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Pretending I'm New


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Back in 2016 I decided to give FFXIV a whirl, as my old introduction thread can attest to. It turns out I didn't stick around too long, but long enough to make an account here. Well, after fourteen or so years WoW has finally lost the near-iron grip it once had over me and after mucking about on FFXIV for a good two-three months now it's safe to say I'm here for the duration. Seeing as I didn't make it past 30 last time I still very much consider myself a 'newbie' to this whole thing.


Yep, another WoWfugee. As if Ul'dah didn't already have issues.


Somehow I found myself on Balmung, presumably before the quarantine was enforced it ended up closed. With that dashing sprout next to my name I will say I'm a little conscious of being a newbie on a place with a distinct lack of them. How much of an impact that will have I don't know but I'm optimistic. I've considered having a look at Mateus since I imagine it's quite bustling with fellow newcomers, but I've also been told that most people will just try to transfer Balmung when it opens up anyway and the effort would be redundant. Decisions, decisions eh? Most likely I'll end up recreating my character on Mateus for roleplay purposes.


Anyway, I'm rambling. What am I actually here to roleplay? That's a loaded question that I'm still figuring out. I love the Highlander models and bin frum t' Norf o' England I can't help but feel some kinship whenever an Ala'mhigan NPC opens their mouth. On the other hand I also love the lore and aesthetics of the Dark Knight. As somebody who typically puts all of their effort into the one character and avoids alts that's lead to some difficult questions. Right now I'm weighing up my choices between said Highlander adventurer (original I know) or being an absolutely obnoxious snowflake and taking advantage of some old(ish) OC art on my avatar to represent a... sigh, Half-Elezen. Hold the groans. 


Either way I'm looking forward to getting started... again.


Edited by Calixis
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Welcome back! Or, re-welcome to the game! Despite having been considered a congest server on and off (mostly on) since the datacenter move, Balmung does actually have a number of sprouts and returner flowers. I don't think you have anything to worry about on that regard. But even if that were the case, people leveling alt classes/jobs or the datacenter would provide through the duty finder to help you progress through everything! (And there're plenty of non-RP related players and free companies doing their thing on Balmung too. ...like the one I'm in, as an example.)


Mateus is also hitting that point of locking on and off and we're not entirely sure if it'll get a formal congested status, but I also wouldn't rule it out. (Unless SE unlocks all the NA and EU servers once they get their datacenter reorganizations completed in April. 



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Welcome back! As others have stated above, you might not have to recreate a character on Mateus, since we should be able to move between worlds once the data servers are rearranged.


And I also see plenty of sprouts and flowers still around on Balmung. So don't worry about being the only new(ish) guy around. 


Looking forward to seeing you around!

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