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Player-made Emotes

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Would it add a lot to the game? Of course. Will they ever add it? The 8-ball says no xD


More or less because I'm sure someone would find a way to troll people with it, and it would just get half the community upset and half the community backing it. Lord knows how much time and resources it would take just to have people fighting over it.


It's a lot harder to trust a game when thousands of the most complicated and complex species are playing it <_<"

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Would it add a lot to the game? Of course. Will they ever add it? The 8-ball says no xD


More or less because I'm sure someone would find a way to troll people with it, and it would just get half the community upset and half the community backing it. Lord knows how much time and resources it would take just to have people fighting over it.


It's a lot harder to trust a game when thousands of the most complicated and complex species are playing it <_<"

I guess that's true, i know they would never make it.. but the idea is pleasant to me =)

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@Anzil - in 1.0 you could do it by adding "motion" to the end of your emote.  Like, "/laugh motion"  I haven't tried it in beta yet.


As for player made emotes, even if Square WERE to implement a system for player made emotes (which I don't think they ever will) the vast majority of them wouldn't look very good.  Animation is really freakin' hard, and character animation even harder.  And if they added some kinds of tools to assist in the creation, they'd all come out looking the same.


So it'd just be like having the premade emotes.


I mean, *I'D* use the hell out of a feature like that, but I don't think it's a good idea.

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@Anzil - in 1.0 you could do it by adding "motion" to the end of your emote.  Like, "/laugh motion"  I haven't tried it in beta yet.


Confirming that this works in beta (at least in phase 3) and registers for quests and such where emoting at a particular NPC is needed to progress with the quest.

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Not to burst anyone's bubble. But this will never happen. For numerous reasons, but the biggest one being PS3 limitations. Simply cannot process a bunch of character's custom animations etc.


Not to mention it'd be abused far more than it would benefit even if it could make it in. So I'd rather not see it lol.

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