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Wannabe Hero Hingan Looking for Connections!

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Name: Hei Fukuto



Age: 25



Race: Hingan Hyur Midlander



Birthplace: Kugane



Occupation: Wandering Samurai and wouldbe hero!



Alignment: Neutral Good.



Orientation: Heterosexual - though he firmly believes he will get a 'death flag' by entering into any romantic relationship.



Appearance: A somewhat tall Hingan man with a physique of a swordsman and a rather goofy (perhaps punchable) and unflinching smile upon his face. His posture seems to almost constantly radiate a positive energy of excitement. He has a full head of messy black hair and bright green eyes as well as scar running across his face.



Personality: A very outgoing, confident, and determined individual. He is a man dedicated to making others smile! A constantly cheerful soul, he can be a bit naive but nevertheless, he is often the first to charge into an adventure or a perilous situation if it means he can help others smile. Smiles seem to be the man's defining trait as he will often speak of it while having an almost constant bright smile of his own adorning his expression. He thinks little of his own needs, almost always ending up giving most of his earned gil towards beggars or other unfortunates that he deems could use the gil better than himself. Despite this leaving the man in near pereptual poverty, his smile and cheeriness never falters!



Hey there guys! Just making a connections post for a character I have recently made in Mateus. As I have pretty much gone into Mateus blind without any contacts save for a few from Balmung. I'm looking to connect and perhaps have some stories/adventurers going with other RPers!



Hooks/What I am looking for:

-Contacts! And more contacts! More specifically seeking a network of friends or individuals of which he could help as well as get to know.



-Jobs. Being ever the drifter and wanderer, he will take any job (that doesn't involve shady dealings) and any task in order to make ends meet. And he will do it all with a smile!



-Adventures. Adventurers. Companions! Looking for people to travel with and have many (hopefully) smile inducing adventures along the way.



-Long term story development (Whether it be friends, lovers, enemies, and more!). This one should be self explanatory but looking for people to connect with long term and develop characters through interactions.



-And of course any other ideas people might have!




Some Disclaimers



I will not...



ERP. Sexual themes are fine provided they are developed naturally but if it comes to it, I would firmly prefer 'fade to black'.


RP out scenes that harm or otherwise inappropriate abuse minors. I am on board with most mature and adult themes however onscreen violence against children are something I would firmly prefer to avoid.




If anyone is interested in meeting a smiling and gullible idiot, please feel free to contact me here or add me on discord (Grant Yaeger#5713). Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a pleasant and fun RP experience!

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Hei looks like he'd be a lot of fun and I've been looking for more connections since coming to Mateus as well. Rin'li could always use and adventuring buddy, or a guinea pig to try out new spells with/on depending on just how gullible they are. ;) I'll see if I can't get into contact with you soon if that sounds good!

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Hey! Feel free to send me a friend invite! I’m on Mateus as a Doman/Hingan character and have been looking all over for other Doman Hyur without any luck so far! Would love to meet up for RP out adventuring, around Limsa or around anywhere in the Mist, as well.


The FC I’m in has a nicely active Discord if you ever feel like checking us out—everyone is welcome in the FC house for RP, especially Doman/Hingan characters ICly. Also, OOC I share a lot of your preferences for RP so it would be awesome to meet up!


Character name is Kamome Greywing. Discord is Kamome#7964. Feel free to get in touch any time! Welcome to Mateus! ^^

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Hey guys,


I have am back in the game as a Doman myself, and looking for new friends and long term relationships, be them friends, rivals, romance.


Hei seems like a really cool positive guy that my character Daisuke would enjoy being around.


Kamome, I'd like to meet other Domans too. Let's meet up!

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