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Old ffxiv player light role player

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Hello everyone!


I'm an old ffxiv player whose been around on and off since pre a realm reborn. I loved more than anything the closeness and bonds I made playing the original release of ffxiv and I find myself missing that in the day to day of the game nowadays. 


I found this this forum via a simple google search in a hopes to find some like minded players who are more interested in the experience, in the friendships and bonds you create, than in pure stats and dps counters The elitists are so worried about. 


My hopes and goals are to find and join a free company / linkshell dedicated to friendship, and I got to thinking that I might find this amongst the role players of the community. I don't have much role play experience, literally since MySpace, and if you aren't familiar with that, then well shit I'm getting old haha. I'm looking for a light rp group on any server (planning on starting a new character, both game wise and rp wise). 


A couple of things I loved about playing ffxiv that I'm hoping to see. Fun over gains. I understand there is a faster way to do things, but I play this game to have fun. Maybe I want to set up a grind party and roam killing mobs like old school ffxiv and ffxi online. Maybe a crafting party to just hang out and bull shit and craft stuff. A race from one town to the next just for he fun of it. These kinds of things are what I'm hoping to find, simply fun and not a tight structured elite group like most players have turned into these days. 


Bit about myself, I love music and anime and video games. I've played a fair share of mmos. Eve online being the longest running, I played ffxi online and as previously stated I've played xiv off and on for years. Black desert online is a current favorite as well of mine. And too many more to count. I am 26 so a more mature group is preferred for me, I'd like to not worry too much about what I say around people. I am respectful yet rather vulgar at the same time. I live in the north western United States but work graveyard so my time zone is kind of a funny thing. I play a lot more on eu and aus times than my own. 


I will be online generally Thursday nights and mixed mid week times usually 4-8 pm (pst) when I can and I'm not busy. 


If you know of a group or are in one that you think might be a good fit please let me know as I'd love to come hang out and get to know some people from this community. I'm a very active discord user so if anyone wants to chat anytime even not about ffxiv, pm me.



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Hello, and welcome to the community.


Since you said you're making a new character for RP, I can make some suggestions where to start. In NA Balmung is currently closed off, and there is no telling if/when it may have a window open again. Mateus has become the default secondary NA RP server, and has a very active population. Omega is the main EU RP server. Mateus and Omega may become temporarily unavailable during peak hours, just wait till a less congested time and try again. RP can be found on other servers, but the communities are smaller (but hey, sometimes they can make up in quality what they lack in quantity).


Wherever you decide to make your home, hope you enjoy your return to Eorzea.

Edited by Tregarde
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