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Hey all! I have actually been on this site before but I finally got onto Balmung! I am an Aussie and on the Elemental data centre I have finished MSQ + have been levelling other jobs etc, however I am currently re-levelling on Balmung. I have RP experience in WOW +TableTops and will probs be on my Balmung character whenever my FC isn't online the elemental Data Centre.

Hope to see you all in game, keep and Eye out I am always open to RP if I am not actively doing something else!

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Will do!!! Right now my main goal is just to get to GCs and then maybe powerlevel ARR! The farthest i've ever gotten in the game was the end of ARR, never got to play Heavensward or beyond. But an RP event sounds fun! It's probably not going to be a lore thing for her but I always wanted to try Marauder so that's what I did ❤️

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Makes perfect sense! I've always found RP more enjoyable but that's coming from a girl who's played WoW for too long XD

The story here is actually super good! But I get why you'd want to take a break from it for a bit! ❤️

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Yeah! I am about to get back to levelling I just went to the pub night that Faye put on :D but I think I am gonna head back to levelling now, but for sure feel free to contact me whenever and stuff, I hope to see you out and about even on my weird timezone XD

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For sure, feel free to add my character ^_^ I have a few RP friends now and I try to hop on during the weekends, whether it only be Sunday or sometimes Sunday and Saturday it depends. also feel free to message me here. using the message system

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