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Well Hi There


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So Uhh.... I've been playing the game, but never really got into the RP side of things... Like at all. So I hear its actually worth doing and a friend pushed me here so...

Im Vhah, still kind of new to roleplay with only a couple years of experience, and with characters both on Bal and Mateo which I hear are the busy ones? I'm a literature and supernatural fan, a bit of a shy person, with a deal of fandoms I do play in but admit I could be better about roleplaying in. I play Wargames, Card Games, Board Games, LARP, and watch pretty much everything from Supernatural to Sons of Anarchy, to Peaky Blinders to ANIME. Past that I am not really sure what to say. So um... Be gentle? I have a couple characters in my mind: Au'Ra Body Modification researcher and a Hyur Roguiesh bard with a knack for flirting and manipulating people to cover his life expenses on Balmung, not sure what Imma do on Mateos yet... Considering a self-concious mercenary who wants to be strong but kinda.. Isnt? Anyways...


  • MMORPG background: WoW
  • RP experience: Limited between fandom roleplays, and some WoW RP. Tend to lean to non-magic themed, usually joke/comedic characters. Sad backstories, some romantic roleplay experience, and of course have never been in an MMORP event.
  • How did you learn about the coalition? Friends who apparently used to RP.
  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Medium/Heavy
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Don't worry too much about being new to RP, we all had to start somewhere. RP is basically a big game of 'let's pretend', which we all used to do as kids. We're not kids anymore, the toys are more sophisticated, but it still comes down to 'let's pretend.'  In this case we're all pretending to be people from and around Eorzea. Just don't go too crazy with your RP you'll fit right in - - - NO half-demon, vampire, illegitimate child of the reigning monarch, with amnesia (yet somehow knows their past), is nearly invulnerable and can shoot fireballs... okay that's a rather extreme example of going too far, but I have seen it before.

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