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[ Balmung ] Looking for PLOT RP [ Any ]

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Me and my friend are looking for plot rp, a storyline to be involved in, absolutely anything because at the moment there isn't anything fresh (we feel) to really do aha. ;; Looking for action, enemies, friends, absolutely anything. We are both long term rpers, I am a paragraph Rper, they are a semi paragraph rper. Both literate, but we RP with anyone. Deep, complicated plots is what we love to do, and our recent one just ended. 


My character is a doctor, a veteran, a erratic son-of-a-gun well versed in magic. (His tumblr is here! https://lucksblackcat.tumblr.com/ )


My friends char is a detective, is snarky, rarely smiles and is good with a gun. 


If this post comes off as desperate, its because we are. :D Feel free to comment / dm for more info about them!

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I'm a bit sparse on plots atm but I thought I would just offer a suggestion, if that is okay?


While you may find someone with a plot that is looking for victims players, I don't think this is the majority of things out there. What may help is to have some of your own character plots that you can involve others in. That way you are offering something back and others may be interested. These can be quite simple mundane plots because the RP comes from character interactions rather than anything anyone pre-writes.


The trick is to take any threads and opportunities when RPing and pursue them and let them develop. You may need one of you to be somewhat creative and pushy to achieve this though.


So maybe just add a line or two about what your characters are up to. As example but you could write a few. ".. is  a detective and currently trying to solve a case for an employer who is threatening him." , ".. is a doctor who has a patient with a rare condition and needs a specific herb for treatment, a herb he can't get."


Why do I say this? Well, because I have done plots for decades and one thing that does not motivate me to put the work in any more is people just wanting me to provide them with plot, while they bring nothing at all to the exchange. What I will crawl over broken glass for is those who do inject things, who will develop things, no matter how polished at RP they are.


Hope this helps you snag some RP. I'm always up for some random stuff if you are desperate ;)

Edited by Nebbs
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Not a problem!!


I'll beef it out with what we are doing so far;


Raxus, my char and the doctor, has been investigating the shroud on walks in an attempt to literally get out of the house more -- and in doing such he stumbled across a corpse with its head shorn completely off, jagged tendons and broken pipes replacing the skulls position. In some (mild) alarm he called Jinan, a personal detective and a crime scene investigator to come take a peak at what had transpired. It took them but two days to find another body, adjacent from the first. Somewhat baffled and relatively new to the Shroud area as a whole, Rax and Jinan are planning to take the law into their own hands and investigate the crime with no interference from authorial figures. 


I cannot speak for my friend obviously, but what you will get from me as an Rper in YOUR story;


Someone who will develop prompts without needing a nudge; someone who has the intuition to point out and add to plotlines without having things spelt out. This may mean your plot will deviate a tad because I strictly adhere to how my character acts and wont change it for the sake of a story, but at least it keeps things fresh. My char isn't an idiot, and will bring to the table his own skills without being asked or expected to either out-rightly or in secret. My character is unpredictable by nature and if he feels like something is wrong / your chars ideas are stupid he will not hesitate to point them out; meaning if your char says 'hey lets go into this cave!!' to progress a plot line he will not simply just wander in without pointing out the damn dangers and such before hand. That isn't in his nature. Critical thinking is a must when it comes to plotting, especially long term (for me at least).


Damn it Rpers, hes a doctor not a WoL on a suicide mission! 


At any rate, if you want to discuss anything in DM's @Nebbs I'm game!


I hope this helps people.

Edited by rookie
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I give you extra internets for the Star Track reference!


(*wonders* are internets a thing now? maybe the "kids" have moved on and they deal in some new cred currency like .. who knows.. monkey forks?)

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