud [Mateus] - Torgud Xaela born with albinism. Her family left the Burn to protect her from those who want to chop her up, either from a) thinking she's Raen or b) wacky voodoo rituals. She lived nice life at Fanged Crescent, though. Loved war stories, perhaps a bit too much. Got captured by XIIth legion solder. As a child slave, brought to his home in Ala Mhigo. She escape and found by Resistance couple who raise her in secret. As an adult, she is set off. Wants to repay her foster family someday; connects deeply with native Ala Mhigans. A bit strict, but truthful.


 A lot of these descriptions are out-of-context so some backstories may look odd, but I didn't want to make this post super long. When I post their full profiles, I'll add an RP hook list to it!


 In fact, I've finished everyone but Ilakha's profile! Whoever wants to PM me to view whichever ones they like are welcome to! I can't wait to start writing with you all!

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Welcome! Nice variety of characters, and nice to read about them. I recently migrated to Matteus and love it so far, having found a good FC to join. Always looking to run into others in game too for some RP.

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Welcome to the RPC and keep in touch whenever you do finish Ilakha's wiki. Would love to see a veterinarian around. :D With all the 'bos out with adventurers I can see where one would be pretty useful. 

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


Welcome to the RPC and keep in touch whenever you do finish Ilakha's wiki. Would love to see a veterinarian around. :D With all the 'bos out with adventurers I can see where one would be pretty useful. 

 Thanks so much, everyone! I'm exciting about getting started! It's just that...


 I can't log into the Wiki to make profiles for some reason? I thought I did everything I needed to? :<

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Hey there and welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


Welcome to the RPC and keep in touch whenever you do finish Ilakha's wiki. Would love to see a veterinarian around. :D With all the 'bos out with adventurers I can see where one would be pretty useful. 

 Thanks so much, everyone! I'm exciting about getting started! It's just that...


 I can't log into the Wiki to make profiles for some reason? I thought I did everything I needed to? :<


The wiki is linked to the RPC, so use your login credentials here to access there. Then, to get started, just do a search for your characters' names. There won't be anything, so you'll get an option to create something. You should be good to go from there. :thumbsup:

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The wiki is linked to the RPC, so use your login credentials here to access there. Then, to get started, just do a search for your characters' names. There won't be anything, so you'll get an option to create something. You should be good to go from there. :thumbsup:

 I did, but it says I don't exist. :C ...also my parrot sneezed and it was pretty cute, but that's off topic-

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  • 2 months later...

 Update, update, update! :moogle:


 So! Lion boi was recycled, but I won't go deleting any posts I made about him or anything. I still like him, I just fell out of the mood for roleplaying him anymore. Instead, a Fantasia'd him to... another Lala! His profile is in my signature!


 Enqu Gosaqu [Mateus] - Son of Sharlayan ex-Forum member and Garlean Praefectus. Astrologian. Makes maps of land and sky. Best friend is a Moogle alchemist (kupo!). Currently employed at the Tsundoku Carbuncle College! They're currently looking for students and teachers themselves! A very cool Mateus-based FC!


 As usual, I'd love to meet new people in-character and out-of-character with him! o v o)/

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