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Warriors of Light

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No one knew they had it in 1.0 until you got far enough into the story to have it explained to you what it was. As far as the part you're not clear on...



You basically have flashes where you see events from the past, or rather you exist during events of the past because there were times where people in those memories would interact with you like you were really there. Think of it as being able to time travel briefly through other peoples flashbacks.


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Oohhh so kinda like a mixture of



psychosomatics and psychic imagery? Where in you can sometimes sense, feel/experience, and see what happened at pivotal moments in their lives?



That could be pretty cool in RP... esp if you were dealing with non-PC's or those PC's RPing without the Echo.


Also sounds like either the person was 'born' with it or it just became part of them, totally unawares. No... bolt of lightning or shower of sparklies... or a massive onslaught of kupos wanting to hug you...



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Well said; you've elaborated a lot of what I feel about this whole thing as well.


In the end, as far as I'm concerned:


1) The whole "Warriors of Light" thing is an easy out taken by SE so that they don't have to write two sets of dialog for most of the content in the game. They can establish that, as a 1.0 character, you've been "forgotten," and therefore everyone in Eorzea will speak to you as though you're a brand-new adventurer with the same dialog as everyone else (with a few token exceptions). This feels more like a concession to project schedule/budget realities than anything else, and I doubt that SE even really considered what implications that might have for established RP (nor can I necessarily blame them).


2) If we're all to assume that everyone who was teleported was forgotten (in one way or another) by everyone who stayed behind, that potentially ruins so much of the RP interaction that happened during 1.0 for many of us that those people would be left feeling like SE is forcibly throwing their entire IC history in the garbage and leaving them to start over from square one. Understandably, not everyone is OK with that, leaving them to find some workaround for the memory loss thing, or simply to disregard it entirely.


Some players may be totally willing to accept the memory loss and all of the consequences that come with it, and I am absolutely in support of that. However, I am not one of those people. Official lore or not, if it were to come down to having to essentially retcon every memory my character has of time-warped characters (and thus invalidate a whole lot of what I did in 1.0), I'd probably just rather quit RP entirely.

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Some players may be totally willing to accept the memory loss and all of the consequences that come with it, and I am absolutely in support of that. However, I am not one of those people. Official lore or not, if it were to come down to having to essentially retcon every memory my character has of time-warped characters (and thus invalidate a whole lot of what I did in 1.0), I'd probably just rather quit RP entirely.


While I totally understand the frustration, I think attempting to ICly find a way around the memory loss is a far more interesting path for RP than simply ignoring it. In fact, I think the whole thing sets up for some really good RP as your character attempts to find their place in a world that doesn't remember who they are - perhaps even trying to re-befriend their past friends and family in a desperate attempt to get them to remember them.

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I've thought about creating a different character, like a con-artist, who claims he is a WoL, too, but wasn't. He may be found out or not, but really, he isn't "bad" in that while he does use it for advantage, he does go out and save people currently (maybe inadvertently). I am still toying with that idea....although OOCly, I probably am "ruining" it by "blabbing" about it.


So.... Hydaelyn Booster Gold? :lol:


That's as good an explanation as any, although I'd probably go with "lovable rogue" in there, even though Booster can be lovable and a "hero" when it comes down to it.



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One thing I'd like to point out, at least in regards to how SE went about handling character transfers from 1.0 to 2.0, is that technically FFXIV: ARR is a brand new game, not JUST a reboot of an old game. It's no different than say the remakes of the classic Final Fantasy games, or the sequels like FFXIII-2 or even FFX-2. In none of those games were you allowed to say "Hey, I already played this game. I should be able to keep my old stuff." Well... maybe in FFXIII-2 since I never played it, but I know in the remakes and in FFX-2 you started fresh.


They did something that allowed them to import character data from the previous version of the game while still allowing them to keep those characters relevant to the updated lore. Does it feel a little cheap? Maybe, but can you imagine how much longer we'd be waiting for the game to come out if they had to write two entirely different storylines with two entirely different sets of quests for people who were in 1.0 and people starting fresh in 2.0? Could you imagine the outcry they would get from that?


You have to keep in mind as a demographic, we as roleplayers are somewhat insignificant. If they catered primarily to us they'd be catering to a small percent of their target market. The way I see things, they didn't come up with a storyline that throws all your RP from 1.0 into the garbage. They provided you a challenge to find a way around as not just RPers, but as writers. Sure, you could simply dismiss the whole thing and go about your life like it never happened, but in my opinion that only means you gave up on a challenge when other people are willing to roll with it and write their stories with the Lore SE provided.


Honestly, I think the target of making everyone forget the 1.0 players in the story was so that whether you're just now starting, or you've been playing since the game launched in 2010, everyone starts with a sort of clean slate which means it's easier to believe everyone is on a level playing field come end game. The story of FFXIV is over, it's time to become the heroes of A Realm Reborn, not grumpy old vets talking about the glory days before Dalamud fell from the sky.

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Oohhh so kinda like a mixture of


psychosomatics and psychic imagery? Where in you can sometimes sense, feel/experience, and see what happened at pivotal moments in their lives?



...as Minfilia explains it, the perspective can change, and you can sometimes see things that the person you're "Echoing" wasn't able to (and that actually happens once in the main scenario quests around level 16 or so). You can even sometimes interact with people in the memory, but you can't actually change anything, nor would those people recall that you'd done so.


Also, the Echo seems entirely out of the PC's control.





There's a cutscene after a quest at around level 7 where you "formally" get the Echo; the Crystal of Hydaelyn comes to you in a vision and makes you one of its chosen. You also see as part of that cutscene that there are thousands of others like you. It's strongly suggested in that same quest dialogue, though never outright stated, that possession of the Echo is required to see Moogles as well.



Also sounds like either the person was 'born' with it or it just became part of them, totally unawares. No... bolt of lightning or shower of sparklies... or a massive onslaught of kupos wanting to hug you...



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They've been a bit confusing on the subject of moogles as of late, honestly. In XIV, Moogles are an ancient race that has been around for a very, very long time. They've almost exclusively made their home in the Twelveswood, and lived alongside the elementals.


As such, they're very in tune with the happenings of Gridania and the shroud, and that had been their focus for the longest of times. Now, in 1.0, everyone could see moogles. It was only those with the Echo (and the Padjali), however, that could understand Mooglespeak - their language.


Now, I do remember it being mentioned in the new opening that moogles can't be seen by just anyone, which sort of throws a wrench in what they've previously established. It also seems to contradict the lore behind the mailing system. Canonically, the moogles started delivering mail after the calamity because linkpearls had temporarily lost all function. No one had any means of communications, and the moogles stepped up to fill that need. Eventually, some realized it was their true calling and they kept at it.


The moogles even went so far as to jokingly say they were sick and tired of hearing everyone yell at eachother in order to relay messages, so they started the mail system. Anyways, point being, mail moogles seem to be commonplace for all Eorzeans. It'd be a bit strange if mail was handed off to you by some invisible force every now and again.


Which brings me to my speculation.



We've seen moogles to have a variety of powers and magical capabilities. I mean, they're moogles after all. I wouldn't be surprised if moogles possessed the ability to make themselves invisible at will to the naked eye - or rather, the naked eye of most people. Perhaps those with the echo are able to see the moogles when they are choosing to remain hidden, due in part to their unique connection to the mother crystal / aether.


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