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@Mateus - Where All the RP At?

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Hello all!  I am fairly new-ish to the game.  I have played before, but never to any great extent because of time constraints between balancing real life with my WoW raiding team.  I simply did not have the spare time to throw another MMO into the mix.  WoW is no longer an issue and I am looking to make Final Fantasy my go-to MMO.  Sadly, I am encountering a great number of problems.  I am hoping someone can direct me on how to alleviate some of these.


1. Balmung is THE RP server, as I understand it.  As we all know, Square has decided to fuck the RP community and force new players to look elsewhere, that elsewhere being Mateus; again, as I understand it.  I'm up to level 20 now and getting ready to leave Limsa Lominsa upon a great airship to lands unknown.  I have seen zero RP out in the world thus far.  Does this even exist on Mateus?


2. Free Companies that have caught my attention have been few and far between; totaling a single company in the past two weeks.  Unfortunately, my character could not be permitted due to her age.  Where all the Mateus RP free companies at?  I'm fairly open in the way of the theme of the FC, as long as it is not criminal in nature.  I'm particularly interested in FCs situated within La Loscea, Limsa Lominsa, and/or the Mists.


3. Not a problem, but a question.  Is this even worth my time?  If I cannot be on Balmung, is this game even worth the effort as a role player?

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Most of them tend to hang out in the Quicksands and random locations. The best way to get in touch with the RP community is also via Discords. Here are two of them and the first is the larger one. There is a ton of roleplay on Mateus, we even have some very large events, just most of them tend to linger on the Discords and less here, don't ask me why, but they do. Hope this helps!






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As Koti already mentioned a lot of Mateus RPers coordinate their stuff through discords. The adventurer's guilds are fairly often filled with RPers, though admittedly I rarely check Limsa's. I avoid the Quicksand, but Gridania's guild is used pretty often. I can't speak for anyone else, obviously, but when my FC roleplays out in the open its usually in various zones to match whatever RP we are doing, so if others are the same part of it may be your zone limitations so far.


Really I came to answer your third question. Everyone has their own experience with things, but Mateus can offer a full and enjoyable RP experience. I left Balmung for Mateus before all the server lockout stuff and I've never once regretted it. A lot of people really enjoy Balmung, and hey that's great. I just never had the greatest experience, so Mateus has been a better fit for me. So point being, don't give up hope. Mateus isn't just the discarded scraps of RPers, it has its own vibrant scene.


I run an RP FC, but most of the time I hate mentioning it because then its assumed I'm only opening my mouth to recruit. I'm going to offer my contact info in case you want some people to RP with or ask more questions, but my point is: don't think I'm just headhunting. 😁 There are more and more people joining Mateus by the day so its just a matter of the community welcoming in people as fast as they can while the status quo shifts to meet needs. Anyway, I'm rambling. Discord is Rook#5193 and in game I'm Garrison Rooker. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything. I've been playing this game so long that I can get bored without helping people out.


Edit: I forgot to mention timing. The patch just dropped so a lot of people are off to slaughter things and get new shiny toys. RP typically dips a little bit right before and after patches.

Edited by Rooker
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12 hours ago, S'hatsuho Kheda said:

3. Not a problem, but a question.  Is this even worth my time?  If I cannot be on Balmung, is this game even worth the effort as a role player?


Yes, it is.


You've had some bad luck so far finding RP, that's all. I've come across RP in all the cities, and even out in the open world. Ul'dah, especially around the Quicksand, is the major RP hotspot, but that also makes it a roll of the dice whether you find good RP. Sometimes RP can be found away from the adventurers' guilds, so don't hesitate to stroll across a town and keep an eye on the chat window. Also look for people with the gold RP symbol by their name, or Free Companies with 'RP' in their name, those are often good indicators that they are at least RP friendly.


For some mysterious reason RP events tend to promote themselves on Discord and not post here, so keep an eye on Discord - there's events almost every day. Not all events will have a huge turn out, but you don't need numbers to find RP. Sometimes it's easier to get involved in the smaller stuff.


Once you've found some RP you like and made a couple friends, it tends to get a lot easier to find more. And if you come across a Tregarde somewhere in Eorzea (three to chose from!) feel free to poke me.

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Thanks for the replies!  This does make me feel quite a bit better.  I didn't want to continue paying a monthly fee for a game that wouldn't be able to give me what I wanted out of it, but I'll keep chugging along and see what happens.  I've also joined both of those Discords now and will dig through their FC sections in due time.

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Can confirm, there is a lot of roleplay in the QS. I haven't been actively rping myself but every time I run through there, usually 7pm PST I see it. Fridays QS is packed. There's not a lot of roleplay being done in Limsa or Grid in comparison to QS; but Balmung never really focused heavily in those areas either. Like most games, you aren't going to see a -great- deal of world roleplay unless it's preplanned by guilds/companies. WoW has their focus mostly in three cities, SWTOR has/had the stations. XIV usually focuses in QS. Oh and there's events in housing too! Be sure to check that out on the discords and sometimes I do see it posted in the party finder.

Edited by Fox
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