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Lala Dark Knight Gal Looking for Connections

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Hello everyone. I admit that while I'm neither new to the game, nor new to roleplaying, I've never been active on the RPC before. After finding myself with a bit more free time these days, I've been looking to try and find new angles to make more connections, as I've hit a bit of a slump with my roleplaying habits. So I'm hoping you might find it in your heart to reach out to a tiny lady in a big world. 

Rurua Rua is a lalafellian lady with a bit of a rough exterior, though if you're willing to work past those spiky bits upon her armor, you'll find a warm friend that will never leave you in a pinch. She can fit into a lot of plot hooks or jobs if you happen to need some muscle or security, though perhaps her best role is as a drinking companion after a long day of adventuring in the wilderness. She happens to be in between personal story arcs, so feel free to toss me any ideas you may have. While she's never really dated in the past, maybe you can be the one to change that! Not required though, as she is a bit of a bitter taste. 

I live in the PST time zone, but late nights and early mornings are no stranger to me. Message me in-game or on the forums at your pleasure. Hope to meet you soon!

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Well, if she's around Ul'dah and needs some work on those spiky bits of her armor - Chachan is an armorsmith! And he's dealt with gruff customers before, too, so perhaps they could become friends!


... If you don't mind a cheerful pacifist as a buddy, of course. :P

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Hey there! I think I've seen your character around before. If you're looking for connections or would like to get involved in some ongoing plots, I can certainly provide a venue for that! My FC recently retooled itself into an events and communications hub and from within I have my character Wemrys Quintos running a mercenary branch with a bunch of really cool people who are involved ICly. It doesn't require being in the FC either, just that you're willing to RP and you'd like to attend events. Let me know if you're interested and I can throw you a PM with the info!


And to address a less event centered level, I'm always looking for new contacts on Wem as well!

Edited by Wemrys
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