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A modest debate, Potential new player

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Good day, evening, or whatever strange mix you may get in your part of the world. (Looking at you, Iceland. 3 hours of daylight my-anyway)


Please call me Stone, and I come to you folks as this game was recommended highly by a few google searches in terms of looking for a RP game to spend some time in.


The problem is, I know very little about the game, and don't have much time for research.


In fact, my free time is so damned limited, that I've been hesitant to get back to RP at all. Much less shell out 30-60 bucks for a new game.


To explain:


I'm 1. A schoolteacher. Which means I have a VERY set bedtime.

2. A parent of a toddler. So my gaming time can begin only AFTER he's abed.

3. A fighter in the Society for Creative Anachronism, so sometimes my free time must be taken in the metal shop, fixing my armor. In that regard, I'm also an idiot, as I don't use a shield.


My RP experience is pretty vast, but most of it is in western games and settings. (Not cowboys, more like, Neverwinter Nights from Bioware, Super Hero MMOs, Secret world, etc.)


SO, really, I suppose to core questions are.... What does the game potentially offer to me, RP Wise?


Do you think I could find a meaningful place in this world, with such a terribly limited schedule?


Thank you.

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Gosh I miss Neverwinter Nights.  Maybe the new Enhanced edition coming out will revive the persistent world servers there!


I think you can find meaningful RP in FFXIV, even with an abbreviated schedule.

May I ask what sever you were on? I have fond memories of Amia.


I'm also hearing that it can be hard to get into the RP server here? How does that work?

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There's good and bad sides of every community mate, RP or not. Mateus is a relatively new one though, so if you want to try and get involved, that's probably the place to go. I'd whack a Making Connections thread on this website, and see if anyone else has a schedule that lines up with yours. Outside of that, I'm sure there's plenty of nice people who'd help you out.


All that said, I have a question about your hobby of getting dressed up in metal and smacking your mates with sticks. Is grappling a viable tactic when you're in full plate? I always imagined if you could get a bloke in armour to the ground, you could slip a knife in his visor or whatever and do him in.

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There's good and bad sides of every community mate, RP or not. Mateus is a relatively new one though, so if you want to try and get involved, that's probably the place to go. I'd whack a Making Connections thread on this website, and see if anyone else has a schedule that lines up with yours. Outside of that, I'm sure there's plenty of nice people who'd help you out.


All that said, I have a question about your hobby of getting dressed up in metal and smacking your mates with sticks. Is grappling a viable tactic when you're in full plate? I always imagined if you could get a bloke in armour to the ground, you could slip a knife in his visor or whatever and do him in.


You are 100% correct! Look up a weapon called a "Dagger of Mercy." It was BUILT for that.


As for grappling, not in the one I do, but there is in something called Battle of Nations, or Armored Combat League. Some of the people I fight do that too,

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May I ask what sever you were on? I have fond memories of Amia.


Forgotten Realms: Cormyr, Cormyr and the Dalelands, and Styss.


I'm also hearing that it can be hard to get into the RP server here? How does that work?


Balmung is currently locked. However, there is an active and thriving community on Mateus, which is not locked!

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May I ask what sever you were on? I have fond memories of Amia.


Forgotten Realms: Cormyr, Cormyr and the Dalelands, and Styss.


I'm also hearing that it can be hard to get into the RP server here? How does that work?


Balmung is currently locked. However, there is an active and thriving community on Mateus, which is not locked!


Omega also has an active RP community and might be preferrable if you are in an EU timezone.

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I would say, focus less on a server and more on finding a person or small group who have similar limited times to rp but whose limited times correspond with your limited times. Check out server discords, post in making connections here, dabble in tumblr. Putting money down after finding a group who will celebrate your ability to be online with what limited time you have and understand (perhaps even empathize) will be a much more rewarding feeling than casting about and feeling lost and frustrated.


However, do note that finding people who match all your needs will take some time and energy investment for you (unless you get lucky). There's no rush. Take your time, do it when you have the time, and learn as you go. There are some really phenomenal people here, but as with most things if the social aspect of the game is what really sells it for you, try to find that first.

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