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[Shiva EU] Greetings

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Hey there!

I am Naran and I play on Shiva. First: Sorry for my bad English, I am German :'D

I play MMOs since ... 2008 or something like that. Startet with WoW, went through SWTOR and TESO and now I am here. And I like it. Mainjob is Astrologian, then Summoner and Scholar. Currently I am leveling a Redmage.



Although Naran is a huntress from the Dotharl tribe, she and her brother live in Eorzea, currently in Ul'dah. They have kind of a tavern/marketplace/fight club -  they call it a mix between Reunion and Naadam. It's called "der schwarze Loaghtan" (Black Loaghtan) and it is in the Goblets (7,17&18)


Hrm. Now I have no idea, what I could write anymore. Well - feel free, to ask me anything you want!



<3 Naran


P.S. On Omega I am Sarantuya Dotharl. Yesh, I love them xD

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Oh, welcome! My main character, Amasandji, is on Shiva and he's a Dotharl too (although he has abandoned the tribe)! Even though I don't get to RP often with him, partly because I don't speak german, leading me to creating a RP alt on Omega, I've come up anyway with a story and everything for him. You could try sending me a tell, usually I'm around from 5 pm to 11 pm server time, barring emergencies and dinner time.

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Oh, welcome! My main character, Amasandji, is on Shiva and he's a Dotharl too (although he has abandoned the tribe)! Even though I don't get to RP often with him, partly because I don't speak german, leading me to creating a RP alt on Omega, I've come up anyway with a story and everything for him. You could try sending me a tell, usually I'm around from 5 pm to 11 pm server time, barring emergencies and dinner time.

Uh! I'll try to catch you! Maybe we can do some RP! Although I never did RP in English ^^' But I'll try to send you a tell :3

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