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Ugh. Can we not get into an anti-Brony vs Brony thing? I think we'll all be better served if we just let people engage in their interests peacefully so long as they stay respectful and unobtrusive.


Otherwise, the mods'll have to send in the bomb squad. :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:

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Ugh. Can we not get into an anti-Brony vs Brony thing? I think we'll all be better served if we just let people engage in their interests peacefully so long as they stay respectful and unobtrusive.


Otherwise, the mods'll have to send in the bomb squad. :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:


Agreed, pretty sure it was just meant to be a fun way for people to express their characters.  Regardless of whether or not they like My Little Pony or not.

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Not sure we have any bomb squads, but I can always check in the backroom for you later.


Regardless, I'd like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that the rules of the forum ask for you to be respectful to others. The subject of pastel colored ponies is very controversial and divisive, and there are many people who are passionate about it, so do keep that in mind when posting.


Thank you! :love:

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I normally don't get the whole pony fascination thing but I admit I'm bored and have nothing else to do on this humdrum Sunday so I figured why not procrastinate doing something worthwhile waste a little time.  Behold, the product of my procrastination!



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I normally don't get the whole pony fascination thing...


Because it's a tightly written show with a lot of genuine laughter and sweetness to it. It sidesteps a lot of toxic practices when it comes to writing both children's shows and "girl shows", and it provides a lot of interesting storytelling that's neither pandering nor ridiculous.


Not to say that it's perfect. And not to ignore the staggering number of people who take an animated children's show about talking horses far too seriously. It's depressing to see that a genuinely fun show has attracted a fandom that is sometimes just plain noxious, which is why I don't much like identifying with the subculture. (Material in this vein is literally everywhere and I'm not going to search for it for links.)


But for most of the people who like it, it's much like the love of Adventure Time or Transformers Animated or Teen Titans. It's not aimed at you, but it's still fun. The fact that some people take disinterest in it to be a form of sacrilege and take that fun to absurd extremes doesn't compromise the enjoyment.

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Chalk me up as neutral then.  We watch it once in awhile when we're babysitting my niece.  So I'm familiar with it.  Just not the fandom, I suppose, or anti-fandom.  Thank you for helping to illuminate that a bit.

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Oh I did this awhile back... let me find mine...


my ideal pony. I love Zebras. Purple and yellow are my fav colors. The horns symbolize Aries. Wings are for the Fae loving side of me.

(For some reason I can't get images to load on this site. WIP. PM me with advice plz.)




I was really into the movie "Tangled" at the time so I made a Rapunzel pony too.



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