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ESO/WoW refugee, RP Server?

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Balmung and Mateus are the two biggest RP servers. Balmung is almost always listed as congested these days, however, but I'm told you can still slip a new character onto Mateus during the early hours of the morning EST/PST (before NA players wake up). Alternatively, you can place your character on any of the smaller servers within the Crystal Data Center (like coeurl or goblin for example) and then use the new World Visit system to get onto Balmung or Mateus for RP. Hope this helps!

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Hello! The RPC has no bearing on the official FFXIV servers. We're a player-run, player-maintained, and player-funded resource for roleplayers on FFXIV.


Balmung is currently back to being marked as a congested world, which means character creation and character transfers in are restricted.


Mateus on the other had has character creation restricted because it has a high number of consistently logged in characters, but as a standard world, should still allow paid transfers in, should you want it to be your homeworld. 


You can find the current status of a world on the lodestone.



However! There are several options for RP! FFXIV has a World-Visit system in place that allows you to temporarily transfer your character to another world, as long as they share the same datacenter. You could make a character on another server in the Crystal datacenter (Brynhildr, Couerl, Diabolos, Goblin, Malboro, Zalera) and then world visit to Balmung or Mateus. There are some restrictions, mostly related to linkshells, free companies, and retainer access. 


Alternatively, there are budding RP communities on other worlds as well. Jenova and Hyperion have been working towards building sustainable RP on their worlds. The RPC's Clubs, Linkshell Hall, and Free Company Hall sections also has filters for not-Balmung/Mateus worlds to assist in finding groups on other servers.

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Thanks, all. I ended up on Goblin, visiting Balmung now.. Shame I can't join a Free Company though.. Now all I need is to get a keyboard once again, because typing on the Ps4 is terrible. 

Oh! How does OOC and actions work in this game? Is it the standard (Out of Character), *input action here* ?

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Also, what do all the differenct acronyms before RP stand for in this community? I am assuming genre or style of RP, if so, is there one for more mature (not erotic) Players? To each their own, I do not judge, but I would rather RP with people who DON'T try to imitate their favorite anime.. Final Fantasy 14 has such a cool ambiance to it, like the Imperial themes, just the general bad*ssery that has been influenced by real world culture... samurai are pretty cool if done properly...Lmfao, if anything what are those acronyms

Edited by GravelordInuart
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12 hours ago, GravelordInuart said:

Thanks, all. I ended up on Goblin, visiting Balmung now.. Shame I can't join a Free Company though.. Now all I need is to get a keyboard once again, because typing on the Ps4 is terrible. 

Oh! How does OOC and actions work in this game? Is it the standard (Out of Character), *input action here* ?

FFXIV's chat system contains a few text modes. Most people operate out of /say and /emote (/em for short) for their RP, as a lot of spammers make use of the /yell (mid-ranged) and /shout (zone-wide) channels. Some players do still use those for public RP, however, so it's good to have them on a text log just in case. (But perhaps not the main ones you use for RP. The game allows up to 4 and you can customize them all, even ones with hardcoded name like battle).


For the most part though, still to /say and /em for common stuff. I don't typically see *does action* because the /em handles this type of stuff. Some players also do or do not use quotes for all typed speech. (Out of character) or ((out of character)) are both common. 


So an an example, you could start a post like so:
/s "Hello!" He waived over to the newcomer.

/em waved over to the newcomer. "Hello!"



12 hours ago, GravelordInuart said:

Also, what do all the differenct acronyms before RP stand for in this community? I am assuming genre or style of RP, if so, is there one for more mature (not erotic) Players? To each their own, I do not judge, but I would rather RP with people who DON'T try to imitate their favorite anime.. Final Fantasy 14 has such a cool ambiance to it, like the Imperial themes, just the general bad*ssery that has been influenced by real world culture... samurai are pretty cool if done properly...Lmfao, if anything what are those acronyms


These are largely inconsistently used, aside from maybe ERP, which is your standard "contains NSFW content of sexual nature, focussed on that content." Other common acronyms are "MRP" for "mature RP," but this can simply mean themes beyond a PG/PG-13 audience, violence, or any other 18+ adult themes. I haven't seen anyone use an acronym to denote a specific theme, outside of ERP. For many, their character search info in game will instead contain like a one-liner bio or hook for their character, and some may include "walkups welcome" or the like to denote that they're cool with open-world RP instead of more private channels like a linkshell or party.


In an OOC sense, you'll want to get acquainted with the english class and job acronyms. The game will reference them as well in the UI, like on the character screen. These do change per language and are not universal. (But most players in the NA servers and most in the EU probably have the client in English and will know them). These include things like SAM for Samura, AST for Astrologian, ARC for Archer, ACN for Arcanist, etc.


Gamerescape also had a good reference of common terms and how they may be used in FFXIV.



In terms of lore resources, there are a number of posts here on the RPC, but if you try getting to them from a search engine, you'll almost assuredly be given a link from out old site that was replaced early 2018. (Links were allowed until 2019 in a logged-out maintenance mode, and the server itself has now been decommissioned for general use as it's got security holes and cpu usage spikes galore). Many of those posts were written by Sounsyy, who keeps a lore archive over on tumblr.




A couple posts you may like to skim (the fomatting of these may not be great as these were converted from another forum software and are being migrated to tumblr when Sounsyy has time):

Units of Time and Measurement (Eorzea basically uses Imperial units, so if you're from the US, things should transfer easily).

What year is it in-game

- Class and Job lore
Geography of Hydaelyn
Towns present in Eorzea
Political Structures in Eorzea

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