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Looking for RP - Evenings PST

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Due to a change at work, I normally don't make it online until after 6:30pm PST.  A lot of the RP I've experienced so far on Balmung tends to start closing up around 7pm PST.   I'm usually active 7pm - 11pm PST weekdays and more on the weekends.  


EDIT: Caera was retired due to not wanting to create perception issues for new comers or potential members of The Reliquarian's Guild. I've started a new character (Erdene Mol) to take her place.  Erdene keeps the "ignorant to the ways of Eorzea" aspect, so the player and character can learn together. I'll be working on updating Erdene's wiki as details hopefully fill in through RP interaction. (and maybe I get my hands on some commissioned art of the Character)

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Caera is a really fun player to be around and I recommend that anyone that has the opportunity to look her up. I have been playing with them for a while now, and the character is super fun (even if she can only call Ehzo'ir "Mister E" for reasons). 


People I recommend looking out for RP with her:


- People that would be willing to explain what everything means

- Patient people

- People that would really like to take a person who is trusting and betray that trust (you monster)

- People that enjoy a good fun character.

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