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Headmistress Gainishigi (Rewrites in progress)

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Hey, unfortunately I don't play a Raen, or I'd probably be after some of that university gil, but I was just curious about how you manage to RP a voidsent and still come across as pretty reasonable, at least OOCly. Do you have a good explanation for it, or is it more 'I thought this would be cool'? Not a lore expert, mind you, so I'm not exactly one to judge.

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Higura is a variety of flan/pudding. The gross slime monsters seen throughout Eorzea. 


I originally thought it would make an interesting narrative when designing her two years ago. Looking through the lore, I came up with a variety of positive and negative traits for the character. 


Higura is a sentient monster made of meat/slime. She's accutely aware of what she is, what she requires to continue living (that being consuming the aether of living creatures.) Knowing her burden for simply existing, she wanted to give back to the world through creation of the University.


Higura is not glamoured, but rather is the shape of a spoken race via a Mhachi artifact that reshapes her body and makes her appear to be a person. The artifact, the Mhachi Ciorcal, is not something that appears ingame, but is based upon probability that they would make something like it. Being an item used for espionage, it was given to pudding and flan in the war of the magic for assassinations and recon, as the creatures could blend in with other populations without them knowing. The artifact masks her aether, so long as she doesn't cast magic in any form, and it limits her voracious appetite, and makes normal food provide a small amount of energy. Granted, she avoids combat because it's only an outward appearance. Her insides are nothing like you'd expect from a miqo'te or any mortal race.


Her appearance, being a seeker of the sun, is chosen based upon her relationship with a seeker cat that she attempted to save during the age of endless frost, and uses their appearance as a homage to them.


She can't wild any weapons due to how her body works. She's incredibly inefficient at combat, but can defend herself if necessary. She cannot use magic or teleport. If she does, her use of magic would be a dead giveaway that she is a voidsent via aether. 


... To sum up, she's a voidsent, as it plays into the reasons for creating a school, how she interacted with people, and how her decisions are made. She never outright tells people what she is, it's only inferred through her sometimes strange interaction.


(it's what you don't see, not what you see, that matters.) ... So she's not going to prance around going 'look at me I'm a monster.' Any smart creature would remain hidden. I just don't want people to get into something without warning. It was originally just a creative way to help make interesting plots for the school.

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Being a fairly old creature, she's travelled all over Alendard, ilsabard, and Meracydia. However, she had never made the opportunity to visit Othard, and as a result she was never able to meet Au Ra people. She finds Xaela and Raen equally beautiful, but feels that the Xaela people are too tribal for her tastes. 


So it's a mix of "this is a new spoken race that I hardly know of" and "oh gosh they're super pretty."

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