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RP in combat


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As someone new to rping in an MMO setting, I came up with a question. As you can probably guess by the title, I'm curious how rping in combat works. Cooldowns (and combat in general) in ARR don't last long enough for me to be able to really type anything. Maybe I'm overlooking something or we just don't verbally rp in combat. Now I'm not asking if we type short stories to ask for heals or anything, don't get me wrong.

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For combat against anything besides another player, I just sort of do the action. It's been seen (hopefully beyond the bright effects) and it may be a little redundant to type it out. Although I'd really like to meet someone who can type out a battle emote within the 2.5 global cool down O.o!


As for combat against other players, that's a little trickier. They're going to implement PvP (in v2.1 I think?) and I can only assume they'll be an option to duel against another person. In that case, I suppose again you wouldn't really have to type anything out, the action is being seen.


If it's more of a bar fight type deal or heated argument, /em punching and the like would probably be better suited. When I /em a fight (this is just my opinion and style!) I tend to say something like "Scarlet Willow goes to punch so-and-so" although I don't emote the hit, giving the other person the option of whether or not their character dodged or got hit in the face by a Roegadyn fist o' pain.


Hope I answered your question correctly! And these are just my opinions~ taking from what I've done in other MMOs

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Macros, my friend; macros.


Just don't abuse them, or they'll tick people off.


Generally I don't try to RP during battles that require precision. Like you said, there's just not enough time. If it's something that's easy, and I don't have to play perfectly to survive... well then you can miss a GCD here and there.

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Back in the EQ1 days, it was pretty normal to build macros that associated IC text (or even OOC text!) with what you were doing if it were something "outside the norm" or that required notifying other players. For instance, a healer wouldn't do this for their heals, but they might for a resurrection. A crowd controller might do it for their CC skill, just to make sure people know what's being CC'ed. That style seems to have gone by the wayside as MMO combat has gotten faster. I still think there might be a place for emotes along with Raise and Sleep/Repose, but that'd be up to personal preference. You definitely don't want to macro emotes to your primary skills. :)


Historical notes aside, I don't think most people RP in the middle of a combat, except to throw out quick notices that are both IC and OOC -- "Incoming!" "Take out the fetter!" "Watch the lava!" "Healer under fire!" and the like. This isn't much different from what people who aren't RPing do, though. From an RP standpoint, the assumption is that what happens on your screen is what the character actually does; casting a spell is casting a spell, which involves manipulation of Aether, probably speaking magic words, and the like.


If you're asking about combat with other players, we could do a whole thread on that. :) People have lots of opinions on how to do that, ranging from duels to emote fights to dice or level-based resolvers.

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Historical notes aside, I don't think most people RP in the middle of a combat, except to throw out quick notices that are both IC and OOC -- "Incoming!" "Take out the fetter!" "Watch the lava!" "Healer under fire!" and the like. This isn't much different from what people who aren't RPing do, though. From an RP standpoint, the assumption is that what happens on your screen is what the character actually does; casting a spell is casting a spell, which involves manipulation of Aether, probably speaking magic words, and the like.


Thank all of you for the quick replies. I was more thinking like dungeon scenarios and, for some reason, macros slipped my mind. I suppose I'll be typing up some ic dialog that amounts to "Hey, need some heals" and stuff like that. Don't know why Macros slipped my mind.

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Well, realistically, most people wouldn't be talking much during fights anyway, unless it was to trash talk, or communicate important information between each other. It's between the fights that you might have little talks, while not letting them delve into Shakespearean monologues, because in the heart of a dungeon you want to keep the action and adrenaline flowing :P

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There are multiple ways to handle combat in RP, and what you use depends entirely on what you feel is appropriate to the scene and what all the players OOCly can agree upon.


1. Text-based combat.


The upside of this manner of combat RP is that you can get really awesomely creative when it comes to the kinds of moves your character can pull out - and the kinds of reactions when getting hit. It allows for characters to fight in manners that aren't necessarily supported by the generally restrictive mechanisms of gameplay, and it allows for players to ignore level differences. The downside is that text-based combat can take quite a long time, depending on how fast people are at typing.


2. Rolls, the RNG combat


This can combine with the above text-based combat for a more unpredictable flow to the fighting. Whether your character lands an attack or avoids one from an opponent is left up to the RNG of a /roll, rather than putting trust in another roleplayer's ability to convincingly fight. Modifiers based on a character's acumen or handicaps can help balance things. A roll system can be useful for RPers who aren't familiar with each other.


3. PvP


Many roleplayers subscribe to a roleplay style that hinges heavily on their characters actual, in-game ability (levels, gear, OOC player skill, etc). For them, RP combat tends to be done via duels or other forms of PvP if available (such as GvGs or deathmatches). This style of combat certainly benefits from taking less time than the above two, and many find it more engaging. On the downside, it leaves lower level RP-only alts out in the dry when it comes to going up against a higher level character, through potentially no fault of the character's own.


All of these combat techniques are completely valid, and I've made use of each of them at various points in my many years of RPing. The trick is to discuss OOCly with those involved what kinds of rules they want to lay down regarding the combat (especially important: is the person okay OOCly with grievous wounds or even death; if they aren't, you must respect that in your RP). Communication OOCly is just as important as IC interactions when it comes to any kind of RP, but especially for RP combat. Lots of opportunities for toes to get stepped on, so play it cautious, but above all: have fun!


[edit] I think I totally missed what the OP was getting at.... oh well.

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Macros, my friend; macros.


Just don't abuse them, or they'll tick people off.


Yes, please don't macro a paragraph to each skill you use. I remember this often in FFXI. It's cool the first time, but then kinda gets old quickly to see the same saying over and over. :frustrated:

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Yes, please don't macro a paragraph to each skill you use. I remember this often in FFXI. It's cool the first time, but then kinda gets old quickly to see the same saying over and over. :frustrated:


Ha! Oh no, never. I wouldn't do that to people. I'm talking quick, easy macros just to (basically) be alerts. An example I used earlier being, basically, "I need heals".

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Yes, please don't macro a paragraph to each skill you use. I remember this often in FFXI. It's cool the first time, but then kinda gets old quickly to see the same saying over and over. :frustrated:


Ha! Oh no, never. I wouldn't do that to people. I'm talking quick, easy macros just to (basically) be alerts. An example I used earlier being, basically, "I need heals".


I'd be careful with that one. I play a healer often, and I'm not going to lie... but people going "I need heals!" ticks me off. I know you need heals, I do, I promise; all I do is stare a little health bars! If you haven't gotten healed, there's a reason for it.


Adds and Threat warnings are useful though, as are group affecting cool down usage warnings.

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1. Text-based combat.


The upside of this manner of combat RP is that you can get really awesomely creative when it comes to the kinds of moves your character can pull out - and the kinds of reactions when getting hit. It allows for characters to fight in manners that aren't necessarily supported by the generally restrictive mechanisms of gameplay, and it allows for players to ignore level differences. The downside is that text-based combat can take quite a long time, depending on how fast people are at typing.

It also depends entirely on imagination (which is also true of #2 on your list), completely ignoring the medium that is the actual game. Personally, I have a hard time with this as you may as well be playing a MUD if you go this route, but on the other hand it's not necessarily fair if you just have a ton more playtime than someone else and just win by default, right?


But this is why I don't bother with RPing PvP. Too many headaches involved, and oftentimes egos get in the way of an interesting result as well.

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Heh, I suppose. When you've developed a rapport with a group of roleplayers, though, it can be liberating, though I've also successfully text fought with roll-deciders with roleplayers I didn't have as much experience interacting with.


I've never shied away from losing any type of conflict in RP, though, so perhaps my own personality lends itself well to such methods of roleplay. I'm perfectly fine with taking a hit or twenty, or whathaveyou, should my character get herself in over her head.

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Heh, I suppose. When you've developed a rapport with a group of roleplayers, though, it can be liberating, though I've also successfully text fought with roll-deciders with roleplayers I didn't have as much experience interacting with.


I've never shied away from losing any type of conflict in RP, though, so perhaps my own personality lends itself well to such methods of roleplay. I'm perfectly fine with taking a hit or twenty, or whathaveyou, should my character get herself in over her head.

I'm much more well versed in forum rping, so yeah. I can actually contribute for once. I know exactly what Zyrusticae means, though. I've been on sites where staff had to step in because a player wouldn't admit that their character had taken a hit. Hell, I've seen people just drop a thread (and subsequently treat it as though it never happened) because they were losing. Like you said, it comes to the player personality. If my character was hit, I'm happy to admit it. But there are tons of people who won't, hence why I tend to refrain from text-based PvP if possible. At least in a duel in-game, there is no "BUT I DODGED!" unless the character actually dodges.

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