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Pirate and Dark Knight looking for Friends/Companions/Connections

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Hello everyone! I'm currently looking to meet more of you on the Balmung server or even join some dedicated Linkshells for RP purposes.


RPC Library - Kagato Jurai


While I like to have most of Kagato's details come out mid-RP (I like a slow burn of information rather than just dumping a character's past on someone after a night of chatting), there's still a few things one should know about Kagato right off the bat.


Firstly, he's a Pirate, but he's still a good person. He uses his position to live freely without being bound by anyone's laws other than his own. This, however, does cause him to get in trouble with certain people and places. Also, he's more like a Robin Hood figure, robbing from those who can afford it, or those who deserve it. Other than that, he's a treasure hunter or bounty hunter in order to make extra money. He's not a mercenary, though, unless someone really, REALLY wants his particular set of skills and the money is good.


Secondly, despite being a Pirate and a Dark Knight, he's a bit of a derp and a goofball. His sense of direction isn't exactly the best, he's clumsy and trips on stairs, he runs directly into walls, and he loves a good pun or twelve. In short, Kagato can be a comedic character, but he's not a clown. He'll make you laugh, but he's not a walking joke. After all, under certain circumstances, his entire attitude can... change:




But do not worry! You'll be fine! Probably.



The kind of RP scenes or communities I enjoy being a part of are those that are very laid-back and willing to let the imagination stretch a bit for the sake of a good laugh or a good story. These are some things that Kagato would be great at for RP.


  1. Pirate RP - This is a given. Anything regarding Pirates and Piracy, Kagato can fit right on in.
  2. Being a Mentor - Kagato can be a mentor for someone looking to gain experience regarding: Piracy, Dark Knight, Physical Training and/or Martial Arts, Gunplay, Treasure Hunting, Cooking.
  3. Heroic RP - Kagato is more of a Chaotic Neutral, often even delving into Chaotic Good, but at the end of the day, if you need someone who can do the dirtier deeds for the sake of the overall good, Kagato is your guy. He's not a full good guy or hero, but he'll do what he feels is right. He'll just do it in the way he wants to do it.
  4. Dark RP - Got something a bit more dark in tone? As long as you're willing to forgive the occasional bad pun or clumsy action, Kagato can meld well with any darker themes. However, he is not a villain nor will he do any truly villainous acts unless there's a good reason for him to do so. He's no stranger to getting rather violent, though.

Regarding Romance - Since this is a very real thing that can happen in RPs, I wanted to address it. I am fine with romance being a part of any RP. if anything I enjoy it as it brings even more character development into light. So if you wish to pursue this, go for it! It won't be something easy or overnight, however, but he does have great interest in ladies just as rough and tough as he is. Being around so many Roegadyn melded his tastes that way.


I'm around normally in the late afternoons and evenings EST. Feel free to send a /tell or a message anytime if you'd like to RP with me or want me to be a part of something!


I hope I didn't post too much and went overboard! D:

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Pirate you say.. them's bold words, or stupid words... which are you?


Me, I'll stick with Privateering *pirate wink*. But if we like the cut of your jib maybe we could use some extra strong arm. Come by our place and see if you survive.


((We are just in the starting up period of our FC but feel free to poke us and I will keep you in mind when the malarkey starts))

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Hello there mate. Reading your post made me smile for a few reasons. First, I love the loveable goofball character archetype! I personally don't play that type of character myself, because I never seemed to get it just right. . . Something always felt "off". 

But I digress!


The second thing I liked is I could see a few possible hooks for my main character and even an Altair two I'm considering spinning up. Alyria is always looking for a sparring partner, and given her past she has never had the chance to go up against a Dark Knight. So, that could be a learning experience for her and fun for your character.


I will look for you in game or feel free to add Alyria Winchester to your friends list! You can also find me serving drinks at the Wayfarers Rest (Goblet, Ward 6 Plot 58) from 6-8 PM CDT Tues-Fridays if you ever want to stop by for basically free IC booze and see where the RP takes them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there! I noticed your post and thought I'd reach out! My character's involved in quite a bit of dark RP with lots of morally-grey happenings, so someone who can do the dirtier deeds for the sake of the overall good sounds right up our alleyway. As well, having someone who can train in fighting and who can cook is always a plus, but even moreso if they're not afraid to lighten the mood with some well-timed humor lol


Totally feel free to hit me up either on here, or in-game (Shady Individual)!


I'm usually around in the evenings (EST), so that also works out :D


Looking forward to hearing from you, and wishing you the best in your connection hunt out there! :thumbsup:

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