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Lively & Bubbly Miqo'te lady squire in search of adventure & companionship!

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[align=center]W'elika, known primarily by her given name of Elika or Eli to her friends is an adventurous and bubbly soul from the Miqo'te tribe of the wolf. Elika found her way to Ul'dah during the refugee crisis that misplaced and separated many of the Miqo'te people, as a result Elika became seperated from her family and tribe members during a storm, escaping on-board a leaving fishing ship.




[align=center]For several months Elika worked as a deck hand on upon the Lady Star, it was difficult work yet offered her a temporary place to live, a simple income and a reasonable portion of food, despite the hardship she remained cheery and resourceful, hiding her troubles away from others eyes.




[align=center]Upon reaching Ul'dah and going separate ways from her ship crew, Elika wished to travel in search of her family, yet coming to realise that doing so alone was possibly a dangerous task, as a result Elika took notice of her own resourceful and hard working personality and decided to advertise herself as a squire or personal assistant to a willing adventurer.




[align=center]Hoping that perhaps one day soon her family would be found.








[align=center]Hello Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my characters little synopsis. I'm not long back to FFXIV after a small duration of time.




[align=center]So! A little about myself. 




[align=center]I'm an experienced role-player and hope to involve myself further into the lore and universe and world of Hydaelyn, coming back after some time and having no friends or connections makes role-play difficult and rather daunting so I'm hoping to change that with this post! I'm looking for friendships and companionship and possibly that my Character Elika can use and develop to further expand her personal story and personality. She's a bubbly and rather excitable girl that can at times become too much for people yet shows her true qualities through loyalty.




[align=center]I don't have any preference on who you are or what you do as long as it's not criminal in nature as Elika would refuse. I'm happy with male or female characters and just wish to see what happens, be it simply friends or a relationships yet this isn't my primary focus. Elika is level 60 and capable of travelling to most locations without being in too much danger.




[align=center]If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I'm also completely fine with In-game letters be them OOC or IC in nature.[/align]



[align=center] I look forward to hearing from you and role-playing with you! 




[align=center]Thank you! :) [/align]

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