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New to RP


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Hello all! The name's Val. I'm fairly new to RP, but I'd love to learn. Any tips or tricks you can tell me would be great. I look forward to meeting you all! :D

ETA: I guess I should tell you all who I am in-game XD. 

Main: Valeria Godsent - Miqote RDM (Gilgamesh)
Alts: Manly Manson - Roegadyn DRK (Gilgamesh), Kuhja'to Rabntah - Miqote PLD (Balmung)

Edited by ~Val~
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Hello there, Val! Roleplaying is pretty straightforward, after a bit of practice. Have you read through some of the tips and advice here on the RPC? I'd have to nose around to figure out where they are exactly, but I recall there being some pretty thorough topics on the matter which you might find to be some useful study material. :D Beyond that, though, if you have specific questions, toss 'em out there and I'm sure you'll have a deluge of answers.

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Hai there Val! lovely to meet you!


As Lydia said there are a lot of useful tidbits here on the RPC to help get you started, i would also say that as it also helps a lot to try and take in as much of the quest text and story as you can through the game as you level up and go through the various MSQ quests, side quests and instances out there as you can learn a lot of juicy tidbits from there too that can help you out!


I have a character on Balmung (Von Sayrillont) if you ever want anyone to help show you the ropes, ill be happy to!

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