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Greetings and Salutations!

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Hallo, everyone!  This makes my fourth attempt to writ this....we'll see how far I get.  I'm Esper, a nickname I've been using since I was eight (years before the release of Final Fantasy VI....yes, I'm showing my age here).


I've been playing MMO's since 2001, starting with Internation Ragnarok Online (almost 4 years), and from there I've played or tried out Star Wars Galaxies (1.5 years), Lineage ][ (2 years) Guild Wars (off and on for six years), World of WarCraft (on and off for 7 years), City of Heroes/Villains (On and off for 3 years), Rift (started couple of months before f2p), Age of Conan (tried), Final Fantasy XI (on and off for four years), Rapplez (tried), Scarlet Blade (tried....got tired of it in the first week), Dark Ages of Camelot (1 year), and perhaps one or two others I might be forgetting.  In nearly every one I've found ways to RP with other individuals, and had a blast with most of them.


I started with Final Fantasy IV (released as Final Fantasy II in the U.S.) wa~~ay back in the early 1990's, and have played all the majour titles save for XIII and its sequels, as well as a couple of the off-shoot Final Fantasy games over the years.  Going back further, my gaming started with The Legend of Zelda for the NES (yes, the gold cartridge), as well as its sequel, and slowly branched out from these, especially on the SNES.


I plan on playing a Hyur Highlander named Kiana Highwind who is a defector from the Garlean Empire after the Battle of Carteneau (thank you Merri for information!!!).  She is primarily a lancer (yes, I know that lancers get the Dragoon job, which is an OOC aspiration, but ICly she will always be just a lancer), and am hoping to dip into a couple of the other Disciples of War, most notably Archer and Gladiator to who her training as a soldier.  Probably will also take some levels in Puglist, as well.  Not sure how many different classes we can level up at the moment.


...sorry for rambling.  I'll run away for now!

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Hello and welcome~! /octopus latches - No running away~ we're friendly! In all seriousness though, welcome C: I'm really digging your character concept and I can't wait to see her unfold! If you've got any other questions about anything, feel free to ask~ Hope to see you in game C:


Also don't do the highlander /joy emote it is very unsightly and totally isn't cute /side eyes Abai

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Hehe.  Thank you everyone.  I'll admit, I can be horrible about forums, and shy about starting up RP in-game, but over the years, I've watched many RPer's form small cliques and refuse to RP outside those select individuals.  I'm hoping FF X|V breaks that mold!

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If you're referring to my username: no.  Esper is a nickname I have, and I love cats, so esperkitty.


Kiana Highwind is the merging of two of my favourite Final Fantasy characters: Kain from FF IV, and Cid highwind from FF VII.  Truth be told, I have a lot of favourites...  =>.>=

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Hehe.  Thank you everyone.  I'll admit, I can be horrible about forums, and shy about starting up RP in-game, but over the years, I've watched many RPer's form small cliques and refuse to RP outside those select individuals.  I'm hoping FF X|V breaks that mold!


I can honestly say I have seen everyone RP witeveryone!! But we are also all addicts!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey greetings and welcome to the RPC!


Love the idea of a defector!


As a fellow long time FF player it is good to see another.  I started with FF1 on the nes rocking the whm blk rdm ftr party!  My all time fav game is Zelda a Link to the Past for SNES and I still have my NES hooked up with my gold Zelda cartridge.


 I am very happy to have a fellow RPG FF and NES / Zelda vet here!



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