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Looking for more friends

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Greetings and salutations fellow creators! Like others on here, I'm looking to meet a few writing partners to relax and RP with. I'm part of an FC that does cross RP with others and I'm not trash talking them at all but 99% of my circle of friends are guys playing gay women. I love them to death and wouldn't give them up for anything but I am looking to diversify my circle a bit.


That isn't to say that we shouldn't RP if you happen to fall into that category! I'm happy to meet fun writing partners regardless of your preference and I wouldn't cheat myself missing out on what so many of you can offer creatively! I really hope this isn't making me sound like an awful bigot cause I'm not.


I main Diannero Marcalous. A midlander un-deputized self-proclaimed constable in the Ul'dah area that gets under the skin of any Brass Blade or Flame Yellow Jacket that happens to have the unfortunate pleasure of Dian taking an interest in murders, thefts, or bandit activity in their jurisdiction. She isn't particularly righteous, more she just tries and solve cases out of bordom. A well educated and rich heiress is bound to have her hobbies just sometimes her hobbies lead to people getting shot. Her often reckless antics have earned her the excessively inflated and pretentious moniker 'Diannero Dawnshot' much to her own vexation.



As the subject implies I Spotlight share. I like to be told a story as much as I love to be apart of it. I love when I can write around what other people are doing and integrate it into something that is 'ours' rather than 'mine'. It's the whole point of RP, I think.



I'm on Discord all day and in game most every evening. Gweyr#9047 PM me for deets!




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If only I was on Mateus, ugh! I love your character concept and I think Adelaide would get along well with your character.


If you wanna try and work something out, PM me!


I don't really alt. So if working something out meant me rolling a new in another server I can't. I can't split time between two characters and not make the people that depend on either one of them for their stories upset. Besides I personally am not skilled enough to stretch myself thin creatively.


Which is a shame! your Signature is beautiful and I'm sure I would have love to RP with Adelaide.

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If you'd like some more people to RP with, I can offer up my FC of people. We can always just run into you in Ul'dah or whatever else really. Could possibly use you in some of or story events or something, too, if you wanted.


Anyways, just let me know if you're interested, I'm not gonna be butt hurt if you're not since I'm not just representing myself. Discord is Grimnir#4433. Either way I hope you find some more contacts to interact with.

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