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 Hi there all! I recently had my first RP experience where a few other people asked for my character's age. I was thrown for a loop for a minute! As a new RPer, I didn't really give thought on choosing my character's age or birth day (seemed irrelevant tbh). I figured the way one writes one's character helped decide if they were more mature or immature. 


 In any case, I chose to write my character as someone young enough to be easily fooled / teased without having decided upon an age. That is until I was put on the spot. The other people I was RPing with had characters in their early to mid twenties, all seeming very mature. On the spot, I decided that my character was going to be 17. I figured it was an age that melds well with my characters naivety, but also old enough where certain topics of discussion wouldn't be avoided. Thankfully for the most part, it worked out well although I did have some reservations. (The people I RP'd with were kind and had nothing negative to say when I told them my character's age).


The thing that is bugging me now-- is 17 too young? As a 25 year old IRL I have no problem talking about mature themes, however given the age I chose for my character would other RPers be hesitant to RP with me? Full disclosure, I am not looking to ERP or have any romantic relationships at all with this character. So that helps take away my fears of putting my character and other people in awkward situations. Still, I find myself wondering if I made a bad decision by making her younger. Can anyone help give some advice or share their experiences on RPing as a young character or RPing with them? 


Thanks for reading~

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Generally I've found in the past that writers might avoid characters below the age of 18, if only for personal preference or comfort. I would suggest just bumping your characters age up by a year if you'd like to further avoid any awkwardness, but 17 is also fine for most people! 

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20 hours ago, crrpt said:



Generally I've found in the past that writers might avoid characters below the age of 18, if only for personal preference or comfort. I would suggest just bumping your characters age up by a year if you'd like to further avoid any awkwardness, but 17 is also fine for most people! 


Heya Crrpt, 


 I would bump her to age 18 but for some reason it seems cliche to me? I don't know why! I wonder also, if anyone can share info on what age is considered adult in Eorzea? 

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Depends on what you consider as "adult"


Today people are considered adults at 18, but I wouldn't trust an 18yr old to do most adult like things, such as successfully buying a car, getting quotes on different insurances, things like that.


If you're wanting them to be technically classified as an adult then yup I'd say 18 is right on the money. If you want them to be a more "worldly" adult then I'd shoot for someone in their mid 20s.  So its all really up to you in how you feel about your character or what you're hoping to accomplish with her.

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I've also debated with this topic myself. I also want to roleplay a rather young character who is a little on the naive side. I'm also having concerns about her age.

Personally, I feel since this takes place in a somewhat medieval fantasy world, 17 sounds adequate. I would say you would be considered "adult enough" at age 16 (sometimes even 15).

On that topic, does anyone have lore info on the enlistment age for the warriors that fought in the Calamity? I'd imagine they recruited all kinds of ages back then, but maybe we're getting into too realistic details...?

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