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changing servers.


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Just a curious question, but, if you're interested in RP, why in the world would you transfer off of Balmung?

Simply put, my sister recently started playing the game and we want to play together but i already used the level booster to quick make a samurai so i cant just make another character. (i really get bored of the vanilla storyline...)

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One off-topic, but related thing to note would be that if you transfer off Balmung, you may not be able to transfer back, possibly forever. While you cna find RP on other servers like Mateus, Siren, Jenova, Omega (for EU), etc, if you're used to seeing a lot of RP out in the open, Balmung is the only server that really does that. (Although I am seeing more public stuff in Mateus!)


I'd also note that the MSQ skip potion and the Job Level potion are different. If you haven't used the MSQ skip one, you could bypass the 2.X and 3.X stories, but you'd still need to level up manually, from my understanding. But if FATEs, PotD, and the like are fine, that might be an option too.

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